[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Safe to say this build is dead?
MJHeemeyer 님이 작성:
Safe to say this build is dead?

Not dead, still doable, but trickster version is way cheaper and easer to build!
I'm currently lvl 76 with 2800 Energy Shield and capped Resistance.
I just started now at white maps and Im getting hitkill constantly.

maybe because of low ES and only having 868 armour (17% phys mitigation).
How could fix this? didn't find much armour on Gear Section
GhaleonRlz 님이 2024. 4. 7. 오전 9:34:17에 마지막으로 편집
Did you switch to CI? Because usually that's the biggest issue since you can't afford to take any chaos damage or you die
Finished crafting ggg helmet for whispering ice, especially if you combine it with clarity watchers eye mod

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