[3.20] ❄️❄️ Velyna's Hollow Palm Ice Crash ❄️ ❄️ Leaguestart Section | Hidden and Feared Viable

Viable on HC, either way im starting it today
I wouldn't call dodge build a tanky boi to be honest, got one shot couple times in white map - pretty squishy.
How is this performing?

Was playing BL scion but tired of getting oneshot 5 times a map. I know it's dodge based so probably the same experience here.
Enjoying the build so far, thanks!

How does everyone sustain with only 10% mana pool? (I got 66 mana unreserved).

I know we leech, but it just feels bad to have no mana if you miss 1 attack, or the CWDT procs. What am I missing?
I didn't bother taking Supreme Ego until I had an enlighten lvl 3. Gives you 115 mana which has been plenty for me.
Thanks, I suppose thats an option, even though its 2ex.

Most people on poe.ninja does not use it though, so im still a bit confused.
Cool build!
Im doing some AoE version, using seismic warcry and waiting for a 6L to link a first of war. For now im using the same tree (mid)but looking to optimizing for AoE.
If someone has some tips will be appreciated!
how is this build on t16
can it tank ?
Playing this as my 2nd char this league

its ok so far

im feeling a bit squishy atm but thats expected till i get some more life
my biggest issue is that my single target feels like ass

i dunno what im doing wrong here

i know i need some more dex (1274 dex atm) but im at a reasonable point and it feels real real slow on bossing atm i annointed for 100% ailment immune for the time being

here is my gear

other than the obvious ( get more dex) anything else i can do ?

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RitualMurder 님이 2021. 8. 9. 오후 6:57:51에 마지막으로 편집
RitualMurder 님이 작성:
Playing this as my 2nd char this league

its ok so far

im feeling a bit squishy atm but thats expected till i get some more life
my biggest issue is that my single target feels like ass

i dunno what im doing wrong here

i know i need some more dex (1274 dex atm) but im at a reasonable point and it feels real real slow on bossing atm i annointed for 100% ailment immune for the time being

here is my gear

other than the obvious ( get more dex) anything else i can do ?

Helm enchant and curse ring would be huge. Watchers Eye also.

Crafted belt/amulet can also be made better than the uniques we start with in those slots. That's a project though.
Velyna 님이 2021. 8. 10. 오전 11:44:05에 마지막으로 편집

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