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Would you recommend your BL or TR guide for my next char
Eclypsons 님이 작성:
Would you recommend your BL or TR guide for my next char

well it kinda depends on you, smooth bossing or smooth mapping. The former, BL, the latter, TR
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Remicaster1#7723 님이 2020. 10. 3. 오전 1:30:46에 마지막으로 편집
How difficult or costly is it to gear this if you only have the unique temple boots?
xfire57 님이 작성:
How difficult or costly is it to gear this if you only have the unique temple boots?

it's the same as getting a double corrupt room and getting the boots dropped at the temple. tl;dr pretty rare
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Oh sorry let me rephrase: I dropped the boots and the vial and when I did a quick google I noticed the price was relatively high.

Found this build as a one of the main users of it and wanted to know how difficult or costly it would be to get going from the boots.
xfire57 님이 작성:
Oh sorry let me rephrase: I dropped the boots and the vial and when I did a quick google I noticed the price was relatively high.

Found this build as a one of the main users of it and wanted to know how difficult or costly it would be to get going from the boots.

It's quite difficult, the price of it pretty much explains how difficult it is to obtain. If the player is unlucky they had to farm up to 50 temples to get the boots since the vial is relatively rare and the T3 room upgrade is also relatively rare
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
I have the boots...
so i try this build
1.) good surv vs damage over time
2.) good vs bosses if 0 mods on map like vs sirus vs elder vs uber elder
1.) zero dps can't do full delirium maps, can't do 20 wave simulacrum csn't complete incursion on map if map have increased mosnter life or resistance
2.) 0 surv vs all damage except over time, have 60% dodge but this doesn't help me, everything one shot me mom never help with that.bcoz of that can't reach 93 lvl everything kill me EVERYTHING DUDE. last league i start with saboteur kaom heart + tremor and that was better idk why u guys love this shiity build
3.) because of this build my ass is on fire, I expected more from it. In fact, this build has 0 survivability /deaths 136 times lol
Sapfiron 님이 작성:
so i try this build
1.) good surv vs damage over time
2.) good vs bosses if 0 mods on map like vs sirus vs elder vs uber elder
1.) zero dps can't do full delirium maps, can't do 20 wave simulacrum csn't complete incursion on map if map have increased mosnter life or resistance
2.) 0 surv vs all damage except over time, have 60% dodge but this doesn't help me, everything one shot me mom never help with that.bcoz of that can't reach 93 lvl everything kill me EVERYTHING DUDE. last league i start with saboteur kaom heart + tremor and that was better idk why u guys love this shiity build
3.) because of this build my ass is on fire, I expected more from it. In fact, this build has 0 survivability /deaths 136 times lol

You have one wrong node on all your medium cluster jewels... (special reserve instead of liqiud inspiration)

I have no issuses with survibility but more damage would be nice to have.

Still plenty room for upgrades though.
liqiud inspiration give me survability? give me + 5-6 mln dps? not. I spent 22 ex on the build and ate shit instead of profit. for the same 22 ex I could equip a cool low life saboteur without poop in mouth.Thank you, I ate shit with this sadomasochistic build, and very very happy. next time when you made build write what he work just if you spent 100+ ex
Sapfiron#1478 님이 2020. 10. 4. 오전 7:08:56에 마지막으로 편집

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