[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Tiarnach 님이 작성:
Love your build! Have a quick noob question though. Im using pestilent strike and having an issue with mana. In your video it looks like youre using blood magic for pestilent but in the guide you run PT in the 6L armor without it. So with malevolence, agony, spider and such Im stuck with 122 mana and semi decent regen but on the tougher end game stuff its not enough to hold up against. What am I missing?

Mana leech as suggested.

And you can also use 1-3 pieces of jewellery with "Non-channeling skills have -9 to total mana cost".
This comes from either a temple mod ("Xopec's") or you can craft it as a prefix. If you search trade for this, make sure to also check the "crafted Non-channeling skills have # to total mana cost".
delgar89 님이 작성:
Cherry9 님이 작성:
delgar89 님이 작성:
You can stop using totem if you get Timeless jewel with wither on hit chance.

This won't work if you're using Pestilent Strike, right? Because that would be amazing. I might give VG a try if that allows me to get rid of the totem but I'm primarily interested in PS. Also, do you think I can get it up and running well enough to red maps with about 2-3 ex? And farm some more currency from there.


Why woudn't it work with Pestilient Strike? It works with any spell or attack that hits. You can have up to 100% chance to wither if u get such lucky jewel with 4 ritual of shadows nodes. I explained it few pages ago.

With 3 ex you can go either 6l chest or 5l chest and rest of budget gear. You can start with Wasp's nest claws. Keep in mind that without optimizing, this build can feel squishy on red maps. I didn't test this build with budget gear but I think there's a reason Autor of this build didn't mentioned budget options.

Quoting a post from a few months ago:
Has anyone got a jewel number for a glorious vanity doryani jewelwith the suggested "Ritual of Shadows" nodes?
I have found 2 jewels that each give the 1 point notable as ritual of shadows (721 & 4002), but never a jewel that gives 2 ritual of shadows as shown in the picture. Check about 100 of them...

The user quoted also took off all the gear from his character, so you can't get it from there :(
Haverhill 님이 작성:
Hey, @Destructodave, I too followed you here from the Jugg forum... ;)

I've never played a Ranger before, so I'm even more of a noob here than usual. I'm looking at this build based on your recommendation.

My main concern now is about cost. I know the original post mentions not to expect to shred the atlas with a 3 Ex investment. OK. But is it possible you could provide a WAG (wild-a**ed guess) on how much it would take to equip a character that could shred T16 maps?

Reason I'm asking is I automatically ignore builds that feature HH in the mix. It's just not anything that a player as bad at me will ever achieve.

I have already built several ~20 Ex characters this league. Because of that, I'm getting a little burned out on the constant farming/trading meta game, looking for good enough gear. Still haven't found that "killer" build that I actually want to grind with.

I mean, I did like grinding away with the Molten Striker - he's fun to play, tanky as heck, and in the atlas had no issues. My problem with him was after the atlas, he struggled in a way that was definitely not fun.

Anyways, I'd appreciate it if you could give me a rough estimate on how many Ex's I need to come up with to get a character with this build ready to face an A2 Sirius?


This is like a 5-8 exalt build at this point. 6l Perfect form like 1-2ex, 2 crafted claws like 1-3 exalt apiece. Thats it. Thats the meat of the build. Everything else is luxury. The only other expensive part might be the helm, but tbh the enchants give so little, if you had to choose between getting -9 resists or a helmet enchant, get the -9 resist. Its not like Molten Strike's required enchant, or even Cobra Lash. Its meh little nothing 40% dmg like 1% dps in PoB.

I understand the HH thing. Yes, I'm wearing one at this point. But, I had to do all that stuff to earn it, with this build. I was killing Simulacrums and A8 sirius way way way before I owned a HH. I was doing wave 20 simulacrums with Wasp Nests and then the aforementioned gear(perfect form/crafted claws) to earn the currency to afford a HH. If it wasnt for being able to do Simulacrums, I probably wouldn't have ever got one this league. I probably made well over 100-150+ exalt in Simulacrum off 21/23 gems, Voices, etc. Same goes for A8 and t16 maps. I had to slog my way to HH glory, and I did it on this build.

So yes, this build functions perfectly fine without HH. I dont even think it makes very good use of a HH compared to most builds. Its a poison/dot build, and doesnt benefit as heavily from all those buffs. Cobra Lash probably does better, since it scales off crit, but when you think of HH abusing builds, you dont think of poison builds. Also, as Coriolis says, HH does make it harder to gear. Leaves you with very little room for resists. I'm currently having to use resists off the tree to fill my gaps.

After I gain this level, I got like 20%, I'll do Simulacrum without HH and post a vid.

But back on cost topic, I think, at this point in the league, the meat and potatoes of this build is like 5-8ex. 2 claws and Perfect form. Nothing else is expensive. Circles of Nostalgia are cheap, good rares are cheap(and without HH you dont need GG rares to cover resists), Fenemus Weave or rare +1 strike gloves are cheap. Necks are cheap; even Aul's if you wanna go that route. Nothing in this build is expensive at this point in the league, because its not meta. Its all cheap. And this build is vastly superior to Molten Strike, take it from me.

Also, I've played this game so long, I almost never graduate from my league starter builds. I Just pour currency into them. I get too burnt out to level alts, so I just ride or die my starter build until I quit the league. If it sucks, or too expensive to make good, I quit the league. If it don't, I keep playing, lol. Poison Pathfinder is by far one of the best starter/builds in general I've played. Ranks up there with Cyclone builds, RF builds, and the like for me.
Destructodave#2478 님이 2020. 4. 29. 오후 5:49:52에 마지막으로 편집


As you said viper strike with melee splash feels way safer and also noticed the dps for single target (even with no gem swap, melee splash as a 6th link) is better than pestilent strike, even though in-game dps shows lower dps compared to pestilent strike.

Also, as you stated above HH is definitely not needed but really helps with overall clear speed at high tier maps.

Only thing I have noticed as an opportunity is to have vaal molten shell on a lv 21 Q23 increased duration to keep it going even longer.

Other than that stark helm feels good as well if your good with the resit on your character due to the 10% increased attack speed.

Alright guys, here's no HeadHunter Simulacrum, 17-20. Unfortunately, Kosis spawned on 17, and Omni on 20, but I figured thats mostly what you want to know is if you can kill him. For whatever reason I tried to cast wither totem on him but that just slowed me down and they died instantly lol. I just bought some cheap 30c belt to do the video with. I can do a map, too, if you want. Here's the pristine belt I put on in place of HH:


I finally got 97 so I can take a breather from that mess and play around. I do think I'm gonna go back into lab and replace my boot enchant with 80% chance to not be stunned if you have killed recently, again. Unwaveringly Evil keeps you from being stunned while attacking, but not while using whirling blades. Nearly got me killed a couple times. With that boot enchant, you are pretty much stun immune while mapping or doing Simulacrum, with Heart of Oak 20%. Helps a lot to keep you alive.
Destructodave#2478 님이 2020. 4. 30. 오전 2:31:30에 마지막으로 편집
ytoh89 님이 작성:


As you said viper strike with melee splash feels way safer and also noticed the dps for single target (even with no gem swap, melee splash as a 6th link) is better than pestilent strike, even though in-game dps shows lower dps compared to pestilent strike.

Also, as you stated above HH is definitely not needed but really helps with overall clear speed at high tier maps.

Only thing I have noticed as an opportunity is to have vaal molten shell on a lv 21 Q23 increased duration to keep it going even longer.

Other than that stark helm feels good as well if your good with the resit on your character due to the 10% increased attack speed.

I agree VS + melee splash + tribal fury destroy de delirium map easy even t16.

But now i don't know ho to improve further.
My budget is around 30ex too low for awakened multi strike

That's my equip

I try some megalomanic jewel with unspeakable gift but the explosion is rare and i prefer medium + small life.
Hey guys,

Any thoughts on vile toxins vs awakened unbound ailments when using viper strike??
ytoh89 님이 작성:
Hey guys,

Any thoughts on vile toxins vs awakened unbound ailments when using viper strike??

Is better vile toxin, vs have already a long venom effect
Hello guys,

I continuously checking forum for new insight into this superb build, which I like so much. I currently left venomg gyre setup into pestilent strike.

Many people run some kind of CWDT gem setup. What setup are you using? I want to go IC + MS, but few page above is comment, that this setup is not good and efficient.

I also gathered enough fossils to run some craft for T1 attack speed onto my weapons. But I am not sure which resonator should I use. 4 socket would be probably best, but is it able reach required poison buffs, chaos dmg and T1 attack speed even with 3socket resonators?

I will return to this build next league for sure, due to top starter potential + very, very fun gameplay. You have to be more focused into playing than with other, "safer" builds.
Kruttor666 님이 작성:
Hello guys,

I continuously checking forum for new insight into this superb build, which I like so much. I currently left venomg gyre setup into pestilent strike.

Many people run some kind of CWDT gem setup. What setup are you using? I want to go IC + MS, but few page above is comment, that this setup is not good and efficient.

I also gathered enough fossils to run some craft for T1 attack speed onto my weapons. But I am not sure which resonator should I use. 4 socket would be probably best, but is it able reach required poison buffs, chaos dmg and T1 attack speed even with 3socket resonators?

I will return to this build next league for sure, due to top starter potential + very, very fun gameplay. You have to be more focused into playing than with other, "safer" builds.

IC + MS is not good because proccing IC places MS on cooldown. And since IC is just so much weaker than MS with this amount of armour you really do not want that to happen.

About weaponcrafting: Theoretically you can hit the absolute GG claw by just chaos spamming, fossils just increase the chance of getting a good roll.
Difference between 3 and 4 Socket resonator is the metallic fossil, which blocks out all physical modifiers, which includes bleeding modifiers from the corroded fossil, so you're only left with poison there. It's of course still not a guaranteed hit, but if it were, GG claws would be worth ~30c...

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