[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS

So what's the league starter version now, Voltaxic looks a little weak with the ascendancy changes, and a triple 6 link is not exactly starter material :S
I checked POB's recently, and damage numbers are much lower than they were before. Did POB update messed things, or maybe it was bugged and now the damager is corrent, or maybe im doing something wrong ?
It looks like it doesnt calculate poison stacks into dps correctly, but im not sure.
greenrasp 님이 작성:
I checked POB's recently, and damage numbers are much lower than they were before. Did POB update messed things, or maybe it was bugged and now the damager is corrent, or maybe im doing something wrong ?
It looks like it doesnt calculate poison stacks into dps correctly, but im not sure.

The new PoB seems to calculate the poison DPS of one thorn arrow only. There is some other mismatching with the previous calculation for poison DPS of channeling skill like SA.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
That build seems very well placed for 3.13 style but there is one thing i dont understand after reading the whole thread (very great videos btw).

You talk about toxic rain / scourge arrow / barrage. in your last video from 11-01-2021 you're showing barrage as default skill but can we use it for both pack clear and boss or not ?

i am now checking Wolfies Pob for Scourge Arrow 3.12(Pob since one of its recent updates is showing us lower numbers yep..), but anyways when converting to 3.13 it makes "Total DPS inc. Poison" go from 1.6 mil to 1.5 mil, so it only seems like a "smaller downgrade" or? :)

also wanted to ask what was the motivation for the fresh barrage version of the build?

Wolfie thanks for all your hard work!

Do you think this build could reach red maps on a 5L without chain dying 3-4 days into the league if played SSF? I have a lot of experience in SSF, just not with ranger.

Or should I look to transition once I get some uniques and a 6L?
IGN : @GimmieTheLewt
Hello sir,

I try to league start with your build.
Can you make a list what items/jewels etc. are most important to upgrade, like how to improve the gear gradually?

thank you :)
gagnongraphisme 님이 작성:
Do you think this build could reach red maps on a 5L without chain dying 3-4 days into the league if played SSF? I have a lot of experience in SSF, just not with ranger.

Or should I look to transition once I get some uniques and a 6L?

Clear will be ok, boss dmg not so good. There are always complains there about low boss dmg early league. This is because you kidna need helm enchant and +1 arrow to do decent boss dps (apart from understanding interaction between poison and scourge arrow and playing accordingly). You also need awakened chaos damage suppoer as soon as possible or replica alberons warpath boots (if you go strength stacking variant). Barrage variant might be actually less demanding, but have no experience about it so not sure.
WolfieNa 님이 작성:
Is it chance to block = base + additional chance to block? If your base = 0 and additional chance = +18%, your chance to block shall be 0 + 18% = 18%. Proof (Barrage):


Cool, I didn't know it worked without having baseline chance to block. :o
Viktranka 님이 2021. 1. 13. 오후 1:42:10에 마지막으로 편집
greenrasp 님이 작성:
gagnongraphisme 님이 작성:
Do you think this build could reach red maps on a 5L without chain dying 3-4 days into the league if played SSF? I have a lot of experience in SSF, just not with ranger.

Or should I look to transition once I get some uniques and a 6L?

Clear will be ok, boss dmg not so good. There are always complains there about low boss dmg early league. This is because you kidna need helm enchant and +1 arrow to do decent boss dps (apart from understanding interaction between poison and scourge arrow and playing accordingly). You also need awakened chaos damage suppoer as soon as possible or replica alberons warpath boots (if you go strength stacking variant). Barrage variant might be actually less demanding, but have no experience about it so not sure.

oof ok thanks
IGN : @GimmieTheLewt

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