[3.14] Kami's Life | LL | CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin | all Content | deep Delve | max Block

Solemplow 님이 작성:
Hi, how can we craft 50% Damage against chilled enemies (Incursion mod) ?

We need an actual fingerless silk glove from incursion (with mod), then craft it ?

How can we search for it in poe trade ?

Type in poe.trade the mod and the base you want? Also ilvl 85 atleast if you want to hunter influence them later
xXx_Kamikaze_xXx 님이 작성:
Solemplow 님이 작성:
Hi, how can we craft 50% Damage against chilled enemies (Incursion mod) ?

We need an actual fingerless silk glove from incursion (with mod), then craft it ?

How can we search for it in poe trade ?

Type in poe.trade the mod and the base you want? Also ilvl 85 atleast if you want to hunter influence them later

Yeah i know, what i wanted to say is, incursion mods roll on specific piece of gear, and you can get the mods them only on thoses you looted ?

How does it works ?

How can i know that "of puhuarte" mod can roll on some gloves except when i see it on ? Or does this kind of mod can't be annulled from the object ?
Are you not concerned about the int in the radius of the frost trail gem? It doesn't seem like there is 40 in the range to add the additional projectiles.
IGN: In_Vas_Mani
Hey Im having trouble achieving max block, im not sure what where im missing my last little bit.Im at 62% block for both attack and spell right now.
My pob: https://pastebin.com/WSffmWHF

You can get more by anointing Deflection instead of Tranquility
Special_Education 님이 작성:
Are you not concerned about the int in the radius of the frost trail gem? It doesn't seem like there is 40 in the range to add the additional projectiles.

My dude if you type "Intelligence" in tree search there's 60 in radius of the first tree, over 100 on the second version
I just got a watcher's eye, which aura do i drop for vaal discipline?
Snoukz 님이 작성:
X3n_ 님이 작성:
What's the best way to craft the chest? Should I bother pre-rolling influence mods or just combine right away and then add phys & attack through seedcraft after doing defence ES mods?

Just asking this myself, I got this now:

But there are actually 5 physical mods we can hit with explosion having a weight of 25 (lol).
Any tips? Just aug phys x2 then spam add/remove?

Right so I'm about to roll one and I reckon I've found the best way to do it.

1. Phys augment 3x on your Crusader body armour
This guarantees the explode mod - obviously if you get it on first or 2nd try don't add more.

2. Make sure it's the only influenced mod - we also don't care if there's another phys mod as long as it's not influenced
From here make sure you don't have any other influenced modifiers than the explode mod -- you'll most likely have also rolled "Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage" so you just want to use a Remove Lightning to get rid of it. You don't need to get rid of the base physical mod as it's not influenced and won't get transfered on the awakener orb anyway.

3. Do NOT roll Attack Crit on your Elder body armour
You might think that's the best choice, however the problem with that is that Attack Crit is a suffix - which means that once you awakener orb your Elder chest onto Crusader, there's a chance it could roll two new prefixes - both of which could potentially soft brick your item with things like Mana, % Mana, another phys-only prefix or consecrated ground. In order to minimize those chances, you want to craft an Elder PREFIX which is easily removable such as %Life (Removable as Life tag) or Phys taken as Fire (Removable with Fire tag). This takes potential new prefixes on woke orb down from 2 to 1, which ultimately reduces the amount of chances of you rolling a dead prefix. We can add attack crit later with "Augment attack" which guarantees attack crit (t2 or t1, just remove/add until T1) since it's the only attack-tagged mod in Elder/Crusader combo pool. Obviously you still want to make sure that the removable mod you put on is the only influenced mod on that elder body armor.

4. Awakener Orb fodder chest piece onto your main (Elder/Crusader - Crusader/Elder)
From there you'll have the Explode mod, your filler elder prefix and either 0 or 1 new prefix. If you didn't roll a new prefix, you're good to continue your chest piece after removing the elder prefix, if you rolled a prefix with a tag other than just phys you can just remove it, if you rolled a phys-tagged influence mod your only option is to remove phys or annul and hope the explode mod stays, if the new prefix is a non-influenced phys mod you can try "Remove non-influenced, add new influenced" and hope it doesn't roll a new bricked prefix - if it does you gotta try and annul.

Not sure if there's a better way to go about it, if anyone knows feel free to correct me.

EDIT: Worked pretty well, bought elder base for 2ex & awakener orb for 3.5, did steps above then woked crusader onto elder base. %life elder mod blocked a possible 2nd new prefix, the 1 new prefix maximum rolled a non-bricking mod. From here I can reroll or remove suffixes to get rid of dead int suffix, augment attack for attack crit, remove life elder prefix then aug defence for a 2nd es mod.

EDIT2: Reforged Suffixes (Keep Prefixes) twice to get rid of int and get removable suffixes, removed all defence, crafted mana to block prefix to augment lightning & fire resistance, augment attack (reroll twice) to get t1 attack crit, replaced mana craft for flat ES until I get some augment/replace defence seeds.
X3n_ 님이 2020. 7. 21. 오후 10:11:47에 마지막으로 편집
Will this work with an enlighten leave 3 or does it have to be 4?
Question : How do you deal with the map mod : "player cannot regenerate mana/life".

Do you have mana leech somewhere ?
If yes which gear piece pls ?

OMGSheWas16 님이 작성:
Question : How do you deal with the map mod : "player cannot regenerate mana/life".

Do you have mana leech somewhere ?
If yes which gear piece pls ?


You can either reroll the map or use mana flask w/flask effect not removed at full mana.

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