[3.12] Secrets of Suffering GLACIAL CASCADE miner | boss killer | works in budget / League starter |

Hey, I am working on a new tree version for 3.12 right now, will update the build when done.
Thanks mate! Can't wait for it! :)
good good
Is this build viable with Tremor Rod and Shavronne's Wrappings, going LL?
Do you think taking the Fingers of Frost wheel is worth it for the cold ailment scaling now that it works with brittle?
you probably have already seen it the new changes, but if not:

Glacial Cascade Default 20% increased Damage
Alternate Quality 1 10% increased Area of Effect
Alternate Quality 2 20% reduced Area of Effect
Final Burst Deals 40% more Damage
What do you recommend for league start leveling?
I am doing a GC build as league start too and was looking into yours for ideas. I am still debating going for Secrets of suffering but I do have a question - why don't you use added fire damage with GC to get Scorched? It's not only that you would get 44% extra phys as fire dmg (which already makes for a decent link) but also you would have up to -30% ele resists on enemies. Also you could then use wave of conviction in CWDT for -25% fire res. This seems really powerful. I am kind of a noob in creating builds. Would that work? Or are you getting scorched some other way (I think on LL it may be ok to go for herald of ash instead)?
what is the best pantheon option to map? and the best option for bosses?
Nice build will try in this league !!

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