[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Thank you for the build, its very easy to play and handles all manners of content easily.

It was also surprisingly cheap to start, I got lucky tonight and was able to exalt slam 12% INT onto my chest with a Crusader Orb;

Now I will save up for a Hunters Orb and try again on some good Hubris Circlets I have. The other thing I like is I can use my favorite cyclone boots with the Mystic Talents annointment and not lose out on many overall stats;

JCOH35 님이 작성:
Thank you for the build, its very easy to play and handles all manners of content easily.

It was also surprisingly cheap to start, I got lucky tonight and was able to exalt slam 12% INT onto my chest with a Crusader Orb;

Now I will save up for a Hunters Orb and try again on some good Hubris Circlets I have. The other thing I like is I can use my favorite cyclone boots with the Mystic Talents annointment and not lose out on many overall stats;

Fancy seeing you here lol

Wanted to use those boots with tranquility anointment but the Res ony current boots let's me stack all three at 89% for wise oak defensiveness
crazypearce#3760 님이 2020. 4. 1. 오후 11:25:12에 마지막으로 편집
These flasks are pretty much essential right? So should I just deal with getting frozen sometimes or is there a way to get freeze immunity?

TheChosenOne_#3026 님이 2020. 4. 2. 오전 12:06:50에 마지막으로 편집
Hello Crazy, ya I noticed you in here aswell but didnt want to bother anyone, been trying to get some play time in.

Between the rocky start of the league and the real life drama my play time has been down. This builds nice though, its as easy as the old pre-nerf necromancer was.

I doubt ill go too crazy this league, probally just going to work on awakened gems and either an ES on Hit or clarity/ES watchers eye.

Im already at 2.5k INT with barely a week on this character.
JCOH35 님이 작성:
Hello Crazy, ya I noticed you in here aswell but didnt want to bother anyone, been trying to get some play time in.

Between the rocky start of the league and the real life drama my play time has been down. This builds nice though, its as easy as the old pre-nerf necromancer was.

I doubt ill go too crazy this league, probally just going to work on awakened gems and either an ES on Hit or clarity/ES watchers eye.

Im already at 2.5k INT with barely a week on this character.

ya i recommended this to a few people who were struggling. the leech is as good as old necro and if you add an ES on hit watcher's eye it's twice as powerful. dmg isn't quite as good but it's satisfying being able to just hold cyclone and worry about nothing
cradzilla 님이 작성:
its not like youre wanting for coverage with icestorm. id have thought fortify corrupt would be better for the phsy dmg from hits reduction since one shots are the only thing that really kills the build

Except you cannot get fortify corruption on staffs.
Hello, this build is looking really good, ill prob try it soon. Just got 1 question.

How many exalts do u think i will need to spend to safe run t14-16 maps (not the juiced up ones) ?
Abraxas1991 님이 작성:
Hello, this build is looking really good, ill prob try it soon. Just got 1 question.

How many exalts do u think i will need to spend to safe run t14-16 maps (not the juiced up ones) ?

under 5ex easily. i can do juicers and spent about 10ex.
Tnx for the fast reply. Ill farm few more ex and give it a try, it looks awesome!
...shitty luck this league :D
Cjin 님이 작성:
cradzilla 님이 작성:
its not like youre wanting for coverage with icestorm. id have thought fortify corrupt would be better for the phsy dmg from hits reduction since one shots are the only thing that really kills the build

Except you cannot get fortify corruption on staffs.
thats what i get for checking the wiki and not poedb

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