3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

dragon15423 님이 작성:
pat_hibulaire 님이 작성:
hello !

I have a question about withering step.
In the "tanky endgame setup" it is linked with desecrate, spirit offering and convocation
I don't understand how and when i have to use those skills, is there a specific gameplay about them ?

thank you very much for your help

you can use a cyclone + cast while chanelling + spirit offering + desecrate setup. and put the convocation / withering step in the unset ring.

but if want to use the setup in tanky end game setup , then bind withering step to left mouse click. so u procc it auto while ur moving. and u have to cast other 3 skills manually when u need them.

great thank you very much for your help !
Naz71 님이 작성:
dragon15423 님이 작성:
Naz71 님이 작성:

change ur hungry loop to a ring with life , str and ES. use host chieftain, carnage , mervails and 1 arena master(optional). ur spectres are getting the kill so ur zombies arent dealing damage meaning they are not leeching much hp to u. so i suggest u to go full Zombie mode if u still dont feel tanky. and i personally use flesh offering for insane zombie attack speed and movespeed. since im resist cap etirely from my gear and I have 1500 str. the flesh offering is very nice for zombies. im also experimenting with bone armour. its a bit more hp to my zombies.

but yea u should give the mentioned spectres a try and see how tanky u get from them. im using discipline for that extra ES. ive got 6k HP and 4.4k ES rn and my zombies doing 1.2mil dps without elegant hubris.

try the clusters+end-game setup. its very good. only if u have the budget tho.

Ive tried and I got the next level, I feel a little more tanky than before, but still not enough for Sirus A8 =(

anyone level 95 have killed him A8?
wouldnt awakened brutality will be better the awakened melee physical?
i have another question please

about flesh and stone, in the tanky end game setup, which stance do you use ? And if you switch in one to another , in which case please ?

thanks a lot, again great building with great fun !
sirus is killing my animated guardian, any tips?
Just rolled a summoner checking this guide but talent tree seems a bit strange from lvl40-80 i dont see the extra points . Maybe they are slapped on a jewel? still i cant see them, anyone knows why ?
Naz71 님이 작성:

Ive tried and I got the next level, I feel a little more tanky than before, but still not enough for Sirus A8 =(

anyone level 95 have killed him A8?

ive kiled sirus a8 on my lvl 92 necro but not deathless. i just cant seem to dodge quick enough in the final phase. just too much going on in the screen and my huge screen filling zombies block my view too much. honestly im thinking about dropping hulking corpses and going with something else.
anyway sirus a8 drops fast and none of my minions seem to loose any HP lol. they just regen and leech nasty amounts of HP. and zombies got 3 aps which is just dumb.
pat_hibulaire 님이 작성:
i have another question please

about flesh and stone, in the tanky end game setup, which stance do you use ? And if you switch in one to another , in which case please ?

thanks a lot, again great building with great fun !

personally i dont use that aura since i dont have enough mana for it. but u could link it with maim and run on flesh mode to maim everything for that extra damg boost due to maim. or u could run stone mode for an extra defensive layer.

u can switch between two of the stances whenever u want. i used to run flesh stance in mapping and stone in bossing for a bit defense.
Lazarus507 님이 작성:
sirus is killing my animated guardian, any tips?

what gears u have on the guardian and how much hp does he have. cause my 50k guardian doesnt seem to loose any hp during a8 sirus. or any other maps except the acid cavern and HOGM.
Ecroartu 님이 작성:
wouldnt awakened brutality will be better the awakened melee physical?

zombies wont deal andy elemental or any chaos damage if u use brutality. so thats still a huge damage loss. and since awakened melee physical has chance to intimidate on hit, and it does more damage bleeding & elemental affected enemies. so its better than awk brutality.

my zombies loose about 250k dps when i switch to awk brutality.
dragon15423#7790 님이 2020. 6. 6. 오후 9:42:09에 마지막으로 편집

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