[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Destructodave 님이 작성:
Ok guys I went back to old faithful. What I leveled with. Viper Strike with Melee Splash.

Would you be so kind and give the full 6-L-Setup?
Vennto 님이 작성:
Destructodave 님이 작성:
Ok guys I went back to old faithful. What I leveled with. Viper Strike with Melee Splash.

Would you be so kind and give the full 6-L-Setup?

If you go to his profile and then to his "Character" tab, he's currently got it equipped on the character "DestructoDave"
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
Guard skills share cooldown so you can't use both.

8-9K MS is much better than Immortal Call.

I've been playing and enjoying this build for a few weeks now. I've also been running IC instead of regular molten shell, because I'm just not sure about the above statement, but I'm wondering again. I have been assuming that Molten Shell only absorbs physical damage, because it's essentially an armor buff. But now that I read it again, it only mentions hits, and I know spell dmg can hit as well.

My current setup is lvl 14 IC with lvl 12 CWDT, and I added enduring composure small cluster too (great idea that one). So I essentially have always 3 end charges, so my IC gives me 31% less elemental dmg taken, and 77% less phys damage taken for almost 3 sec, then cooldown for 3 sec. No cap on dmg absorbed.

MS absorbs 75% of hits, which I assumed was physical only, making IC immediately better, but if it's all hits, maybe this is better than IC. But when I used this I'd absorb I think 8700ish dmg, then it's on cooldown for 4 sec.

I'm ignoring VMS in this comparison, because I'm still using it with either guard skill.

To be honest, I have no idea which one actually does a better job of keeping me alive, part of which is because most of the time I have no idea what actually killed me. I really struggle in this game to keep up with all the things going on, and the visual clutter on the screen. I'd guess a large majority of my deaths are stupid mistakes, or not noticing a bleed, or standing on something deadly, which probably neither guard skill helps. I also assume I get stunned more often than I thought I would, because the number of times I just stand still and watch myself get hit again when i say "I know I moved out of there!" I've lost count on. I really wish there was a damage log that I could look back and and say,.... wow, so I just got hit for 30k.... or omg, I didn't realize that I just got hit 30 times in a row for 1k, I probably should have moved faster. Also not knowing if I'm dying to hits, degens, phys, or elemental are why I have no idea which guard skill is better.

Anyway, loved this guide, and all the different takes on it from different people. Been having fun with it, even though I'm still a noob. I've tried a few of the different variations suggested, and liked some of them quite a bit. It really is a solid build with a lot of options for personal tweaking.
brndl15#4574 님이 2020. 4. 28. 오전 9:00:16에 마지막으로 편집
Ok I got some new stuff to try:

(Has to be Very Large, though. Cant link from passive tree without taking it out. Its 5c; still nothing.)

Put Thread of Hope into the Ranger jewel area, and it lets you pick up Swift Venoms, Hunter's Gambit, Heart of Oak, and Revenge of the Hunted without using points to get to those nodes.(I saw this on another guy's tree in this thread).

This should give you 40% faster poisons, and 600% more dmg on first poison application.

How good or bad this is, I dunno. I had to give up Brush with Death to try it, but I got lucky and basically got it on my circle of nostalgia anyways. However, just the Wasting Affliction might be worth it with less expensive options like Brush with Death/Exposure Therapy/Unwaveringly Evil/etc. They are like 10-30c.

If I didnt have 2% of life on kill on my ring, I'd be using Brush with Death instead of Low Tolerance. If this turns out to be basically pointless, thats what I'm going back to. Could end up being worse or not noticeable at all, where getting 2% life back or not dying to poison dots is more helpful.

Low Tolerance is expensive(the other options arent, and they are probably overall better for their utility), but the Thread of Hope jewel thing might be worth because you get 15% faster poisons from that anyways, and save points for other things, as long as your resists can handle it.

Destructodave#2478 님이 2020. 4. 28. 오전 11:14:47에 마지막으로 편집
brndl15 님이 작성:
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
Guard skills share cooldown so you can't use both.

8-9K MS is much better than Immortal Call.

I've been playing and enjoying this build for a few weeks now. I've also been running IC instead of regular molten shell, because I'm just not sure about the above statement, but I'm wondering again. I have been assuming that Molten Shell only absorbs physical damage, because it's essentially an armor buff. But now that I read it again, it only mentions hits, and I know spell dmg can hit as well.

My current setup is lvl 14 IC with lvl 12 CWDT, and I added enduring composure small cluster too (great idea that one). So I essentially have always 3 end charges, so my IC gives me 31% less elemental dmg taken, and 77% less phys damage taken for almost 3 sec, then cooldown for 3 sec. No cap on dmg absorbed.

MS absorbs 75% of hits, which I assumed was physical only, making IC immediately better, but if it's all hits, maybe this is better than IC. But when I used this I'd absorb I think 8700ish dmg, then it's on cooldown for 4 sec.

I'm ignoring VMS in this comparison, because I'm still using it with either guard skill.

To be honest, I have no idea which one actually does a better job of keeping me alive, part of which is because most of the time I have no idea what actually killed me. I really struggle in this game to keep up with all the things going on, and the visual clutter on the screen. I'd guess a large majority of my deaths are stupid mistakes, or not noticing a bleed, or standing on something deadly, which probably neither guard skill helps. I also assume I get stunned more often than I thought I would, because the number of times I just stand still and watch myself get hit again when i say "I know I moved out of there!" I've lost count on. I really wish there was a damage log that I could look back and and say,.... wow, so I just got hit for 30k.... or omg, I didn't realize that I just got hit 30 times in a row for 1k, I probably should have moved faster. Also not knowing if I'm dying to hits, degens, phys, or elemental are why I have no idea which guard skill is better.

Anyway, loved this guide, and all the different takes on it from different people. Been having fun with it, even though I'm still a noob. I've tried a few of the different variations suggested, and liked some of them quite a bit. It really is a solid build with a lot of options for personal tweaking.

(Vaal) Molten Shell absorbs all damage from hits. It's the best guard skill in the game!
30% elemental reduction from IC extends your life (~5K life) vs elemental damage just to 6.5-7K.
MS gives 8-9K extra life while Vaal gives up to 30K. It's no contest at all.

TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2020. 4. 28. 오전 10:57:22에 마지막으로 편집
Destructodave 님이 작성:
Ok I got some new stuff to try:

(Has to be Very Large, though. Cant link from passive tree without taking it out. Its 5c; still nothing.)

Put Thread of Hope into the Ranger jewel area, and it lets you pick up Swift Venoms, Hunter's Gambit, Heart of Oak, and Revenge of the Hunted without using points to get to those nodes.(I saw this on another guy's tree in this thread).

Sounds interesting.

Too bad it doesn't hit the large jewel socket to the top right? :(
blastinMot#6703 님이 2020. 4. 28. 오후 12:07:43에 마지막으로 편집
Werdna76 님이 작성:
Hey guys, I started with something like this and found that although mapping was a breeze and damage output felt great, it was a little squishy for my taste. I bit the bullet and modified my build to be something like I saw ONE GUY (InsaneIns) on POE Ninja using -- ditch the HoAg and instead abuse 3x Purity of Ice/Fire/Lightning, and grab a free Malevolence w/Aul's amulet. Not having to worry about resistance makes gearing easier. Since we can do the bottom right corner and catch two cluster nodes, we can get 4 medium CJs, one for Low Tolerance +, and the other 3 for Pure Commander + another aura scaling notable to get max res up close to 90%, plus regular res up a lot and stronger malevolence.

I got my max res for elements up to 88% each, armor around 50k with flasks, and I use a Watcher's Eye that does malev-mult + sends phys damage to Fire (artic armor for 12% reduce, then layer on the 88% resist). Tack on some block chance for dual-wield, endurance charge on kill boots, and I feel very tanky even if I'm careless.

Check my profile (ScrotieMcBoogerBabe character) for my most current build. I highly recommend it if you have some currency -- Watcher's eye, corrupted perfect form, decent claws, my boots. It's not perfect and I'm sure I could refine it, but it feels like a nice blend of poison damage (more than enough for everything so far - easy Sirus A8 kill), tank, and super fast movement/mapping. My favorite build ever and it dies rarely enough that I'm still surprised at the clear/damage.

Curious if anyone has feedback. And sorry if this is seen as a critique of the base build - a really nice one that I just had trouble staying alive with in this league (3.10). :)

Damn, congrats first of all on the clever idea. Sounds veeeery interesting and I will surely give it a try. I was wondering though: Do you feel like you have enough dmg even for the hardest Content? Like Simulacrum Waves 18-20, T16 Maps with 100% Delirium, etc. Did u test it?
Just did a Simulacrum with my new Cluster Jewel setup. Here is wave 18-20. I'm not 100% sure I can tell a difference, but I think Kosis died faster. Lol, he's just another minion at this point.


I have one I taped yest without the jewels, too.
Destructodave#2478 님이 2020. 4. 28. 오후 10:45:53에 마지막으로 편집

Hey, not sure if you remember me from Jugg moltenstrike build forum but,
I got the chance to start this build and you are right.
Way more dmg and even better survivability with this build so thank you for bringing me to this build.
I also have couple of questions,

Noticed people use viper strike with melee splash instead of Pestlient strike.
Also noticed if you use viper strike dps drops and attack speed drops as well in game.
I havnt went in to poe to see the dps comparison in these two skills but would you care to explain which one is better is dps wise? (Clear speed seems to be the same with melee splash)

Also if you can look at my gear and see if its okay. Looked at your profile and did my own twist on it.
Thanks in advance.

Back to the game after 4 years break, i've been using the build to get familiar with all the new mechanics so i'm here to drop thanks because i'm enjoying it and the guide was well made, one can tell you put efforts into it and i appreciate it and wanted to thank you personnaly ;)


There is just one thing, i don't really get cluster jewels, is there a way to see those in PoB?


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