The Carnival Mystery Box

SaintLucifer 님이 작성:
Sorry but where did the boxes that actually fit the game theme gone to? All we are getting lately is weird stuff that just don't make sense at all.

I gotta second this. I will admit, there are some things in this pack that I think are really cool. But god damn, are the misses in it MASSIVE. There are some really cool techniques being used here. But this?

This is a love it or hate it set.
Wow, one of my favourite so far! Good job on this one!
Right up my alley of taste.
I usually only prefer one of the two, but both are amazing.
Smoothy88 님이 작성:
So many freaking cry babies. Stop complaining about everything, either you buy it or you don't. Either you play the game or you don't. All this non stop complaining about the Mtx and league and always the same people. Get lost if you don't like it. When you kids going to realize that you can't have everything you want? You don't like the mtx then don't buy the box. You don't like the league then don't play. Just stop polluting this forum with all your bs.

Bro, shut up. Its in the game and we will be exposed to it regardless of if we buy it or not. How many supporter tags do you see on the sides of the people you are attempting to tear down? GGG listens to feedback. Dont disrespect people because their opinion on it differs from yours or you dont want to read it? Guess what, it works both ways. Dont want to see poeple complaining, CLOSE THE BROWSER.
SuicidalBaby#2232 님이 2019. 9. 7. 오후 7:00:52에 마지막으로 편집
this looks awful. i won't even get the discounted box for "spending points". the designers executed the theme really well, but i don't want this in my poe experience.
Is it that time of year the circus is in auckland?

P.S Sucks if you have fears of clowns
I really wanted to see Batman at the end :(
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
this looks awful. i won't even get the discounted box for "spending points". the designers executed the theme really well, but i don't want this in my poe experience.

clandestinehp#1801 님이 2019. 9. 7. 오후 7:10:59에 마지막으로 편집
Welp, it took a while, but Homestuck has finally invaded PoE.

Other than my Homestuck tendencies, I really don't like this being in PoE. The artwork is gorgeous. I feel like the artists were told by someone (coughtencentcough) to make a modern circus mtx pack and upon being told yes, really, they decided to make the best damn circus pack they could. And then shat out the current league rewards as an afterthought.
But the fact remains that it just doesn't fit in with the overall style of PoE whatsoever. You guys could have done so much more with the fungal theme, Fungal Hollow is a beautiful map.
I gotta say - having just released a massive summoner update - its surprising that this new box wasn't at least partly summoner related. We haven't had any new zombie/skeleton skins since the Mummy and Statue ones - thats some variety thats been woefully lacking for a long time.

But eh, we can be clowns I guess... =\
Ripperjk#0172 님이 2019. 9. 7. 오후 7:24:37에 마지막으로 편집
SuicidalBaby 님이 작성:
Smoothy88 님이 작성:
So many freaking cry babies. Stop complaining about everything, either you buy it or you don't. Either you play the game or you don't. All this non stop complaining about the Mtx and league and always the same people. Get lost if you don't like it. When you kids going to realize that you can't have everything you want? You don't like the mtx then don't buy the box. You don't like the league then don't play. Just stop polluting this forum with all your bs.

Bro, shut up. Its in the game and we will be exposed to it regardless of if we buy it or not. How many supporter tags do you see on the sides of the people you are attempting to tear down? GGG listens to feedback. Dont disrespect people because their opinion on it differs from yours or you dont want to read it? Guess what, it works both ways. Dont want to see poeple complaining, CLOSE THE BROWSER.

likewise mate, shut up.

i personally don't like MTX and i know they wont be going away soon, so have some compassion for those of us that prefer vanilla experience and have to deal with (read as: see ingame) all the out of place MTX some of you dudebro's do like and tbh most of them don't belong in a game about witches, necromancers, templars and the like, but we have to deal with it all the same regardless who buys what when and how.

edit: oh and complaining the exact same way to GGG or about tencent....will do what exactly? i have seen the same BS commentary from those with supporter tags, yet they still go out and buy all the same next garbage MTX that comes out. so give it a rest. if it's not for you- ignore it. don't spam the forum/s with the same mindless drivel everyone is inputting. you don't like it- cool...walk. no one needs to know everyones thoughts (especially if the same as the last guy who mentioned the same god damn thing) but here we are.
AK_Killstrike#2653 님이 2019. 9. 7. 오후 7:28:01에 마지막으로 편집

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