[3.12] Deadeye Ice Shot Barrage Miner | Deep Delver | depth 6k reached | In depth delve guide

Hey, I wonder if much has changed since this build was made and updated? Any new main recommendations?

After reading that, truly deep delving probably isn't for me tbh, but what would be a reasonable build to get deep-ish? To 1000 perhaps?

Currently I'm using a poison SRS build, but that won't do in delve really, as the darkness degen takes away the ability to use any skills.

I'm also on console so prices are nutty, and this incredible gear is unlikely to even exist on the market.
Pangaearocks 님이 작성:
Hey, I wonder if much has changed since this build was made and updated? Any new main recommendations?

After reading that, truly deep delving probably isn't for me tbh, but what would be a reasonable build to get deep-ish? To 1000 perhaps?

Currently I'm using a poison SRS build, but that won't do in delve really, as the darkness degen takes away the ability to use any skills.

I'm also on console so prices are nutty, and this incredible gear is unlikely to even exist on the market.

zhp deep delvers aren't a thing anymore, you'll just get flickerstriked all day. You missed out on the golden days
illmtk 님이 2023. 10. 14. 오전 6:02:42에 마지막으로 편집

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