[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Just had a look after a long time again in this post, since I am done with my league starter. Glad to see that this build in the end kept it´s identity and strength.

I am pretty much confused why no one went with double influence claws so far with harvest. Right now I am searching for my next project, maybe I´ll give that char a go and see if I can outmatch qawsicans gear or at least build some GG claws for sale xD
Gotta say thanks for the build - been playing for close to five years and it's one of the most fun builds I have done. Cleared pretty much everything there is with ease apart from a triple-sextanted-triple-scarab-100%-delirious-metamorph-syndicate-influenced-T16 Belfry but I am sure that was my fault for choosing shitty map mods.

I have self-crafted every single piece of my gear and am still working on T1 poison roll for my ring (just a few remove/add influence off), Awakened Multistrike and last but not least a single/double corruption on The Perfect Form.

Didn't look into double-influence claws, but maybe I will be able to push the DPS even higher even though it's already insane. Right now I'm around 19mil with 15 Wither and 35 Virulence stacks.

Wanted to add Malevolence to the amulet as well but I'd have to lock prefixes and spam remove/add influence as well, and then put the chaos stuff back on - need a lot of exalts for these crafts.

If you have any other gear suggestions to push it please let me know because I have PoB warriored this build quite a lot, and struggle to find more upgrades.
xyeppp#7300 님이 2020. 7. 18. 오전 7:57:59에 마지막으로 편집
xyeppp 님이 작성:
Gotta say thanks for the build - been playing for close to five years and it's one of the most fun builds I have done. Cleared pretty much everything there is with ease apart from a triple-sextanted-triple-scarab-100%-delirious-metamorph-syndicate-influenced-T16 Belfry but I am sure that was my fault for choosing shitty map mods.

I have self-crafted every single piece of my gear and am still working on T1 poison roll for my ring (just a few remove/add influence off), Awakened Multistrike and last but not least a single/double corruption on The Perfect Form.

Didn't look into double-influence claws, but maybe I will be able to push the DPS even higher even though it's already insane. Right now I'm around 19mil with 15 Wither and 35 Virulence stacks.


Wanted to add Malevolence to the amulet as well but I'd have to lock prefixes and spam remove/add influence as well, and then put the chaos stuff back on - need a lot of exalts for these crafts.

If you have any other gear suggestions to push it please let me know because I have PoB warriored this build quite a lot, and struggle to find more upgrades.

You guys are making gear that greatly surpasses what i've managed to put together. Basically your damage is doubled from my presented char.

That being said there is a lot of room to improve defenses which is necessary to be able to do 100% delirious T16+ maps (without extra damage mods, speed mods or -res, those are easy rips).
Here is the video of my modified char doing fully juiced t16 100% delirious map. I have ~5.5 mil sDPS with all buffs on Pestilent Strike.


PoB https://pastebin.com/BRbPe4Fd

I've died once due to fidgeting with gems and ultimately going after Kosis without Melee Splash on Viper Strike so i didn't clear mobs around him which killed me...

Mods that i did to my char:
-Kaom's Roots
Getting slowed to oblivion will get you overwhelmed and killed. Also stun immunity is a big upside. Some total life gain.
-removing gems that are not vital for the build
-passive tree mods to get passive attack block to 50%
-Rumi's Concoction flask will cap attack block to 75%
-Putting Warding suffix on Jade flask
-max attack block will provide reliable passive Endurance charge generation

Few things to mention about 100% delirious maps:

-things are chaotic
-you have to react fast
-disengaging when is needed
-keeping Fortify and defenses up
-kiting Kosis is a must when he casts spells (fire balls and lightning arcs) especially nova slam which you must avoid completely

I'm sure with those mod you will be fit for t18 100% delirious because of extra damage you have compared to me.
Mathil in last league explained how extra monster life and monster numbers basically scales their damage to infinity with time. So killing faster delirium shit is vital to stay alive as much as defenses.
Random rips happen. Things are too hectic to follow everything what is going on.

If you want to play a little with different setup for your char here's a quick transition for you.


You will have 30-50% more damage than me with Pestilent Strike and t16 100% shouldn't be a problem at all.
TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2020. 7. 18. 오전 10:39:49에 마지막으로 편집

Actually this build kinda amazes me. When i start i didn't expect too much but at the and my viper strike going over 25mil Shaper dps.

i crafted my all rares and still trying to get t1 lifes and etc. Ty for build
YemreksiogLu#5272 님이 2020. 7. 19. 오전 4:52:03에 마지막으로 편집
henrylucas 님이 작성:

Actually this build kinda amazes me. When i start i didn't expect too much but at the and my viper strike going over 25mil Shaper dps.

i crafted my all rares and still trying to get t1 lifes and etc. Ty for build

ty for feedback :)

Just one thing, switch Warding affix to Silver flask and Staunching to life flask.
Hey, just started leveling and wanted to try fossil crafting the weapons used for this and I managed to get
which amazed me as it's pretty much my first time crafting, as far as I understand I hit it pretty well, but I can't craft the damage over time now right? Anything I can do or is this very usable as is?
Jakubi 님이 작성:
Hey, just started leveling and wanted to try fossil crafting the weapons used for this and I managed to get
which amazed me as it's pretty much my first time crafting, as far as I understand I hit it pretty well, but I can't craft the damage over time now right? Anything I can do or is this very usable as is?

You got t1 crit chance i think. Claw is very good, it will serve you well. :)
TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2020. 7. 19. 오후 6:19:44에 마지막으로 편집
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
Jakubi 님이 작성:
Hey, just started leveling and wanted to try fossil crafting the weapons used for this and I managed to get
which amazed me as it's pretty much my first time crafting, as far as I understand I hit it pretty well, but I can't craft the damage over time now right? Anything I can do or is this very usable as is?

You got t1 crit chance i think. Claw is very good, it will serve you well. :)

The +1 to socketed gems ist the prefix you'd need to craft chaos damage over time multi.
So the claw is good, but unfortunately not very good as the chaos multi is a big part of the damage.

Just use this claw till you can craft something better.

Crafted this, is there a way to craft the 60% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage, or should I craft the basic increased damage over time mod, or something else?
In the beta thanks to Starcraft42.
Figured it out :D
Jakubi#1190 님이 2020. 7. 20. 오전 7:42:50에 마지막으로 편집

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