
Started as a trickster for the first couple days and switched over to Pathfinder....so much better. Don't have all the pieces yet, but I'm steadily getting better. Clearing Red maps with ease...single target is still pretty weak. I've really only got life / res gear though right now, so not complaining!

Could you link your PoB?
I have a bit wore gear than you, but my dmg feels a little bit low for T12 maps,where i am right now. Like its fine, but i dont think its enought for T14-16
Just a quick reply to everyone because i felt like I'm not really active atm and I dont really want to leave you guys in the dark and just those people had known or tried the build helping around.

Short update right now, my irl issues (as covid and my uni stuff are just getting scrambled together), it has been quite difficult to update these build guides. Occasionally i do get some rest but i just really wanted to play and let some time pass to get some stress off from me, could say i am slacking off in a way. But since I have multiple guides, i just dont really have the time or in the mood to change stuff for now either.

I heard a lot of stuff going on, like clusters being stupidly expensive to craft and buy, people having some trouble and issue with the build and so on. Dont worry, i am currently thinking a solution for the passive tree (a small passive tree revamp, maybe about 20-40 points) to get more damage in before getting clusters. So part of a reason why I've also been delaying the passive tree.

If you have further questions you can post a reply or ask in the official poe discord (there are a lot of helpful ppl there!). I will be more active on the discord and you can pretty much know if the person replying you is me.

Currently unable to reply most of the replies and comments but i did read them. Also thanks for all the compliments on the guide and glad to hear some of you enjoyed the build so far. For those who have been struggling I will prepare something for it (expecting in about a day or 2) so you guys will be able to enjoy the build more
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Remicaster1 님이 2020. 6. 26. 오후 1:12:31에 마지막으로 편집
Remicaster1 님이 작성:
I heard a lot of stuff going on, like clusters being stupidly expensive to craft and buy,
There's a patch coming for that next week, including Bex confirming on reddit that large clusters will get 2 sockets guaranteed. Which means it will be easier to get 1-2 notables when we aren't blocked by the fact no socket = bricked.

This also means: hold off buying or crafting large clusters until the patch! It's expected they'll be easier to craft and prices will drop.
well t16 map is just very easy now , just hit'n run, very nice clear speed. and delete most of boss, have just to spawn sirus to check .

with some atle/regal/anul shaper quiver could be nice to have addintional arrow :

and craft the classic +3 bow with fossil :

now could be great to found-craft a good ring, and maybe the most difficult of these build, have the good helmet enchant on devoto ...
avmn 님이 작성:
Could you link your PoB?
I have a bit wore gear than you, but my dmg feels a little bit low for T12 maps,where i am right now. Like its fine, but i dont think its enought for T14-16

If you are referring to me - My damages is great for standard mobs in T15's / T16's...my single target is a bit ass. Can do the conquerors on AL4 / AL5 now, but not super clean. Still learning...Sirus is still a bit tough to handle, but i think it's more game mechanics than anything. My pastebin isn't set up...just a straight export.


I played Archmage Storm brand last league....didn't need to learn the fight really ;)

Got a decent base and chaos spammed until I hit lvl 8 Despair on hit. May put together a wither totem into my chest until link it.

crzytimes 님이 2020. 6. 26. 오후 5:42:22에 마지막으로 편집
i started the game now and im following your build, ty!

But why my passive tree is diferent comparing from your?

on your Quill rain bow you say "ignore socketed gems"
which gems should be in the bow?
Viktranka 님이 작성:
Remicaster1 님이 작성:
I heard a lot of stuff going on, like clusters being stupidly expensive to craft and buy,
There's a patch coming for that next week, including Bex confirming on reddit that large clusters will get 2 sockets guaranteed. Which means it will be easier to get 1-2 notables when we aren't blocked by the fact no socket = bricked.

This also means: hold off buying or crafting large clusters until the patch! It's expected they'll be easier to craft and prices will drop.

Ah i see, wasn't aware of the full situation right now tbh xD but that's glad to hear

Tomazi123 님이 작성:
i started the game now and im following your build, ty!

But why my passive tree is diferent comparing from your?

I did a small short revamp on the passive tree, don't worry if yours is different, you can still do enough damage and have survivability at the same time.

zenatra 님이 작성:

on your Quill rain bow you say "ignore socketed gems"
which gems should be in the bow?

Misc gems setup
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Marrond 님이 작성:
I'm struggling right now - not even Awakener 4 yet due to lack of apropriate maps (even when I do T13 + T14 with Zana i get back T7s and T6s, it's mildly infuriating, especially since now everyone wants to sell maps for Alchs which aren't many to be had -_-) however Baran is absolutely destroying me (the other 3 aren't nearly as bad, granted I don't even understand the Drox fight, he just stands there and then he dies - I didn't play since they reworked the Atlas and added Conquerors). Baran covers almost entire arena with stupidly high degen and the one spot that's left empty he barrages with AoE and there is literally nowhere to go - actual Shaper is 100 times less infuriating to fight against. I'm dreading how Sirius fight will look like as I haven't fought him before and his middle name apparently spells bullshit.

I have low HP (3600) and my 6L short bow simply refuses to become Quill Rain after 300 attempts (at this point it would be probably about the same price to just buy 6L Quil). I also don't have Empower as I put it aside until I get 6L going. If I get amulet I will have even less HP because getting +1 dex +1 chaos AND life on top of that is too much to ask within 12Ex budget...

I've managed to buy three most expensive Cluster Jewels however. Large one set me back 5 Ex, medium one 130 chaos each. Yeah, should've left them for the last but given I've seen like grand total of two appearing in the market since league start I took jumped on it instead. I'm thinking about throwing Devoto's out of the window and get helmet with life instead - I don't see however how extra bit of life will change anything in 1-tap department when my Necro friend with 8k HP gets 1 clapped in T14+... I need few more skill points but I'm stuck at 90 because of random off-screen 1 taps. It seems that my mapping experience varies greately depending on mobs it spawned with - many ranged and casters enemies is a world of pain.

Build is fun to play and was very smooth to start out with but as it stands for me right now it doesn't get the job done in high red tier maps and for the level of investment so far I feel like I could do two different builds that would breeze through that content instead (like for example LL Occultist with Cold DoT). I will keep pushing this one for the time being however I don't know where I'm gonna get 30 more Ex to purchase missing items. Everything this build needs to perform adequately in red tier maps semms to be outrageously expensive.

Unfortunately it's just the harsh truth for toxic rain not gonna lie. Most people also have the same troubles on trickster, reaching red maps seems to have a significant damage drop. For efficiency wise on farming currency it does seem that this build isn't shine for doing it on a budget. Though I do glad that you did enjoyed part of the build as that's part of my original goal. But anyway I have some small revamp on the passive tree, shouldn't be costing you over 1ex to change it (including thread of hope stuff) and also some changes (a small crafting guide i would say?) on the gearing section. I searched the prices for most of the items and set it onto the pob. And I got a rough 2mil sirus dps (including mirage archer) with those budget gear. It is not the best I'll admit, but it doesn't seem that bad either.

I will also respect your decision on dropping the build cus I just want you all to have fun, and if you aren't anymore what's the point of me insisting you. But if you don't mind to try it out you can give it a shot.

Also I have a suggestion if you want to change the character for different purpose. You can try Scourge Arrow build (also pathfinder) and see if it's to your liking as I heard some people changed their build into SA when their TR is lacking damage on reds.

VonDeepah 님이 작성:
Remi...trying this build on PS4...first time on PoE since Legion.

Can you please post updated leveling passive tree screenshots? I do not see it in the PoB build...

Thanks for all your effort in being a resource for the community!

I've just updated it, have fun with the build!
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1

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