[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Yeah the DPS is on the lower side compared to meta builds.

I still like playing in for a bit of a challenge and something new. I'm having fun with it but it definitely isn't close to being a T1 build (and don't think anyone was claiming it was in current state.)
Ridman 님이 2022. 2. 10. 오전 11:33:18에 마지막으로 편집
Ridman 님이 작성:
Yeah the DPS is on the lower side compared to meta builds.

I still like playing in for a bit of a challenge and something new. I'm having fun with it but it definitely isn't close to being a T1 build (and don't think anyone was claiming it was in current state.)

I'm not complaining, It's just that last time I played it was pre storm cap and it felt amazing both damage wise and survivability wise
RaGe0uS 님이 작성:
How detrimental would it be if I dropped inspiration for Awakened Increased Area of Effect on the AOE Weapon and Concentrated Effect on the Boss Weapon like in 3.16?

It was like that in 3.15, before they changed the mana modifier on CwC in 3.16. Check if you run out of mana without Inspiration or not. Just spam Icestorm in hideout. Maybe with some mana regen mods on rings you can sustain it without Inspiration.
Hi. I'm Cjin and I am explosion addict.

It all started when Niko first introduced me to explosions. I thought one dynamite every now and then would be fine and that I could stop whenever I wanted. But soon it was not enough. I needed to get more. Small or large, it didn't matter first, but after a while only bigger and bigger BOOMs would satisfy me.

I thought it would be different this league. I told myself I would be able to just quit, live without the BOOM. But I was just deceiving myself. Withdrawal effects were just too strong. I thought I could push trough it if I just had a tiny small amount of boom. "Little BUFF", if you will. I heard rumors of this Unspeakable Gift that could solve my problem. Satisfy my need of BOOM. So I got myself this... Gift.

I knew it would not be as good as true stuff, but that is the whole point of it, right? As soon as it would satisfy may addiction to BOOM, I would take it off. Gradual reduction and soon I would be free from needing new BOOM.

And it felt... lacking. I knew it was not the real deal, that's the whole point, but I didn't imagine it would have been that disappointing. It was not enough to satisfy my need of BOOM. And now I had given my little finger to the Devil. So I fell back to my old habits. It does feel good. For now.

TLDR: Rerolled Witch for Profane Bloom.
Yeah..same switched to witch cause without Profane Bloom no fun xD
Killed 30 waves simulacrum...well even with selfcast boss dmg sucks and it's feeling meh :/
its funny cus i want to swap to scion cus i realllly miss the regen from inq :o

what 6 gems do i want for the boss dmg?
phantom_god 님이 2022. 2. 10. 오후 2:28:35에 마지막으로 편집
On another note while the DPS isn't great, any none timed boss fight is a guaranteed win, You can tank Sirus die beam and such, yeah the fight takes a bit of time but its a guaranteed kill deathless.
Kelvynn 님이 작성:
RaGe0uS 님이 작성:
Concentrated Effect on the Boss Weapon like in 3.16?

It was like that in 3.15, before they changed the mana modifier on CwC in 3.16. .

it is possible. When you click vortex and FS, do not use the cyclone, because then you will run out of mana.
I admire you for your sense of humor, with so many...posts, and thank you for keeping this thread for us for so long.
Firestrike9 님이 작성:
I'm up to 2.3k int and 8.7k ES,... its just super slow without massive investment.

The build is first and foremost very stable. There is a rule for an ordinary player: you increase dps at the expense of defense. Unless you are not a regular gamer, then you create all these OP wonders. The big problem with dps is switching to clusters, then you have to level up your equipment for% int (Essence of Spite) and skills, all this league is cheap so far. We don't use Awakened Multistrike like others. Don't give up, frustration is inherent in poe.
Kelvynn 님이 작성:
klorin2 님이 작성:
Yea this build seems to be heavily nerfed damage wise. I wanna say it's about 4M dps with strong investment 9K shields 2300 int. You become a tank if you can always leech, it's good for crazy delirium type maps but for bossing the cutoff is at shaper because it's really slow, there's a lot of better boss builds out there.

2300 Int is something you get by just switching to the cluster version at about 5 ex budget. With ~25 ex you should be at about 2800 Int. That's a totally different level of damage.

That's with the regular setup. I haven't had an opportunity to test the newly buffed self-casting setup yet. On paper it's 3x the damage, and in Standard with the character from 3.16 I simply deleted The Maven and her Nexus in a matter of seconds per active phase.

I'm sure there are better boss builds though. This build is never meta. Thankfully.

True, don't get me wrong. It's one of the better tanky builds I've played in over 20 builds it's like top 5 for tankiness. The damage is like 1/4 of meta builds I've played with similar costs (they've been nerfed too) and I'm sure you could min max and try to get it up to par dps wise but that's not really my point. On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest I'd rate it boss: 3, farm: 4, stacked farm(juiced maps): 5.

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