[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Corioliss 님이 작성:
Yalpe 님이 작성:
I'll double check for IC. Its true that it doesn't trigger that often but it covers up those times where I forget to activate flasks/MS. I wondow what else I would use with those gem slots tho. Perhaps I could recraft some pieces with Hollow Fossils.
The problem is not IC not activating, the problem is that it blocks out MS when it does.
All guard skills share a cooldown. That means: you take damage, IC proccs, MS goes on a 3 second cooldown, even though you didn't use it.
In this case you have the IC buff instead of the much stronger MS. That's not just a wasted gem slot, that's actually very counterproductive to the build.

Yeah I get what you are saying. At level 20 though it procs when you take over 3k damage, so not often enough to put MS on cooldown all the time. That said, I'll test without and report back with the results.

How the claw crafting works?
Do I buy one and use Scouring Orb and use a 3 slot Powerful Alchemical Resonator?

Or do I use the Powerful Chaotic resonator?

GhaleonRlz 님이 작성:

How the claw crafting works?
Do I buy one and use Scouring Orb and use a 3 slot Powerful Alchemical Resonator?

Or do I use the Powerful Chaotic resonator?

That doesn't matter. The outcome is the same.
With the alchemical version you just have to use a scouring after every failed try, with chaotic you just keep rerolling the rare (same as with alchemy/chaos orbs)
Corioliss 님이 작성:
GhaleonRlz 님이 작성:

How the claw crafting works?
Do I buy one and use Scouring Orb and use a 3 slot Powerful Alchemical Resonator?

Or do I use the Powerful Chaotic resonator?

That doesn't matter. The outcome is the same.
With the alchemical version you just have to use a scouring after every failed try, with chaotic you just keep rerolling the rare (same as with alchemy/chaos orbs)

Thank you, sir! First time trying to craft something. Kind of nervous hahaha
GhaleonRlz 님이 작성:
Corioliss 님이 작성:
GhaleonRlz 님이 작성:

How the claw crafting works?
Do I buy one and use Scouring Orb and use a 3 slot Powerful Alchemical Resonator?

Or do I use the Powerful Chaotic resonator?

That doesn't matter. The outcome is the same.
With the alchemical version you just have to use a scouring after every failed try, with chaotic you just keep rerolling the rare (same as with alchemy/chaos orbs)

Thank you, sir! First time trying to craft something. Kind of nervous hahaha

You have better odds of getting ones with Attack speed/Chaos/60% poison with 4 socket resonators.

I know it sounds more expensive because the resonators themselves are like 23c, but its not.


To get a claw with 14%+ attack speed, 60% poison, chaos damage, its an average of 315 chaos. Says 8 tries. 1 in 12 over 100000 tries.(Its probably actually better than that, becuase that doesnt take into consideration getting multi-strike on it; which is 20% attack speed).

That same claw with just the 3 socket method is like 1900 chaos. Rolling to get claws without attack speed is like 130 chaos, or 1 in 10, but at that point I think you would just be better off buying them for 1.5ex or whatever they are now. I mean the 3 socket method will give you an easy 60%/chaos damage claw, but also getting attack speed is basically pissing in the wind with that method at this point.

You can play around on that site to give you an idea. But the 4 socket method is going to produce better claws at a better value. At this point in the league, anything less than one with attack speed/chaos/60%, you might as well just buy it. What you really want is one with those, and an open prefix, or at least good chance at that, and the 4 socket method is the best for that, and its not much more.

So, I personally think if you are gonna craft claws, you do the 4 socket method, and have a chance to get a really good claw, otherwise just buy the 1.5ex low tier ones with attack speed crafted on them.
Destructodave#2478 님이 2020. 5. 1. 오후 2:37:29에 마지막으로 편집
Destructodave 님이 작성:

Thank you, sir! First time trying to craft something. Kind of nervous hahaha

You have better odds of getting ones with Attack speed/Chaos/60% poison with 4 socket resonators.

I know it sounds more expensive because the resonators themselves are like 23c, but its not.


To get a claw with 14%+ attack speed, 60% poison, chaos damage, its an average of 315 chaos. Says 8 tries. 1 in 12 over 100000 tries.(Its probably actually better than that, becuase that doesnt take into consideration getting multi-strike on it; which is 20% attack speed).

That same claw with just the 3 socket method is like 1900 chaos. Rolling to get claws without attack speed is like 130 chaos, or 1 in 10, but at that point I think you would just be better off buying them for 1.5ex or whatever they are now. I mean the 3 socket method will give you an easy 60%/chaos damage claw, but also getting attack speed is basically pissing in the wind with that method at this point.

You can play around on that site to give you an idea. But the 4 socket method is going to produce better claws at a better value. At this point in the league, anything less than one with attack speed/chaos/60%, you might as well just buy it. What you really want is one with those, and an open prefix, or at least good chance at that, and the 4 socket method is the best for that, and its not much more.

So, I personally think if you are gonna craft claws, you do the 4 socket method, and have a chance to get a really good claw, otherwise just buy the 1.5ex low tier ones with attack speed crafted on them.
how does multistrike on a claw translate to 20%ias?
It's ''socketed attacks are supported by level # multistrike''.
The main attack skill (ps/vs) is never socketed in the weapon and whirling blades can't be supported by multistrike. So multistrike on claw does absolutely nothing I think, or am I forgetting something here?
Corioliss#1726 님이 2020. 5. 1. 오후 2:58:02에 마지막으로 편집
Corioliss 님이 작성:
how does multistrike on a claw translate to 20%ias?
It's ''socketed attacks are supported by level # multistrike''.
The main attack skill (ps/vs) is never socketed in the weapon and whirling blades can't be supported by multistrike. So multistrike on claw does absolutely nothing I think, or am I forgetting something here?

Multistrike comes with attack speed as a secondary roll. It doesnt show it on that site(edit: it does if you click the drop down box), but it comes with attack speed, just like conc effect on a shaper helm comes with area damage, or poison comes with poison on hit, or brutality comes with 120% physical damage.

So if you roll multistrike, you get 20% attack speed. All shaper/elder support gem rolls come with a secondary effect. So on my one claw, it has lvl 20 multistrike; that also comes with 20-21% attack speed. I dont really know why it doesnt show that on craft of exile, but its there.(Actually it does show on that site, if you click the drop-down box. Lvl 18 multi is 17-19%, lvl 20 is 20-21%)

That 21% attack speed is the secondary part of the lvl 20 multistrike on that claw.
Destructodave#2478 님이 2020. 5. 1. 오후 3:38:30에 마지막으로 편집
Destructodave 님이 작성:


To get a claw with 14%+ attack speed, 60% poison, chaos damage, its an average of 315 chaos. Says 8 tries. 1 in 12 over 100000 tries.(Its probably actually better than that, becuase that doesnt take into consideration getting multi-strike on it; which is 20% attack speed).


Just click the multistrike mod as well and position it in the same group as the normal attack speed. Then it takes both into account.
Down to 6 tries then.
blastinMot#6703 님이 2020. 5. 1. 오후 7:58:12에 마지막으로 편집
What about double influenced claws?does lchaos penetration worth it?

Migipadl#4468 님이 2020. 5. 1. 오후 8:25:03에 마지막으로 편집
Is it me, or.... Does this build have a "drinking problem?"

Seriously, looking at all the Ascendancy points, and most of them are flask-related. Never played this class before, so can anyone explain to me why flasks are so important?

I mean, am I supposed to put my Witchfire Brew in position 1, and then spam that key as I whirling blade my way around the map?

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