3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Jyzzzy 님이 작성:
10011001 님이 작성:
One more tip... we can actually do maps with reflected physical damage. Swap out zombies, and put in the v.skellies in the 6L weapon.

Or you could just use Triad's Grip which go for 1c 4 linked atm and not bother with clumsy underpowered skeletons.

Good to know, will have to try that sometime, but swapping out the shaper's touch will sacrifice 16% of eHP. The skellies aren't underpowered when they're in a 6L chain.
10011001#5138 님이 2021. 2. 21. 오전 12:27:09에 마지막으로 편집
Hello, Can anyone explain how you can get a lab to enchant without losing the implicit on a boot like what I saw in this thread?

I am ready to upgrade my boots but do not want to screw up by losing my resist impliceit. Thanks.

Hey guys , always wanted to try a Baron Zombie build and finally came around doing that this league. Please let me know on what I can improve on my build, different view can always help.
Its not as tanky as I had expected it to be , still there are multiple upgrades pending. Should I go for divine flesh?
Edit: Also planning to get +1 min end charge on both rings
Edit2: Quality is missing on most of gems , kinda embarrassing that i dint notice earlier :(
Edit3: I really wanna use the Torrent reclamation , cant put it in yet

Pob: https://pastebin.com/eK70MtJH

Crafting in progress for this one.
bluu_94#7187 님이 2021. 2. 21. 오전 8:16:43에 마지막으로 편집
Hey guys, quick question for the build ''SPEED FARMING SETUP (WHAT I MOSTLY PLAY WITH'':

I see that the elegant hubris timeless jewel "Chitus" is no longer available, so is it not possible anymore to get the jewel that gives 240% increased minions damage?

Thank you for the help!
Started running this, got the expensive gear and now i'm working on leveling the gems.

I'm curious though how we are supposed to get 8 auras up. Is that something that was nerfed and is no longer possible? The most I can get right now is 4.
Is there a way to make cyclone proccing the spirit offering and desecrate on other builds? since only the budget starter is the only setup that runs a cyclone offering setup. (And this will be my first summoner build)
xaviawoofles 님이 작성:
Is there a way to make cyclone proccing the spirit offering and desecrate on other builds? since only the budget starter is the only setup that runs a cyclone offering setup. (And this will be my first summoner build)

Losing Cyclone free 2 places (Cyclone & CWC support), where you can use for other skills like Miam support & Flamedash or any skill, or free you of 1-2 socketed ring(s).

Its just if you prefer the less buttony gameplay (cyclone) or self cast descrete/Spirit offering, but get 2 free gem slots. Try both & decide for yourself.

For me, I sticked to cyclone while leveling, but swapped off cyclone for 2 extra gems to self cast descrete/Spirit offering. But you only really need to self cast Decrete when there is no corpse. Spirit offering also has a 6 sec uptime, but there will be a sec or so of stationery time when you cast them(depend on cast speed buff you have) & you may feel vunerable.

Hey, thanks for posting the build! in the lower levels of mapping with a semi-tanky Geofri's crest (don't have a self crafted weapon yet) but having loads of fun!

I do have a question about the lethal Pride jewel if anyone can help me; the kiloava variant is no longer in the game (or at least near unfindable in trade), so I was wondering if there is a similar jewel that could work as an replacement for it?
Where i'll get damage for all that minions? my zombies are just useless peaces of meat that just cant kill big rare monsters at t16 maps like beyond things.

pob tree

Also my zombies still die sometimes, with heawy modifiers on map like +(alot) to crit some rares or event bosses kill them. BTW map bosses from this maps are still useless and cant do anything (thanks GGG for great balance).

Alonly_stalker#7339 님이 2021. 2. 22. 오후 3:06:28에 마지막으로 편집
Alonly_stalker 님이 작성:
Where i'll get damage for all that minions? my zombies are just useless peaces of meat that just cant kill big rare monsters at t16 maps like beyond things.

pob tree

Also my zombies still die sometimes, with heawy modifiers on map like +(alot) to crit some rares or event bosses kill them. BTW map bosses from this maps are still useless and cant do anything (thanks GGG for great balance).

Check the FAQ on why your zombies may be dying.

Ensure they are resistance capped by having spirit offering constantly up and into some nodes on tree. Also make sure there is some kind of minion life leech either from tree or on jewel. Those are the best defences against dying zombies.

If they are still dying (they shouldn't be at this point unless the mods are crazy) then you could go more defensive with further minion life, more leech etc.

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