[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

MJHeemeyer 님이 작성:
I'm reworking my flasks as I feel like I don't need a mana flask and can go without removing curses with a flask and need more bleed immunity. I'm right now using a quicksilver in place of it, but would a silver be better with onslaught? Does onslaught help this build at all?

If you use the stampede (which I assume), quicksilver is pretty much the worst possible flask because you don't get movement speed.

Silver giving onslaught costs more charges per activation, but onslaught at least gives you 20% castspeed which is something for the selfcast portion.

Just use any defensive flask, really. If your primary use is having bleed immunity, use a bismuth with "use when you start bleeding" enchantment, as it has the lowest charges used.
Diamond uses the second lowest charges used and can help with EO uptime, but isn't really needed in my experience and therefor also not a great choice.
Granite and Quartz are reasonable defensive ones, Sulphur the only notable offensive one.
Ruby/Sapphire/Topaz can be used, but mostly as a swap-option for specific encounters (i.e. a Ruby for fighting Exarch).
EF_Balduin 님이 작성:
MJHeemeyer 님이 작성:
I'm reworking my flasks as I feel like I don't need a mana flask and can go without removing curses with a flask and need more bleed immunity. I'm right now using a quicksilver in place of it, but would a silver be better with onslaught? Does onslaught help this build at all?

If you use the stampede (which I assume), quicksilver is pretty much the worst possible flask because you don't get movement speed.

Silver giving onslaught costs more charges per activation, but onslaught at least gives you 20% castspeed which is something for the selfcast portion.

Just use any defensive flask, really. If your primary use is having bleed immunity, use a bismuth with "use when you start bleeding" enchantment, as it has the lowest charges used.
Diamond uses the second lowest charges used and can help with EO uptime, but isn't really needed in my experience and therefor also not a great choice.
Granite and Quartz are reasonable defensive ones, Sulphur the only notable offensive one.
Ruby/Sapphire/Topaz can be used, but mostly as a swap-option for specific encounters (i.e. a Ruby for fighting Exarch).

At the moment I am running these flasks

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사용 불가
사용 불가
사용 불가
사용 불가

MJHeemeyer 님이 2023. 2. 8. 오후 1:30:53에 마지막으로 편집
이 글에는 현재 사용할 수 없는 아이템이 포함되어 있습니다.
I'm now fully ascended, reset the skill tree, and now my resistances and energy shield dropped significantly. What did I do wrong?
Dear experienced Ice Dancing Queens,

I want to play my old Scion in Standard. POB looks mostly up to date so far. I will maybe get Forbidden Flesh and Flame (also maybe Spider Aspect onm glove, once I level up a little).

Questions right now are:
- what about my flasks (I don't know how to link stuff; currently having Jade Flask, Rumi's Concotion, Wise Oak, Forbidden Taste and Bottled Faith)?
- and what could I use instead of "Flesh and Stone" (culling strike does not seem so attractive); or should I maybe stick to it


Many thanks in advance and cheers.
If I were to put a harvest enchantment on my armor, which one should I do?

I am playing this build since a long time now in the recent leagues.
I would go with following flasks:

Wise Oak, Atziri, Rumi's Concotion, Bottled Faith and overflowing chalice

I have the culling strike with the vortex which works fine

Why would you do a harvest enchantment on the armor, when quality increases your ES on the armor which is just fine?
Maybe I just dont know how to use it, but clicking the pastebin link for the leveling trees just shows a bunch of random characters.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: figured it out!
toquio3 님이 2023. 3. 25. 오전 7:53:26에 마지막으로 편집
Yizarial 님이 작성:

Why would you do a harvest enchantment on the armor, when quality increases your ES on the armor which is just fine?

Increased intelligence
Try it out in PoB, but the increase of intelligence is quite low compared with the increase of ES.
MJHeemeyer 님이 작성:
If I were to put a harvest enchantment on my armor, which one should I do?

None, absolutely none, under no circumstances.

The flat Int is extremely minor, and the ES from quality is VERY significant. Everything else is straight griefing yourself to begin with.

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