[3.12] Durimon's Ball Lightning Miner "REVIVED", 6 ex, even FASTER than pre-nerf (Updated)

Nosferat 님이 작성:
The clear is "meh", as in it's ok,but you simply can't "zoom-zoom" in maps, it's not as fast as bow skills,or arc or something like that.

For map clear, I would highly recommend using Dying Sun flask (or +projectile helm enchant) and removing Slower Projectiles for map clear. This setup is fine for map bosses and Conquerors, and you can swap to Slower Projectiles for long bosses like Elder, Sirus, Delve bosses.

You can get 9k ES if using Crystal Belt which is decently tanky.

For better tankiness I would recommend using Machina Mitts. Use Rumi's Flask + Lethal Pride (Kiloava) to reach 75/70 block rate, this also has the benefit of adding a lot of +str which could be useful to use high level Blood Magic to fit in a Herald.

You can reach delve depth 600 with 9k ES and high block.

I would highly recommend checking poe.ninja, sorting by depth (solo) and following some of those builds because they're usually built for tankiness. I haven't seen a guide that actually follows what these players are doing.
allanw 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오전 3:29:32에 마지막으로 편집
allanw 님이 작성:
Nosferat 님이 작성:
The clear is "meh", as in it's ok,but you simply can't "zoom-zoom" in maps, it's not as fast as bow skills,or arc or something like that.

For map clear, I would highly recommend using Dying Sun flask (or +projectile helm enchant) and removing Slower Projectiles for map clear. This setup is fine for map bosses and Conquerors, and you can swap to Slower Projectiles for long bosses like Elder, Sirus, Delve bosses.

You can get 9k ES if using Crystal Belt which is decently tanky.

For better tankiness I would recommend using Machina Mitts. Use Rumi's Flask + Lethal Pride (Kiloava) to reach 75/70 block rate, this also has the benefit of adding a lot of +str which could be useful to use high level Blood Magic to fit in a Herald.

You can reach delve depth 600 with 9k ES and high block.

I would highly recommend checking poe.ninja, sorting by depth (solo) and following some of those builds because they're usually built for tankiness. I haven't seen a guide that actually follows what these players are doing.

The defensive concepts you mentioned already are in a build here in this subforum, just for a pyroclast mine build. Even takes advantage of an ES shield that grants energy shield restore on block with same mechanics.
what are some good annointments i could use that isn't too expensive? something cheaper than 2 golden oils preferably
Whats the best amulet annoint for the build? seems u are not playing anymore...
Any ideas if this build with BL and conv to fire still puts out enough dps to one shot metamorphs? Or would some other miner be better like TR or GC?
arilsom 님이 작성:
Whats the best amulet annoint for the build? seems u are not playing anymore...

For ES builds, Tranquility
allanw 님이 2020. 1. 18. 오전 1:19:41에 마지막으로 편집
allanw 님이 작성:
arilsom 님이 작성:
Whats the best amulet annoint for the build? seems u are not playing anymore...

For ES builds, Tranquility

tranquility doesn't stack with crown of the inward eye. what would be an alternative helmet if you get tranq?
thegalacrobat 님이 2020. 1. 18. 오후 1:44:22에 마지막으로 편집
Kasspa420 님이 작성:
JackalOG 님이 작성:
this guide was good until like maybe T12 maps, any higher and you just die nonstop because of one-shots. Even at T12 it wasnt 1-shotting for shit - only good for clearing. Swapped around to something someone else posted here and i could take 2-3 powerful crits before dying, but overall made for a shittier and not so smooth gameplay. Guess ill just have to re-roll into something else lmao

Your doing something wrong then. I 1shot meta's and map bosses, I wreck Awakener 8 sirus, uber elder, and every other boss in the game. I farmed 75 exalts (after putting a solid 60 into my build) and started an autobomber. If you can't clear maps and farm currency with this build than your literally doing something wrong. My gear is below, granted I use the 3.8 build where you don't convert dmg to fire... https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Kasspa420/MinerKasspa?i=0&search=name%3Dminerkasspa

Has sustainability, but a T16 morph still 1-shots and the bosses are nowhere near 1-shot. More like 100+ shot

plus in your build how are you able to allocate all the auras? im literally over 200 mana short of being able to allocate Clarity
JackalOG 님이 작성:
Kasspa420 님이 작성:
JackalOG 님이 작성:
this guide was good until like maybe T12 maps, any higher and you just die nonstop because of one-shots. Even at T12 it wasnt 1-shotting for shit - only good for clearing. Swapped around to something someone else posted here and i could take 2-3 powerful crits before dying, but overall made for a shittier and not so smooth gameplay. Guess ill just have to re-roll into something else lmao

Your doing something wrong then. I 1shot meta's and map bosses, I wreck Awakener 8 sirus, uber elder, and every other boss in the game. I farmed 75 exalts (after putting a solid 60 into my build) and started an autobomber. If you can't clear maps and farm currency with this build than your literally doing something wrong. My gear is below, granted I use the 3.8 build where you don't convert dmg to fire... https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Kasspa420/MinerKasspa?i=0&search=name%3Dminerkasspa

Has sustainability, but a T16 morph still 1-shots and the bosses are nowhere near 1-shot. More like 100+ shot

plus in your build how are you able to allocate all the auras? im literally over 200 mana short of being able to allocate Clarity

Get a max (or corrupted 21) level Blood Magic, use a level 1 precision and probably a level 1 clarity as well.
reciprocate 님이 2020. 1. 18. 오후 6:12:32에 마지막으로 편집
thegalacrobat 님이 작성:
allanw 님이 작성:
arilsom 님이 작성:
Whats the best amulet annoint for the build? seems u are not playing anymore...

For ES builds, Tranquility

tranquility doesn't stack with crown of the inward eye. what would be an alternative helmet if you get tranq?

Fossil crafted helm with -9% lightning res

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