[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

This was my first attempt at crafting a claw, is there any way to remove the Dex or +1 Gems with Harvest crafting? Or should I just Annul and pray?
ButtButt27 님이 작성:

This was my first attempt at crafting a claw, is there any way to remove the Dex or +1 Gems with Harvest crafting? Or should I just Annul and pray?

You can remove the +1 gems with harvest craft "remove an attack mod" but you also have attack speed on the claw so it will be 50/50...
arzate03 님이 작성:
You can remove the +1 gems with harvest craft "remove an attack mod" but you also have attack speed on the claw so it will be 50/50...

OK thanks, guess I should craft another usable claw first before gambling with this one then.
i'm still looking this build and something bothering me. We are pathfinder which mean we always have flask charges and our life flask have stauching. Why we still need corrupted blood mod on jewel ?
henrylucas 님이 작성:
Why we still need corrupted blood mod on jewel ?
Safety precaution, you can get 20 stacks of corrupted blood and not even notice then insta die. You won't always stare at your buff / debuff status bar.
Okay so, I'm wondering, an Envy Auls might be a little bit pricey, but would it work well with this build?

Or if not, if we take a Malevolence Auls, what would be a good use of that free reserved Mana?
I am testing the build with expanding to the call to arms keynode and tribal fury, 2 insane QoL nodes, I think the traveling is worth and extra strength is also fine for the strength gems.

sacrificing ambidexterity, which I will probably anoint and few other nodes, I need to level to maps now. But I really want the instant enduring cry, which is inane now, really hate any cast time on cries.

I know I could anoint tribal fury, but it's about call to arms.
frgntz#5389 님이 2020. 7. 1. 오전 4:57:34에 마지막으로 편집
Why run spell totems with wither twice?
If what I read correctly in the recent news of the update, General's Cry may allow for no limit on mirages. Currently you summon 5 warriors given enough power, and if you summon again before they strike the new ones override the old ones and they disappear.

What this means is that you may be able to pop 10 of these guys if you have something like second wind attached to the gem (you can get down to 1.5s CD with full tree investment). 10 mirages with multistrike is 30 hits (or 15 with support) of poison.

Long shot here, but that may potentially add additional damage to something like Pestilent Strike's secondary effect or a way to quickly stack poisons?

A build like this would be the best way to adapt that functionality if it really works that way.
First of all, this is a superbly made guide! Everything is so well described, it's all understandable.

I had to comment about the fact that the defenses on this are a craft of perfection. It feels like you are playing the opposite of a glass cannon while still keeping the damage. I don't know the last time I died.

As the guide said, you need some currency to make it from decent to great. But it's still flexible enough to make some of your own choices in terms of gems and what kind of playstyle you want, or how many buttons to press.

Thanks for the guide.
ArnoldsKTM#3572 님이 2020. 7. 1. 오후 7:40:15에 마지막으로 편집

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