[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

blastinMot 님이 작성:
TheOne320 님이 작성:
Thank you. First try using a resonator with the fossils that Cyberneticdm recommended:

Is there a way to get the Chaos Damage over time multi on this?

You would have to get rid of the socketed melee gems, because it's blocking the 1 prefix spot that you need for crafting the chaos damage over time.

You could try using an orb of annulment or the harvest craft for "remove attack mod". Both have a high chance of hitting other mods on the item.

If you don't have any other claws as a backup, I'd recommend saving some currency and crafting another claw.

Cheers. I will do that.
Is there a point in having over 100% chance to poison on hit? I feel like I can allocated a few skill points elsewhere.
Jellybee85 님이 작성:
Is there a point in having over 100% chance to poison on hit? I feel like I can allocated a few skill points elsewhere.
No there isn't. Everything over 100% chance is wasted. Most "chance to poison" nodes give you some damage with poison or DoT Multi as well though, so a lot of them are worth it anyway.
If you got other nodes open that grant you more benefits though, just reallocate the points.
The single target damage with viper strike is insane! A8 Sirus is a complete joke now...
First off i love the build you put together. But i feel like im not having enough life for pestilent/viper strike, is there an easy way to get more in the tree?
I guess I am done with harvest crafting now :D

rip my luck
Liking this build so far, just got to maps, having some int and res problems, but I wanted to add for starters - pick up Iron Reflexes as soon as you can, it changes the feel of character very much.
Zambajzz 님이 작성:
First off i love the build you put together. But i feel like im not having enough life for pestilent/viper strike, is there an easy way to get more in the tree?

How much life do you have?
With this character its not too much about life, but also about using the correct defense mechanisms that the build has. Putting some more layers on it (dodge attack/spell hit boots etc.) also helps.

arzate03 님이 작성:
I guess I am done with harvest crafting now :D

Well... that's not T1 life though ;)
Also I do like less mana reserved for malevolence instead of the attack speed.
blastinMot 님이 작성:
Zambajzz 님이 작성:
First off i love the build you put together. But i feel like im not having enough life for pestilent/viper strike, is there an easy way to get more in the tree?

How much life do you have?
With this character its not too much about life, but also about using the correct defense mechanisms that the build has. Putting some more layers on it (dodge attack/spell hit boots etc.) also helps.

I have like 4.6k pure life on level 83.

EDIT: i think i fixed my issue "by accident".
there was simply no enough room on my bars for movement, vaal/moltenshell, vaal grace, enduring cry, dash, whirling blades and pestilent strike, even if i place wither totem on the second bar with "shift". so i simply placed regular molten shell on left click, were originally my move-only was. now im casting moltenshell on the move instantly and kinda passivly :)
Zambajazz#2118 님이 2020. 7. 14. 오후 10:08:02에 마지막으로 편집
Is there a reason Wind Dancer is skipped? Running Iron Reflexes means that you'll basically always have been hit recently, yielding a near permanent 20% more evasion (armour) for a single point.

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