[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
Jhssutrx 님이 작성:
Hi! Now I levelled up, have put on the not-leveling gems (some of them are inactive because lack of attribute or reservation efficiency), and have spent (almost) all of my currency to gear up and for a cluster jewel.
And have tried to do a level 1 map (with PestilentStrike). No success :(

In POB I have generated a representation. I will try to copy it here.
I am in Standard league.
I'd like to ask: is it possible (for me) to reproduce the build? (Let's say, in 98%.) (Within 3 months.) And if so: how? (Through what steps? What stages?)

3 months is plenty of time but new patch is coming in 17 days so build might be messed up then, i don't know that.

What I can do for you is to gift you some stuff in Standard as I don't need it, to boost you up a bit.
Be online tomorrow at this time.

Contact me ign @TorstUntouchableViper i'm online now
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
Swantar 님이 작성:

Thanks for you help.I check the current POB of yours,both ring are circle of nostalgia,then how to get two curses both on targets?or one curse is enough,just choose one depends on differient situations

Temporal Chains come from gem and Despair comes from Witchfire Brew flask.

Could you help me with my build.Now I'm running T14 map above is difficult and always suddenly death,no enchant helmet so there are just Grace and Purity of elements auras.I follow the MS guild,so I can't use Viper Strike due to the color of my 6L,is that a serious problem?
Thots on the high level changes for 3.22?
NosesforSale 님이 작성:
Thots on the high level changes for 3.22?

Build will be fine. Most likely I'll change amulet and Temp Chains curse for something else.
Planning to league start this as it was my favorite build many leagues ago. I noticed many things have changed since then so I had a few questions.

How would you prioritize the auras before meeting the mana reservation requirements? Herald + Purity > Grace > Malevolence?

What nodes would you drop for a lvl 92/93 build? I was thinking the 2 gem slots on the right for 4 points, the two small life/er nodes at the top right and I couldn't decide what to do for the last two nodes. Resist node beside the gem socket on the left seemed nice to make gearing easier at the start since the build uses so many uniques and everything else seems somewhat mandatory except maybe the recoup nodes or the leech nodes.

Is the reason you choose avatar of chase over any of the other ascendencies with FF/FS jewels related to the 90% vs 95% evasion quote you have in your defenses section? Would it be fair to say that it isnt that great until you hit high evasion values?

Lastly hows this build's flask uptime on bosses? IIRC it was prety good but pob is only telling me 40%.
we123450 님이 2023. 8. 15. 오전 7:02:37에 마지막으로 편집
we123450 님이 작성:
Planning to league start this as it was my favorite build many leagues ago. I noticed many things have changed since then so I had a few questions.

How would you prioritize the auras before meeting the mana reservation requirements? Herald + Purity > Grace > Malevolence?

What nodes would you drop for a lvl 92/93 build? I was thinking the 2 gem slots on the right for 4 points, the two small life/er nodes at the top right and I couldn't decide what to do for the last two nodes. Resist node beside the gem socket on the left seemed nice to make gearing easier at the start since the build uses so many uniques and everything else seems somewhat mandatory except maybe the recoup nodes or the leech nodes.

Is the reason you choose avatar of chase over any of the other ascendencies with FF/FS jewels related to the 90% vs 95% evasion quote you have in your defenses section? Would it be fair to say that it isnt that great until you hit high evasion values?

Lastly hows this build's flask uptime on bosses? IIRC it was prety good but pob is only telling me 40%.

1) Yeah, get Malevolence last. You'll need Grace for survivability.

2) https://pastebin.com/rwVAxYjB this would be new preliminary PoB
remove the medium cluster and some damage nodes or something non vital

3) yeah, Avatar of Chase caps your Evasion and until you have high evasion rating it's not that great

4) flask uptime ain't perfect, it's enough to take down bosses but you will be able to prolong it substantially with new Tattoos
Thoughts on the impact to poison molten strike in 3.22? Seems like are losing a support gem for Returning Proj now right?
krustyle 님이 작성:
Thoughts on the impact to poison molten strike in 3.22? Seems like are losing a support gem for Returning Proj now right?

Returning Proj support is 39% more damage gem so it's not worth taking unless you want to double life/mana on hit gain.

Also to add that Poison dps in new PoB in post above is higher than in 3.21 so damage ramp up will be faster in this league.
Build is somewhat more expensive due to use of Ashes amulet but it will be just as good if not better.
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 2023. 8. 18. 오후 12:04:32에 마지막으로 편집
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
krustyle 님이 작성:
Thoughts on the impact to poison molten strike in 3.22? Seems like are losing a support gem for Returning Proj now right?

Returning Proj support is 39% more damage gem so it's not worth taking unless you want to double life/mana on hit gain.

Also to add that Poison dps in new PoB in post above is higher than in 3.21 so damage ramp up will be faster in this league.
Build is somewhat more expensive due to use of Ashes amulet but it will be just as good if not better.

Is there an alternative to ashes? I've never been rich enough to have a chase item, and I doubt that will change this league. lol
Avuris 님이 작성:
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
krustyle 님이 작성:
Thoughts on the impact to poison molten strike in 3.22? Seems like are losing a support gem for Returning Proj now right?

Returning Proj support is 39% more damage gem so it's not worth taking unless you want to double life/mana on hit gain.

Also to add that Poison dps in new PoB in post above is higher than in 3.21 so damage ramp up will be faster in this league.
Build is somewhat more expensive due to use of Ashes amulet but it will be just as good if not better.

Is there an alternative to ashes? I've never been rich enough to have a chase item, and I doubt that will change this league. lol

Yeah ofc, you can still go with Solstice Vigil and Temporal Chains + Blasphemy or even rare or other unique amulet. Ashes are just best in slot.
In that case you will have to take Influence notable because of reservation.

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