3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

dragon15423 님이 작성:
Ecroartu 님이 작성:
wouldnt awakened brutality will be better the awakened melee physical?

zombies wont deal andy elemental or any chaos damage if u use brutality. so thats still a huge damage loss. and since awakened melee physical has chance to intimidate on hit, and it does more damage bleeding & elemental affected enemies. so its better than awk brutality.

my zombies loose about 250k dps when i switch to awk brutality.

I use awa Bruta + Rare Gloves redeemer infulenced with minion damage over minion speed/ awa minion damage.

I deal more dps pure phys vs using elemental or chaos damage

my question is., how can i Input the Merveil debuff and Arena Master buff on POB?
DaveNemesis26#9148 님이 2020. 6. 6. 오후 9:48:10에 마지막으로 편집
DaveNemesis26 님이 작성:

I use awa Bruta + Rare Gloves redeemer infulenced with minion damage over minion speed/ awa minion damage.

I deal more dps pure phys vs using elemental or chaos damage

my question is., how can i Input the Merveil debuff and Arena Master buff on POB?

u can check the "enable curses" under raise spectres in configuration for the curses from spectre. also i thought u said awk brutality instead of awk brutality. so i said to go with awk melee physical. but since u use both at once then yea its more dps for sure.
Speaking about leveling you say:

A-Minion damage, Melee splash, Summon Raging spirit

B-Minion damage, Melee splash, Summon Skeletons

You use this configuration to level till act 10?... If we get more linked slots?... we should use any more support skill?... Sorry but I´m a bit noob and want to start with this build next league, thanks...
Vyr75 님이 작성:
Speaking about leveling you say:

A-Minion damage, Melee splash, Summon Raging spirit

B-Minion damage, Melee splash, Summon Skeletons

You use this configuration to level till act 10?... If we get more linked slots?... we should use any more support skill?... Sorry but I´m a bit noob and want to start with this build next league, thanks...

yea u can use that comfortably untill act 10 or u can use specters from act 5 onwards with zombies too. and u can link minion damage, infernal army , summon raging spirit which is a very nice way to kill mobs and bosses.

also wait a bit for the patch notes about any changes to the summoner and gems if we get any before deciding on what to do.
Is Bottled Faith damage buff working on minions?
Probably way too early to ask but would this be viable starter build for 3.11?
A6seeQ 님이 작성:
Is Bottled Faith damage buff working on minions?

no i think according to the POB. but it gives the consecrated ground which is nice.
Prismaa 님이 작성:
Probably way too early to ask but would this be viable starter build for 3.11?

if nothing is touched and remains same then definitely viable. im doint summoner league start in 3.11. but lets see what happens in the upcoming weeks
dragon15423 님이 작성:
A6seeQ 님이 작성:
Is Bottled Faith damage buff working on minions?

no i think according to the POB. but it gives the consecrated ground which is nice.

Thanks for the answer.
DaveNemesis26 님이 작성:

my question is., how can i Input the Merveil debuff and Arena Master buff on POB?

To actually see the effect of Merveil's Reteiner, you:
1: Select Main Skill: Raise Spectre
2: Select Merveil's Reteiner
3: Select Vulnerability

Now you can see Vulnerability listed on the Calcs page under Curses and Debuffs.
Arena Master is not added to PoB.

Onin_in_Sweden#2310 님이 2020. 6. 7. 오전 8:30:57에 마지막으로 편집

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