[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Hi everyone,

I managed to get some currency and now I'm wondering if Awakened Multistrike Support is worth the 25ex investment.
How much more damage does awakened Multistrike give us compared to the normal Multistrike?
n3Ar22 님이 작성:
Hi everyone,

I managed to get some currency and now I'm wondering if Awakened Multistrike Support is worth the 25ex investment.
How much more damage does awakened Multistrike give us compared to the normal Multistrike?

Can't say for sure, but looking at your gear I'd probably go for a hunter helm with -x% chaos resist and a correct enchantment for the build first.
n3Ar22 님이 작성:
Hi everyone,

I managed to get some currency and now I'm wondering if Awakened Multistrike Support is worth the 25ex investment.
How much more damage does awakened Multistrike give us compared to the normal Multistrike?

It's a solid boost, but it's kinda honestly one of the last things you should do for the build. Not to mention, I expect the price of Woke multistrike to go lower after the seed craft buff, because of the awakened jewel craft. Multistrike will be a popular gem for that craft.
Loving the guide, have got with the pestilent strike variety and its been pretty smooth sailing until I have hit T5 maps. I seem to be dying a fair amount and was wondering if you, or anyone else had some suggesting on what I should focus on next or what I could to to improve my tankiness.

Thanks :)
ArnoldsKTM 님이 작성:
First of all, this is a superbly made guide! Everything is so well described, it's all understandable.

I had to comment about the fact that the defenses on this are a craft of perfection. It feels like you are playing the opposite of a glass cannon while still keeping the damage. I don't know the last time I died.

As the guide said, you need some currency to make it from decent to great. But it's still flexible enough to make some of your own choices in terms of gems and what kind of playstyle you want, or how many buttons to press.

Thanks for the guide.

ArnoldsKTM 님이 작성:
First of all, this is a superbly made guide! Everything is so well described, it's all understandable.

I had to comment about the fact that the defenses on this are a craft of perfection. It feels like you are playing the opposite of a glass cannon while still keeping the damage. I don't know the last time I died.

As the guide said, you need some currency to make it from decent to great. But it's still flexible enough to make some of your own choices in terms of gems and what kind of playstyle you want, or how many buttons to press.

Thanks for the guide.

Tnx guys :)

One thing you have to make a priority is getting t1 life rolls on all rare items.
Build is starved on life and to compensate good gear is required.
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:

Tnx guys :)

One thing you have to make a priority is getting t1 life rolls on all rare items.
Build is starved on life and to compensate good gear is required.

Thanks for getting back so quickly. I will prioritize getting the rest of the life nodes in the tree then! I have started to get the hang of keeping flasks rolling constantly now, which has also helped!
Deathxp100#4160 님이 2020. 7. 2. 오후 3:35:35에 마지막으로 편집
BigarettesNBereal 님이 작성:
Why run spell totems with wither twice?

If you mean why the Multiple Totems Support(?), it'd be in order to stack Wither to a full 15 stacks faster + more reliably maintain full uptime.

Each stack only lasts ~2.5 seconds, and one totem casts 4-5 wither stacks per second, so in order to maintain a full 15 stack you need two totems.
Thanks for the great inspiration that build gives me ! I am not following it 100% (yet) but this "first" attempt in playing a pathfinder in endgame is super fun!!! (I choose Trickster for 85% of my builds :D :D ).
I always wanted an endgame viable melee poison build - and this is it!

a few questions/thoughts/comments:

0) Pestilent Strike is glorious :D :D :D
a) My momentum/clearspeed is soooo extreme that I zoom through maps killing almost everything only to backtrack for all the juicy loot (ok in harvest not so juicy).
b) I am running into serious HP problems (it began at mid lvls): at lvl 80 I am just below a 4k healthpool - I can't remember an alt with that little health.
c) (as a result of b) and my experience with the trickster) Do you think an ES build of this build is viable ? (Ghost reaver / CI)
d) For the third choice of ascendency points I chose Nature's adrenaline - this seems to synergize perfectly with the build so far...
e) what would you think of a trickster as the class for this build
f) ever considered going cluster jewel? ('Low tolerance' for example seems juicy)
g) Plague bearer seems to be a great addition to the clearspeed and single target DPS of this build - I am running it most of the time.

Thanks again for the ideas!!
BluMetal#7507 님이 2020. 7. 3. 오후 6:05:50에 마지막으로 편집
Hey all,

Just ran this through the story and I'm really liking the build, but I'm a little concerned about the number of active skills. I'm not using withering step and still have (just counting active skills):

Pestilent, Whirling, Dash, Wither Totem, Enduring Cry, Vaal Haste, Molten Shell, Vaal Molten Shell

This seems like a lot compared to what I've run before; do you have any keybind suggestions or things we can drop for more supports (drop Vaal Haste or Enduring for something to support Enduring/VHaste and Molten Shell)?
If you care to look at my build "RichAFBB"
Could you maybe tell me what I should be focusing on?
So far I clear t16's with ease, bosses can kill me pretty quick.
Is auls worth running if you can't get envy?
Circle of nostalgia over a rare life/res ring late game?
(Don't mind the helm. Need to hit the enchant still)

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