[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

blastinMot 님이 작성:
Destructodave 님이 작성:


To get a claw with 14%+ attack speed, 60% poison, chaos damage, its an average of 315 chaos. Says 8 tries. 1 in 12 over 100000 tries.(Its probably actually better than that, becuase that doesnt take into consideration getting multi-strike on it; which is 20% attack speed).


Just click the multistrike mod as well and position it in the same group as the normal attack speed. Then it takes both into account.
Down to 6 tries then.

Nice, thanks for that info. It was my only issue with the site. I guess this can work for resists and such, too?

But that further proves the point you are 100% better off rolling. 230 chaos is like 1.5ex. So you are pretty likely to get an entry level claw for the same exact price if you roll like that, with the added bonus of it coming with a free prefix for a GG 5-7exalt claw.

It was even more rediculous earlier in the league, when those baseline claws were 5 exalt, and the crafting cost was exactly the same.
Someone have already tried the combo Unspeakable Gift + Devastator for explosion?
Haverhill 님이 작성:
Seriously, looking at all the Ascendancy points, and most of them are flask-related. Never played this class before, so can anyone explain to me why flasks are so important?
Flasks are great buffs for both damage and survivability for nearly any build except maybe minion / summoner builds. Most classes will spam their flasks especially dps ones during mapping, but will be limited to couple of uses on bosses with no adds, however pathfinders can get much bigger uptime which means more damage.

For example Assassins often are forced to spec perfect agony keystone because on bosses coralito will drop off a lot. PF is much better in that aspect.

Also any flask (not just the poison one) enables the ascendancy passive that makes poisons spread and do more damage, so use them a lot!

If you're not very precise with flask usage on any other class it can happen you dry them up too fast, but on pathfinder Nature's Boon takes care of that. So it's much more forgiving. But it helps to learn the habit of using the flasks, there are many other specs that need to use flasks (hello archmage and being married to a mana flask).
Werdna76 님이 작성:
Hey guys, I started with something like this and found that although mapping was a breeze and damage output felt great, it was a little squishy for my taste. I bit the bullet and modified my build to be something like I saw ONE GUY (InsaneIns) on POE Ninja using -- ditch the HoAg and instead abuse 3x Purity of Ice/Fire/Lightning, and grab a free Malevolence w/Aul's amulet. Not having to worry about resistance makes gearing easier. Since we can do the bottom right corner and catch two cluster nodes, we can get 4 medium CJs, one for Low Tolerance +, and the other 3 for Pure Commander + another aura scaling notable to get max res up close to 90%, plus regular res up a lot and stronger malevolence.

I got my max res for elements up to 88% each, armor around 50k with flasks, and I use a Watcher's Eye that does malev-mult + sends phys damage to Fire (artic armor for 12% reduce, then layer on the 88% resist). Tack on some block chance for dual-wield, endurance charge on kill boots, and I feel very tanky even if I'm careless.

Check my profile (ScrotieMcBoogerBabe character) for my most current build. I highly recommend it if you have some currency -- Watcher's eye, corrupted perfect form, decent claws, my boots. It's not perfect and I'm sure I could refine it, but it feels like a nice blend of poison damage (more than enough for everything so far - easy Sirus A8 kill), tank, and super fast movement/mapping. My favorite build ever and it dies rarely enough that I'm still surprised at the clear/damage.

Curious if anyone has feedback. And sorry if this is seen as a critique of the base build - a really nice one that I just had trouble staying alive with in this league (3.10). :)

I rolled what he said and have to say it's amazing, despite having 4.8k life is just so tanky and the clear is totally fine, the +++ is when you take damage you have actually time to react, oneshot doesn't exist. On single target alone like conquerors i use viper strike feels better than pestilent. And in the end the most expensive stuff are the weapons, i'm sad i'm kinda stuck with gear upgrading.
"The exodus of humanity in search of a new home? It is like spreading a virus in the healthy space."
Kiri2k 님이 작성:
Werdna76 님이 작성:
Hey guys, I started with something like this and found that although mapping was a breeze and damage output felt great, it was a little squishy for my taste. I bit the bullet and modified my build to be something like I saw ONE GUY (InsaneIns) on POE Ninja using -- ditch the HoAg and instead abuse 3x Purity of Ice/Fire/Lightning, and grab a free Malevolence w/Aul's amulet. Not having to worry about resistance makes gearing easier. Since we can do the bottom right corner and catch two cluster nodes, we can get 4 medium CJs, one for Low Tolerance +, and the other 3 for Pure Commander + another aura scaling notable to get max res up close to 90%, plus regular res up a lot and stronger malevolence.

I got my max res for elements up to 88% each, armor around 50k with flasks, and I use a Watcher's Eye that does malev-mult + sends phys damage to Fire (artic armor for 12% reduce, then layer on the 88% resist). Tack on some block chance for dual-wield, endurance charge on kill boots, and I feel very tanky even if I'm careless.

Check my profile (ScrotieMcBoogerBabe character) for my most current build. I highly recommend it if you have some currency -- Watcher's eye, corrupted perfect form, decent claws, my boots. It's not perfect and I'm sure I could refine it, but it feels like a nice blend of poison damage (more than enough for everything so far - easy Sirus A8 kill), tank, and super fast movement/mapping. My favorite build ever and it dies rarely enough that I'm still surprised at the clear/damage.

Curious if anyone has feedback. And sorry if this is seen as a critique of the base build - a really nice one that I just had trouble staying alive with in this league (3.10). :)

I rolled what he said and have to say it's amazing, despite having 4.8k life is just so tanky and the clear is totally fine, the +++ is when you take damage you have actually time to react, oneshot doesn't exist. On single target alone like conquerors i use viper strike feels better than pestilent. And in the end the most expensive stuff are the weapons, i'm sad i'm kinda stuck with gear upgrading.

Ill work on that idea to see if it can be pulled out without Aul's amulet. That thing is very rare, not everyone will get it.
There are only 25 of those on market.
TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2020. 5. 2. 오후 7:14:01에 마지막으로 편집
How is the damage? It looks amazing on paper but I feel like we're sacrificing a lot.
Yalpe#3404 님이 2020. 5. 2. 오후 7:25:25에 마지막으로 편집
As a new player, I was playing with Venom and CL. I really wanted to try PS. I had no money to buy the armor. I saved money and bought the armor yesterday. PS is amazing. I now finish T14-15-16 maps much more comfortably and faster. Does anyone suggest me to be better? I want to save money and make the character better. You can browse my character from my profile.

Lazian 님이 작성:
As a new player, I was playing with Venom and CL. I really wanted to try PS. I had no money to buy the armor. I saved money and bought the armor yesterday. PS is amazing. I now finish T14-15-16 maps much more comfortably and faster. Does anyone suggest me to be better? I want to save money and make the character better. You can browse my character from my profile.

Change boot craft for Movement Speed + Onslaught. Ascendency makes you ailment immune anyways so you can't be chilled.

Use attributes catalyst on Cicle of Regret and amulet. The two stone ring should have more life. Maybe get a better one with open prefix. PM my ingame if you need -9 to mana cost crafted. Your amulet should be annointed with Tribal Fury.
Yalpe#3404 님이 2020. 5. 2. 오후 10:19:31에 마지막으로 편집
Resistance catalysts are actually better on the circle of regret imo. With the almost 70 chaos resist on it the +20% is a lot. You can even get another elemental resist as an implicit (see the one on my pathfinder for example) for even more value.
Corioliss#1726 님이 2020. 5. 2. 오후 11:18:56에 마지막으로 편집
Would appreciate any feedback on this character from the experts here. My first Pathfinder, so I'm more lost than usual on how to improve her. Her damage seems OK, as long as I remember to spam flasks/support skills, but she seems quite squishy on the higher red maps. I've based this build off of DestructoDave's character of the same name, except I'm using PS, not VS. Character's name is Cruella_BellaDonna.

I know the Amulet is a little weak, but I haven't been able to find any others nearly as good - which I want to do before I invest in a "Tribal Fury" annointment.

Haverhill#3900 님이 2020. 5. 3. 오전 1:46:38에 마지막으로 편집

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