[3.12] Durimon's Ball Lightning Miner "REVIVED", 6 ex, even FASTER than pre-nerf (Updated)

karbengo 님이 작성:

Thought I would show my character because a lot of people complaining that OP's build is a glass cannon and falls off later on. I switched from fire conversion to lightning. Above is my current gear, right now it has 7.4k ES, using a wrath watcher's eye (lightning pen) and is quite tanky if you don't play retardedly. It can also do awakener LVL8 deathless, delete T16 metamorphs + T16 conquerors, and deal massive damage to Sirus. The current gear can be improved a lot to make it tankier. My awakened elemental focus is only LVL2 so DPS will increase even more, bottled faith is also a very good option for even more DPS, and improving gloves/boots/helmet/shield can increase your ES to around 8k (You can also use conqueror orbs to slam sum good prefixs/suffixs for extra defence/damage).

Current goal is to try and get a double wrath, get to 8k ES, and double corrupt Shav's.
IGN: reuhnrtehor

switching from fire conv to pure lightning would be a decent dps boost right? since op's build is for budgeting using conversion. i feel like im losing alot of dps just by using pyre and brotherhood rings but its already decently strong atm. i'd also be gaining + level on heralds and other lightning related gems and would enable me to lightning to chaos dmg mods

thegalacrobat 님이 2020. 1. 25. 오후 2:12:53에 마지막으로 편집
Hi everybody, here is my gear, any tips give me more dps pls, i can't 1 shot the boss.

GNUTEL 님이 작성:
Hi everybody, here is my gear, any tips give me more dps pls, i can't 1 shot the boss.

Huh, where to start, how about, better weapons (change your crafted mod at the very least from increased DOT to something useful), helm should have fire resist pen or use the crown, rings to 48% conv, swap cinderswallow I'd say. Dying sun or bottled faith would be more ideal.

Overall I'm also not so sure how amazing convert to fire is end-game. I have a pyroclast miner that on paper does way more dmg, but BL does hit pretty often at 0.15/s giving each BL around 13-14 hits i think on a boss.

I've made a guy just to see how it feels and just got him through the acts so we'll see.
Well,I'm done with the league for now, got bored and simply exhausted with the constant RNG of chasing watchstones,doing hundreds of maps...etc.

The build is quite good, the fire conversion one is ok for map farming but honestly it lacks damage and survivability when you want endgame content, we talking T16+,guardians,shaper,uber elder,uber atziri,T8sirus and so on.

The many other variants with lightning I found to be much better,tankier and also having more damage.

I went with something that Kasspa420 posted a while ago.


Decent build, but it lacks damage for t16+ even with decent gear. I'll be respecting towards pure lighting as well.
CowKiller 님이 작성:
Decent build, but it lacks damage for t16+ even with decent gear. I'll be respecting towards pure lighting as well.

How do you lack damage? Check my Sabo and the vids I posted, it completely annihilates any boss, any meta and any map.
Good build and does all content well including elder, shaper, most t16 metamorphs in one shot, conquerors, and sirus all on awakening level 8. I have not tried uber elder yet but i'm sure there will be no issue with that either.

My gear: I don't remember what it cost, but I think it would have been around 6 or 7 ex, under 10 ex for sure:

On both rings I used turbulent catalysts for more damage conversion. I have some strength on my jewels and gloves because I needed it for the helm. My second jewel is really bad as cast speed doesn't help at all, I just have it for the ES and resist, there are many other better options out there.

When not killing bosses remove slower projectiles and put greater multiple projectiles in instead.

Drox kill, forgot to use wise oak: https://streamable.com/5pvvz

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/id5ZmgRn
Gargos147 님이 2020. 1. 29. 오후 10:53:20에 마지막으로 편집
If i am not converting to fire. Then which is better?
High-Impact Mine Support or Blastchain Mine Support
Can i use Added Lightning Damage and Elemental Focus
instead of Trap and Mine Damage Support and Combustion Support
Gargos147 님이 작성:
Good build and does all content well including elder, shaper, most t16 metamorphs in one shot, conquerors, and sirus all on awakening level 8. I have not tried uber elder yet but i'm sure there will be no issue with that either.

My gear: I don't remember what it cost, but I think it would have been around 6 or 7 ex, under 10 ex for sure:

On both rings I used turbulent catalysts for more damage conversion. I have some strength on my jewels and gloves because I needed it for the helm. My second jewel is really bad as cast speed doesn't help at all, I just have it for the ES and resist, there are many other better options out there.

When not killing bosses remove slower projectiles and put greater multiple projectiles in instead.

Drox kill, forgot to use wise oak: https://streamable.com/5pvvz

can i get pastebin link this build please ?
Tuzluk 님이 작성:
Gargos147 님이 작성:
Good build and does all content well including elder, shaper, most t16 metamorphs in one shot, conquerors, and sirus all on awakening level 8. I have not tried uber elder yet but i'm sure there will be no issue with that either.

My gear: I don't remember what it cost, but I think it would have been around 6 or 7 ex, under 10 ex for sure:

On both rings I used turbulent catalysts for more damage conversion. I have some strength on my jewels and gloves because I needed it for the helm. My second jewel is really bad as cast speed doesn't help at all, I just have it for the ES and resist, there are many other better options out there.

When not killing bosses remove slower projectiles and put greater multiple projectiles in instead.

Drox kill, forgot to use wise oak: https://streamable.com/5pvvz

can i get pastebin link this build please ?

Here: https://pastebin.com/id5ZmgRn
Gargos147 님이 2020. 1. 29. 오후 10:54:07에 마지막으로 편집

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