3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Cyrom 님이 작성:
KiadawP 님이 작성:
Hello, Can anyone explain how you can get a lab to enchant without losing the implicit on a boot like what I saw in this thread?

I am ready to upgrade my boots but do not want to screw up by losing my resist impliceit. Thanks.

Enchantments dont override implicits.

Enchantments do, at least the lab ones, on boots & gloves, unless something changed
akeldama1984 님이 작성:
When should you transition from skeletons to zombies doing the main damage?

Simply when it feels right for you. If your zombies can start carrying without dying then it's time to drop skellies.
Hi, I wanted to know how the build handle delirious maps please.
Paldrom 님이 작성:
KiadawP 님이 작성:
Paldrom 님이 작성:
Second time I tried Sirus and I get insta kill... I felt so useless. I don't know what to do, I saw so many videos about this fight but when I go in, I can't...

You can spend 30C on 3x20 Intrinsic Catalysts & the 20% quality of your belt & rings for a slight boost in damage & survivability.


Another advices?

The intrinic catyalst works for ammulet as well. YOu see the bigest gain due to the huge attribute numbers on the amulet
Don't worry, it will not overright the anointment or implict.

I suggest the next upgrade to be the level 4 Empowered. I recently bought one for 2.1Ex. Its pricy, but I am sure you can save up fast (if you not already)
Fun_Hat 님이 작성:
So to those that run with the bow instead of the staff, what do you do for desecrate and offering? Are you manually casting it? Or is there another way to auto-cast like with cyclone?

I self cast. Its not too bad, as the base duration is like 6 or so sec.You also only need to use descrete when in boss fights without corpses. Most time you have enough corpses to just cast spirit offering every few sec

Technically, any channeling skill will work. Cyclone works well as you are not a sitting duck when you "cast".

KiadawP 님이 작성:
Cyrom 님이 작성:
KiadawP 님이 작성:
Hello, Can anyone explain how you can get a lab to enchant without losing the implicit on a boot like what I saw in this thread?

I am ready to upgrade my boots but do not want to screw up by losing my resist impliceit. Thanks.

Enchantments dont override implicits.

Enchantments do, at least the lab ones, on boots & gloves, unless something changed

I enchanted these
myself and it still has its implicits.
I could find later thread, but


Clearly, it used to eliminate your implicit (see thread).

However I also see trade, & I can add implicit with lab enchant as well, so either they change somewhere along the line, or I am missing something.

Edit. Okay, I did a quick cruel lab, & the enchant does not remove the implicit.
KiadawP#5072 님이 2021. 2. 24. 오후 12:58:54에 마지막으로 편집
KiadawP 님이 작성:
I could find later thread, but


Clearly, it used to eliminate your implicit (see thread).

However I also see trade, & I can add implicit with lab enchant as well, so either they change somewhere along the line, or I am missing something.

Edit. Okay, I did a quick cruel lab, & the enchant does not remove the implicit.



Enchantments (such as those found from the Labyrinth) now have their own mod slot on items. They no longer use the Implicit mod slot.

Enchantments for Storm Burst which previously added additional projectiles now instead grant a chance to create an extra orb.
Ok, what am I doing wrong here?


I am 30ex in and I can't get past T11 maps. I know I need my last 2 ascendency points, but I can't get them because I can't even complete the lab.

Is this build going to be capable of doing juiced T16s?
Fun_Hat 님이 작성:
Ok, what am I doing wrong here?


I am 30ex in and I can't get past T11 maps. I know I need my last 2 ascendency points, but I can't get them because I can't even complete the lab.

Is this build going to be capable of doing juiced T16s?

Your resistance is not capped and u don't have enough life. Always cap resists,get chaos res and get more life.

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