[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Is the pob for the molten strike one accurate or is it finicky because of the proj+number of hits. From what I can see damage per hit seems similar to pestilent strike and about half of viper strike but I imagine it hits much more often. I swapped off poison conc. but the damage seems to be lacking so I was thinking of trying molten strike tomorrow.

Bit new to this but isn't returning projectile 1.39x better than vicious projectile 1.49x0.9=1.34x? Its weaker than the awakened version however.

Also the attack mastery for +1 strike near the cluster might be better than ancestral call for budget builds that cant afford the glove. The extra proj node does nothing for PS and VS but 2 passives in exchange for an extra link seems worth it.
we123450 님이 2023. 8. 19. 오전 10:26:16에 마지막으로 편집
we123450 님이 작성:
Is the pob for the molten strike one accurate or is it finicky because of the proj+number of hits. From what I can see damage per hit seems similar to pestilent strike and about half of viper strike but I imagine it hits much more often. I swapped off poison conc. but the damage seems to be lacking so I was thinking of trying molten strike tomorrow.

Bit new to this but isn't returning projectile 1.39x better than vicious projectile 1.49x0.9=1.34x?

Also the attack mastery for +1 strike near the cluster might be better than ancestral call for budget builds that cant afford the glove. The extra proj node does nothing for PS and VS but 2 passives in exchange for an extra link seems worth it.

Molten Strike is out the picture now because Vengeant Cascade nerf. VC legit made it deal double damage from balls.
It's not worth doing it now.

Go with Pestilent/Viper Strike.

Hi would this build be possible as assassin?
ShisuiTheLord 님이 작성:
Hi would this build be possible as assassin?

Won't be as good.
Guys, I was wondering if this build could be good for a beginner. I couldn't find the 3.22 pob but it looks really fun. Can I like... fix it easily once I get to the changes on the talent tree?
spanishplz 님이 작성:
Guys, I was wondering if this build could be good for a beginner. I couldn't find the 3.22 pob but it looks really fun. Can I like... fix it easily once I get to the changes on the talent tree?

3.22 PoB is few posts back but I don't recommend this build for league starting for beginner.
Start with something easier then switch to this when you amass some currency.
Thank you Torstein. I didn't see it, my bad. I'll try another one and then come back then. This build looks great man.
Hi, I've been thinking about moving to this build (tried the old version leagues ago and loved it).

I have some questions:

- The gloves implicit for multiple strikes, does it make a lot of difference between 1 and 2?

- Ashes of stars, do we prioritize mana reservation or quality?

- I'm currently at level 95, and I think I can push it to 97-98, Is it enough or would I be losing too many things?

If you could help me, I'd appreciate it!
Solirean 님이 작성:
Hi, I've been thinking about moving to this build (tried the old version leagues ago and loved it).

I have some questions:

- The gloves implicit for multiple strikes, does it make a lot of difference between 1 and 2?

- Ashes of stars, do we prioritize mana reservation or quality?

- I'm currently at level 95, and I think I can push it to 97-98, Is it enough or would I be losing too many things?

If you could help me, I'd appreciate it!

- +1 strike on gloves is mandatory and enough, +2 is ofc better but not mandatory
- Ashes, get at least 15% reservation, 20% quality is fine
- lvl 96+ is ok

If you need help along the way, post here i'll help.
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 2023. 8. 27. 오후 5:51:08에 마지막으로 편집
Post got duplicated.
Solirean 님이 2023. 8. 28. 오후 1:53:10에 마지막으로 편집

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