[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

New crafting video is out :)


Hi, thanks for this build. Firstly it was really hart for me and im often die. But since level 90 it is crazy and a lot of fun. Todoay I would to the Maven Crucible and I have all the same problems before...
Could you help me? What can I do. I have 5 Exalts.
Thanks you!!
addimek 님이 2022. 2. 19. 오후 7:56:25에 마지막으로 편집
What do you think about this gloves? Can it replace Wave of Conviction for some kind of different utility skill?

and also the brittle ground mod from this boots is really good at melting bosses, additional +5% crit chance if you can stand near them

frozenheart_9494 님이 2022. 2. 20. 오전 11:59:56에 마지막으로 편집
Constantly dying. That's the short description of my experiance with this build.
It's not getting better, I even tried to switch to more block (glancing blows), but it's always "nothing" or just one straight hit that kills you.
Also failed the Maven 10 bosses fight, could not do anything.
Very depressing experience. Especially because I love trappers, and I had so much fun with arc trapper back in Incursion league.
If you guys see anything basic that I'm doing wrong that makes me a paper, please comment.
Constantly dying. That's the short description of my experiance with this build.
It's not getting better, I even tried to switch to more block (glancing blows), but it's always "nothing" or just one straight hit that kills you.
Also failed the Maven 10 bosses fight, could not do anything.
Very depressing experience. Especially because I love trappers, and I had so much fun with arc trapper back in Incursion league.
If you guys see anything basic that I'm doing wrong that makes me a paper, please comment.

Your Shield has not enough ES, your rings too. And your Wand could be more Adding Lightning Damage und Crit Chance...
You should have around 7k ES and 100k Damage (with all Curses on)
addimek 님이 2022. 2. 20. 오후 1:16:23에 마지막으로 편집
I've had a good time with this build but I'm gonna respec to something else. If someone wants to buy everything I'm putting it up for 100ex.


4.7m lightning trap damage
8.5K ES
IGN: VizeTrapper
Gathrik 님이 2022. 2. 20. 오후 4:40:03에 마지막으로 편집
addimek 님이 작성:
Constantly dying. That's the short description of my experiance with this build.
It's not getting better, I even tried to switch to more block (glancing blows), but it's always "nothing" or just one straight hit that kills you.
Also failed the Maven 10 bosses fight, could not do anything.
Very depressing experience. Especially because I love trappers, and I had so much fun with arc trapper back in Incursion league.
If you guys see anything basic that I'm doing wrong that makes me a paper, please comment.

Your Shield has not enough ES, your rings too. And your Wand could be more Adding Lightning Damage und Crit Chance...
You should have around 7k ES and 100k Damage (with all Curses on)

I would also add he is missing some crucial items like a diamond flask (you shouldn't need a mana flask in this build when you're low-life)

You stuck with cluster, maybe try swift assembly if you feel you're not killing stuff instantly.

Your shield, badly badly needs more ES, as pointed out by addimek.

When you fix your diamond flask instead of the mana, make sure it has 50%+ less effect of curses, that'll help you a lot.

pickup SANCTUM of thought, you're for some reason waiting to pickup a point that gives you 12% ES and makes you take 30% LESS damage from crits! .... heh... get it now. :) Gl Hf
oestergreen 님이 작성:

I would also add he is missing some crucial items like a diamond flask (you shouldn't need a mana flask in this build when you're low-life)

You stuck with cluster, maybe try swift assembly if you feel you're not killing stuff instantly.

Your shield, badly badly needs more ES, as pointed out by addimek.

When you fix your diamond flask instead of the mana, make sure it has 50%+ less effect of curses, that'll help you a lot.

pickup SANCTUM of thought, you're for some reason waiting to pickup a point that gives you 12% ES and makes you take 30% LESS damage from crits! .... heh... get it now. :) Gl Hf

shouldn't need a mana flask ?

i just recently figured out that a large part of my dying problem was OOM. Remember that one of your key pieces of advice is that you have to keep throwing traps to get that sweet regen. there's two problems with that. OOM and if the traps don't trigger you don't get regen.

I haven't quite figured out how the build sustains mana. i'm even running a level 4 clarity AND vaal clarity.

however, when i don't run out of mana doing very well, except for one teeny-weeny problem.

DoTs are an absolute death sentence. every single enemy that can put a DoT on me kills me. i just burned 6 portals in desert springs. every time the boss hit me i just watched my ES run down to 0... why ?

i ran out of mana every time, throwing traps to get the regen to out-regen the DoT). lol.

so now i have another problem to solve. i think that the gud players on this thread have forgotten what it's like to not be gud. i'm doing much better with this build than i did the first time around, but it's not easy. i just got to red maps and if i stand around for a second i get 1-shot. doesn't matter if you have a rumi's concoction if it's empty.

there's a lot of things to keep track of and a lot of details in the build that work together. and if you are missing something, like my mana problems, it falls apart (edit: no it doesn't fall apart, but "minor" things can cause a lot of problems because sometimse you're just not sure what's happening).

weirdly i think that enemy DoTs have gotten worse. i'm running a marauder and it's having an even harder time. that's right, this build is tankier than my marauder. lol

BTW i am not complaining. i bet i have about 2ex, _maybe_ 3ex in this build right now and i have VERY average gear. so i'm happy with where i am. but it's a bunch of work...

and, as always, big thanks to you and your excellent feeback in the forums.
plasticeyes 님이 2022. 2. 21. 오전 2:48:10에 마지막으로 편집
plasticeyes 님이 작성:
oestergreen 님이 작성:

I would also add he is missing some crucial items like a diamond flask (you shouldn't need a mana flask in this build when you're low-life)

You stuck with cluster, maybe try swift assembly if you feel you're not killing stuff instantly.

Your shield, badly badly needs more ES, as pointed out by addimek.

When you fix your diamond flask instead of the mana, make sure it has 50%+ less effect of curses, that'll help you a lot.

pickup SANCTUM of thought, you're for some reason waiting to pickup a point that gives you 12% ES and makes you take 30% LESS damage from crits! .... heh... get it now. :) Gl Hf

shouldn't need a mana flask ?

i just recently figured out that a large part of my dying problem was OOM. Remember that one of your key pieces of advice is that you have to keep throwing traps to get that sweet regen. there's two problems with that. OOM and if the traps don't trigger you don't get regen.

I haven't quite figured out how the build sustains mana. i'm even running a level 4 clarity AND vaal clarity.

i ran out of mana every time, throwing traps to get the regen to out-regen the DoT). lol.

Use the correct gems and you don't run out of mana. You're running a 5L but have no inspiration support, that's why you struggle for mana.

You also haven't picked up regen points like coldhearted calculation.

Idk how many times it's said in the guide.. cluster is your last points:) You're 87 but have a large cluster already filled out (a wrong cluster too with prismatic?).. and a jewel with burning%, es% and faster es start... heh.

You're not making it easier if you don't follow the guide, no offense, but it's hard to not be frank when things that are listed in the guide are completely ignored.
Guide says, do NOT pickup jewel sockets apart from to get +1 pierce in act 5. Cluster and jewels is your LAST points and only when you can afford proper jewels with multiplier stats, otherwise it's wasted points and better spent in just getting more es% on the tree.

Your belt is completely unrelated to ES, i guess because you overleveled your red gems to require 100 STR? arrogancve support is locked at 11, defiance at 15 etc, your max STR req should be 85 and easily covered in 1 ring which also should have max ES 40++, still costing 1c or less...As for belt, it's pointed out multiple places that bated breath is going to do a much better job for you until you can craft a proper stygian or crystal replacement.

There's even a vid at the top of this very page showing how to obtain each piece of gear.

Amulet has no tempering quality, you're missing out on 220 ES as well there.

Your shield has 190es and no recovery mod... that's a 2 alch shield.
I've made idk how many videos lately showing how easy it honestly is to craft a starter recovery shield on a very tight budget.

Anyway, no you don't and shouldn't need a mana flask, if you're using the proper gem setup and also there's a FAQ in the guide covering those questions you wonder about "how mana is sustained".

" ❓ How do we manage running out of mana?
🧐 Dealing with mana issues while leveling and/or in general (enduring mana flask while leveling).

+ A mana flask during acts, preferably with enduring prefix mod for a huge quality of life - this flask isn't needed once you fix your 5th gem & ascend.
+ Inspiration Support 25%-44% less mana cost of your trap links. (your 5th gem)
+ Perfect crime ascendancy, 25% less mana cost of traps.
+ Lvl 1-5 clarity reserved on mana, later reserved on life with arrogance.
+ Mystic Bulwark and Coldhearted Calculation on the skill-tree.
----- Further Options, IF needed -----
+ Bench crafting -mana cost for non-channeling skills on 1 or both rings.
+ Getting the sovereignty skill nodes in the tree.
+ Endgame min/max optionally level an enlighten to 3 (or buy a corrupted lvl 3).

oestergreen 님이 2022. 2. 21. 오전 3:48:12에 마지막으로 편집
addimek 님이 작성:
Hi, thanks for this build. Firstly it was really hart for me and im often die. But since level 90 it is crazy and a lot of fun. Todoay I would to the Maven Crucible and I have all the same problems before...
Could you help me? What can I do. I have 5 Exalts.
Thanks you!!

You would gain a lot of DPS from getting the 1-160 lightning boot enchant, its like an 8% increase overall.

You would also want multiplier 30%++ on your weapon.

Definitely replace your abyss with a jewel that has + lightning added to spells like in the guide, it's also a chunky upgrade having a good jewel there.

You're missing exposure in your arcanist/mark combo(wave of conviction), so that's a big chunk of dmg vs bosses (lowering their resists).

plasticeyes 님이 작성:
oestergreen 님이 작성:

I would also add he is missing some crucial items like a diamond flask (you shouldn't need a mana flask in this build when you're low-life)

You stuck with cluster, maybe try swift assembly if you feel you're not killing stuff instantly.

Your shield, badly badly needs more ES, as pointed out by addimek.

When you fix your diamond flask instead of the mana, make sure it has 50%+ less effect of curses, that'll help you a lot.

pickup SANCTUM of thought, you're for some reason waiting to pickup a point that gives you 12% ES and makes you take 30% LESS damage from crits! .... heh... get it now. :) Gl Hf

shouldn't need a mana flask ?

i just recently figured out that a large part of my dying problem was OOM. Remember that one of your key pieces of advice is that you have to keep throwing traps to get that sweet regen. there's two problems with that. OOM and if the traps don't trigger you don't get regen.

I haven't quite figured out how the build sustains mana. i'm even running a level 4 clarity AND vaal clarity.

i ran out of mana every time, throwing traps to get the regen to out-regen the DoT). lol.

Use the correct gems and you don't run out of mana. You're running a 5L but have no inspiration support, that's why you struggle for mana.

You also haven't picked up regen points like coldhearted calculation.

It's also said in the guide.. cluster is your last points.
You're 87 but have a large cluster already filled out (a wrong cluster too with prismatic?).. and a jewel with burning%, es% and faster es start... heh.

You're not making it easier if you don't follow the guide, no offense.
Guide says, do NOT pickup jewel sockets apart from to get +1 pierce in act 5. Cluster and jewels is your LAST points and only when you can afford proper jewels with multiplier stats, otherwise it's wasted points, better spent in just getting more es% on the tree.

Your belt is completely unrelated to ES, i guess because you over-leveled your red gems to require 100 STR? Your max STR req should be 85 if you follow the gems in the guide/pob and easily covered in 1 ring which also should have max ES 40++, still costing 1c or less...As for the belt; Bated breath is going to do a much better job for you until you can craft a proper stygian or crystal replacement.

Amulet has no tempering quality, you're missing out on 220 ES as well there.

Your shield has 190es and no recovery mod... that's a 2 alch shield.
I've made idk how many videos lately showing how easy it honestly is to craft a starter recovery shield on a very tight budget.

There's even a vid at the top of this very page showing how to obtain each piece of gear.

Anyway, no you don't and shouldn't need a mana flask, if you're using the proper gem setup and also there's a FAQ in the guide covering those questions you wonder about "how mana is sustained".

" ❓ How do we manage running out of mana?
🧐 Dealing with mana issues while leveling and/or in general (enduring mana flask while leveling).

+ A mana flask during acts, preferably with enduring prefix mod for a huge quality of life - this flask isn't needed once you fix your 5th gem & ascend.
+ Inspiration Support 25%-44% less mana cost of your trap links. (your 5th gem)
+ Perfect crime ascendancy, 25% less mana cost of traps.
+ Lvl 1-5 clarity reserved on mana, later reserved on life with arrogance.
+ Mystic Bulwark and Coldhearted Calculation on the skill-tree.
----- Further Options, IF needed -----
+ Bench crafting -mana cost for non-channeling skills on 1 or both rings.
+ Getting the sovereignty skill nodes in the tree.
+ Endgame min/max optionally level an enlighten to 3 (or buy a corrupted lvl 3).



oestergreen 님이 2022. 2. 21. 오전 7:26:12에 마지막으로 편집

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