[3.12] Deadeye Ice Shot Barrage Miner | Deep Delver | depth 6k reached | In depth delve guide

Still viable after the Nerf-to-the-ground-everything-that-used-a-portal-the-last-5-months-on-servers-build 3.13 sweet update?
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Spacecom 님이 2021. 1. 12. 오후 12:48:03에 마지막으로 편집
Can you look my char pls waht i do wrong?
I run a gear to practice now 30 times and never get to always kills me at what is the am running and do not stand still gegener kill I also but just fall over all the time.
Is something fundamentally wrong in my build?
Is there any spell-based deep delve build? something like Spark Inquisitor (potentially great DPS with 2 Badge of the brotherhood rings and capped crit chance)?
ched_21h 님이 2021. 1. 31. 오후 5:22:38에 마지막으로 편집
i'm noticing some inconsistencies in the build guide vs some of the text.

some questions:

1 build still viable ? if not then no point in asking questions
2 if the build is still viable, are there any updates planned ?

I do have specific questions, i'm actually playing the build right now, just getting it leveled. it's my first miner build and i'm actually having a lot of fun with it.

i made it based on the fact that it might not actually be a good delver anymore, i figure an ice shot based deadeye is going to be a strong build regardless.

however if there is still hope for it being a good delver, i'd like to know what my long term plan should be for gear and gem links. i'm not going to get anywhere close to finishing it this league, but league's are good for getting items before you get back to standard where they are so much more expensive.
plasticeyes 님이 2021. 2. 21. 오후 1:41:32에 마지막으로 편집
The PoB is updated for 3.13 - so you should see what to look out for. The build is still viable (if not one of the best) deep delve builds.
kali_h 님이 작성:
The PoB is updated for 3.13 - so you should see what to look out for. The build is still viable (if not one of the best) deep delve builds.

certainly this thread is on life support, lol.

yeah- i'm having fun with it as an "introduction" to zhp deep delving. i'm also looking at the icicle mine build. the strategy is still the same, freeze/chill things. there's a lot of similarities between the builds, and i have to admit using icicle mines for a, you know, mine build seems appropriate :-) but as i said before the nice thing about ice shot is that ice shot on it's own is a strong build so i can ping pong between bow/mine. i was going to just level this as a bow build, but i'm using mines and it's working fine.

running maps with the build is teaching me about what to watch for to survive on very little life. i only have 2k life and i'm pushing through t9s and it's going pretty well and i'm still using really cheap gear. it's absolutely amazing how much stuff in this game off-screens you. some of the legion bosses will flicker strike you from off screen. lol.

not even going to bother with delve until i have 20/20 gems and a few of the other trinkets.

thanks for your comment.
plasticeyes 님이 작성:
yeah- i'm having fun with it as an "introduction" to zhp deep delving. i'm also looking at the icicle mine build. the strategy is still the same, freeze/chill things.

How has this build gone for you?

I'm trying to gear up a deep delve build before Ritual ends so I can play around with it in Standard because I'm planning to skip the next challenge league. I have about 100ex to spend, but trade is slowing down, so I'm worried I won't be able to buy the gear I need.

I've never been below 400, so I'm kind of excited to see what it's like. I'm also used to really tanky builds like indigon mom pathfinder, so playing a zhp build will probably be good for my mechanics.
GERWARIC 님이 2021. 3. 27. 오전 11:43:41에 마지막으로 편집
I'm really lost about which deep delve build to choose for next season...

I notice when looking the ladder that there is a LOT more icicle mines players and I can't understand why?

Can we already tell today if Ice Shot will be playable next season or it's too soon?
(Cause I would like to practice it a lot before the season starts and checking a lot of videos/tuto if it's the case)
Thank you for your help.
plasticeyes 님이 작성:
yeah- i'm having fun with it as an "introduction" to zhp deep delving. i'm also looking at the icicle mine build. the strategy is still the same, freeze/chill things.

How has this build gone for you?

I'm trying to gear up a deep delve build before Ritual ends so I can play around with it in Standard because I'm planning to skip the next challenge league. I have about 100ex to spend, but trade is slowing down, so I'm worried I won't be able to buy the gear I need.

I've never been below 400, so I'm kind of excited to see what it's like. I'm also used to really tanky builds like indigon mom pathfinder, so playing a zhp build will probably be good for my mechanics.


I gave up on the build... not because the build is bad, but because i was stuck 1/2 way between a delver and a not-delver. i was running around with 2k life in t11/t12 maps and it got to be too much work. it was a lot of fun though. i'm going to try an icicle miner next league just because.

So i've learned my first lesson about building a delve build. don't do it until you have the currency to invest. according to some people in my guild, the best idea is to go tanky delve build until about level 1000 and then go zhp for 1000+.

but that means that your zhp has got to be tuned and ready to go.

However now that we've seen that they are modifying the rewards in delve it may be that a different strategy will work. It may even be that a true ZHP deep-delver is not even the best strategy any more.

should be interesting to see what the patch notes have to say...
Hello, delvers. How are you doing?

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