[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS

WolfieNa 님이 작성:
cheelos 님이 작성:

I don’t doubt this build at all but I find it delusional to achieve a end game setup within two weeks without an astronomical non-sensical investment.

If I remember correctly, you have already left quite a few comments in our thread previously about how bad our build was. I can understand your frustration, but at the same time, I've been upfront about the fact that this build is not feasible for short events or if you want to go ham for the first 1 or 2 weeks from league start. Setting out to complete this build just during the first 2 weeks, when the league is still developing, will likely leave a bad taste in your mouth. If you are looking forward to completing an interesting yet long project to clear all contents, including the hardest, this build may help you achieve what you come here for.

This build is non-meta and not an easy build. Although we are trying to make it more and more player-friendly, the sheer amount of interacting mechanics involved in this build does take time for one to digest. On the other hand, there are multiple builds that will get you what you need. There would be other builds that suit you better than ours. Please adjust your expectation by perusing our build description carefully.

Thank you, that was the answer I was looking for. In the OP it's stated that it can work on league starter, I was just never able to make it work.

Granted, with a ~20ex investment (which is nowhere near astronomical, mind you) the build becomes insane. I just asked specifically about the league starter phase.
What do you think about this new helmet base for hardened scars build?
Especially if you use transcencence and / or evasion so you have 0 baseline physical reduction anyway?
Viktranka 님이 작성:
What do you think about this new helmet base for hardened scars build?
Especially if you use transcencence and / or evasion so you have 0 baseline physical reduction anyway?

Interesting question.

With that helmet, I think we would want the Watcher Eye with double mods of Malevolence (+x% DoT multi) and Determination (+8% phys damage reduction). If you don't go deep delve, Transcendence is totally not necessary. In fact, with my (semi) armor stacking with Iron Reflex + Determination (no Transcendence), I can reach ~90% less physical damage taken with (regular) Molten Shell when the damage hit is set to 9,000. As such, the helm would be a good fit for our build unless we can have more powerful options.

For deep delve and Transcendence, I would want to think a bit more to see if that helm fits.

Edit: I was busy with work and was not able to check the new video--I'm able to do it now. I was really a big fan of Harvest and can't wait to see how GGG brings it back to the fold.

Edit2: the new unique ring looks promising.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
WolfieNa 님이 2021. 1. 7. 오후 5:14:35에 마지막으로 편집
Hi, are you gonna update guide after 3.13 patch notes?
I'll be back this league and excited you've found some more things for the build Wolfie - looks perfect as it looks like a good focus for this league will be survivability, with a limited area for ritual, and the boss rush mode :)

I normally don't repeat builds, but this one was too fun
Slottm 님이 2021. 1. 8. 오후 4:19:14에 마지막으로 편집
Hey guys,

New build is being adjusted with the balance note (no hammer has done to it). I'll upload a video guide shortly. Stay tuned.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
I put the new ascendency numbers into the pob from page 1 and DPS for scourge arrow went from 3.21m to 3.00m.

A minor nerf.

Im sure it hits toxic rain harder as the aoe went from 50% -> 30%.

Ok, here we go. So Master Toximist is separate node with prolif now, Nature's Boon without changes, Master Alchemist without changes. For 4 node it can be Nature's Reprisal or Nature's adrenaline. If we will pick nature's adrenaline maybe it can be woth to think about Master Surgeon instead master Alchemist and take other source of elemental ailments immune.

I am a bit sad, because i thought that they can put immune to Nature's Boon and rework Master ALchemist for some interesting bonuses to ele damage because nature boon is must have for all pathfinders anyway and a lot of chaos builds take alchemist only for immune and waste elemental bonuses part.

Oh, yes, and nerf for TR aoe.
ТриІсторії 님이 2021. 1. 11. 오후 6:19:28에 마지막으로 편집
Agreed with the analyses above.

Look like there are some good buffs to Deadeye and Raider, while Pathfinder receives some nerfs. The "40% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage" of Nature Reprisal will be useful for the non-chaos skill, e.g. Barrage, which doesn't fully convert all phys to chaos. For the chaos skills such as SA or TR, where most of your phys damage gets converted into chaos, this is a minor loss because of the removal of +10% extra phys as chaos.

In addition, chance for poisons to deal 100% more damage is also nerf'ed from 40% to 30%.

The most obvious nerf is to Toxic Rain with the AoE decrement.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
cant wait to play this build + harvest crafts hype

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