[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
" were have been ok. We can do all content. Thats not the problem. But blight and legion was allways a pain for me. If you looks a hh build filling the rows in a 5 legion map youre lost. But this league also this was a great experience. It is and was the build with the most variability to do all content with doable costs. But last league it was the build to break the game. (only uber atziri was a no go for me as i am to dump and sometimes died to reflect what is over 95 not so fun). But also this boss was no prob if youre not so dump like me :-) And other then i all other leagues for me there was an possible upgrade (buying jewels at 5 to 10 ex) to get more dmg and es. In all other leagues i only can look at lilian what is possible to get but never can get then its 100 ex and more and he mirrored some leagues a amulet. so for me mostly at 90 was end of upgrade. Delirium was for me more motivation as i could get more upgrades. But for shure. The build will be great, but not poe destroying :-( |
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Several people have mentioned levelling faster or slower.
So, let's do a bit of crowd thinking -- what set of spell gems do you think makes it fastest to level (until about 40, where we will all switch to WI)? |
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" WOC got buffed. livejamie
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delete me
Graiaule#7461 님이 2020. 6. 18. 오전 4:01:35에 마지막으로 편집
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So arcanist brand isnt labeled as Trigger nor Channeling.
Does that mean you can use spell echo with it? Not sure if we need to link the brand with echo, WI mechanic grants it without linking. Quick maths if echo works: 1 base cast per brand (no extra activation speed, should be like 1,1 with quality) 2 brands on enemy ~3.11 cast rate = 0,32 cast time (probably forgot some brand cast speed, so usually a bit higher) 2 extra casts 10% less damage = 12,44 casts on bosses = 12,44 / 1,46 * 1,59 / 1,1 = 12,31 casts on normal mobs = 12,44 / 1,46 / 1,1 = 7,74 casts Now another HUGE factor will be icestorms area and projectile hitbox. If the downside makes Icestorm hit MORE often (due to its mechanics) it could boost the dmg even MORE! Could this be an enourmous weapon swap (and total GPU killer) for certain situations? Blight should be fun as well, you can defend 2 completely different lanes with concentrated stuff. Even a faster casting setup is at ~3,2 for normal and ~5,11 for bosses. Hmmm, maybe its worth it as weaponswap!? Also, does anybody know what "limited projectile range" means? Intensify interaction could work as well, since the brand casts that stuff, its not channeling nor trigger, nor totem, nor mine, nor trap! ;) edit: If that arcanist brand support is trigger, then spell echo could still be worth it even without double cast. Since 70% more speed (and 10 less) should work... mdpoe#5566 님이 2020. 6. 18. 오전 7:47:45에 마지막으로 편집
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" How is it doa? It does 19% more damage to an attached enemy and you get an extra support gem? You lose some casts per second but I’m sure it’s more damage overall at first glance? I might be wrong, hence why I asked |
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" I could see it being fantastic for end game bosses on weapon swap |
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" Yeah, especially if you arent strong enough to face-tank it. (Like a fast eternal lab) |
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As far as I can tell arcanist brand does far more damage than cyclone + CWC when you account for having an entire additional support gem. Swift brand support means you are casting 64% more ice storms than the base rate.
Not only does it do better single target damage but it will still clear packs as well. You have 6 brands total from the 3 additional on tree and will delete packs. On top of all this whenever you brand recall with it bound to left mouse and walking around you'll activate all 6 brands to cast again immediately. |
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" Very intresting build brand with ice storms) May be try - looks very intresting |
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