[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Thanarchy 님이 작성:
I checked some times ago Anomalous fortify but as I understand it, it's 4% increase effect of -20% phys dmg taken ?
tho : 20*1.04 = 20.8, and poe round it at 20% ? and even if it's 21%, -1% phys dmg taken isn't game breaking too
Am I missing something ?

Its not only phys, its all damage from hits. Its not much but as many things in this build, it all adds up. I would not prioritise this upgrade but if you have the currency, there's no reason not to.
Yeah I get that, but we agree it's only 1% gain or Im wrong ?
and when I do the maths, I'm not even sure it's 1% because as I said, with 4% it gives 20.8% reduced damage from hits, and 20.8% = 20% for poe's engine ?
It might matter to be on the top of the DPS ladder. It looks like elevated -X% chaos res hunter helmet mod is doing a lot of work there
Moussx 님이 작성:
It might matter to be on the top of the DPS ladder. It looks like elevated -X% chaos res hunter helmet mod is doing a lot of work there

It does. I'm TheAgonistRitualPS on there.
Does pestilent strike has any benefits of using HH for faster mapping?
Awesome build!

Any suggestion on finding an ilvl 85 hunter influence helmet with enchant? I assume Enchanted Fossil because I didnt see any on trade yet with withering step.

Just FYI, flask charges with critical strike makes bosses a joke with this attack speed (permanent uptime).
ChaosDMG#0041 님이 2021. 2. 16. 오후 2:30:10에 마지막으로 편집
Are you guys crafting the cluster jewels or buying them? Cheapest I've found for the large cluster is ~5ex and the mediums are ~1 ex. Would it be cheaper to just buy them, or should I attempt to craft? What do you all think?
Best way to check is to use a website like craftofexile. Getting only T2 life and unholy grace is like 1.5 ex

If you need other passives/nodes, you can check how chaos spamming would roll for a magic jewel with the correct affixes
ChaosDMG 님이 작성:
Any suggestion on finding an ilvl 85 hunter influence helmet with enchant? I assume Enchanted Fossil because I didnt see any on trade yet with withering step.
Just buy a base without hunter influence. You can influence it yourself with a Hunter's Exalted orb later on.
Will probably still take a bit of time to get one.

Enchanting ilvl 85 Lion Pelts isn't the worst idea though.
Needs some RNG but might hit other enchants that you can sell in the meantime.
blastinMot#6703 님이 2021. 2. 16. 오후 4:30:01에 마지막으로 편집

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