[3.18] 🔮☄️ Aura Stacking - EZ new Uber Content ☄️🔮

right now i have 185ex,which one should i go for?Full Unique EK Lowlife POB or Optimized for League POB but i want to use spark instead of EK so i dont know what to do
EjinChewy 님이 2021. 5. 16. 오후 7:56:57에 마지막으로 편집
Would someone review my character (GriffStacker on profile or https://pastebin.com/vj1wLExk) and see if I made any errors or what would be some next steps for improving the character? Maybe what should be done with ~20ex worth of upgrades on the character.
Yo Jix, what do you mean when alt determination + grace = fake physical damage reduction? Pob increases my phys reduction so I'm wondering.
swaes 님이 작성:
Yo Jix, what do you mean when alt determination + grace = fake physical damage reduction? Pob increases my phys reduction so I'm wondering.

armor increases your physical damage reduction, but only vs smaller hits... roughly armor can mitigate a hit of 10% of the armor you have - if you set a high hit damage in the config tab (30k) you will see that your phys reduction lowers, since armor gets less and less effective. to be strong vs physical dot (like sirus storms) you need flat physical reduction and not armor
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
If youre following this guide or any other aura stacker builds - completely disregard the uber rich players telling you 400% is important. It's not.

at 375% aura effectiveness, you get 90% all resists and plenty of damage/regen/vit/cast speed etc.

Getting to 400% just adds some physical % damage reduction which honestly isnt a big deal. most of the damage you take is elemental and you'll still end up with like 65% phys reduction at 375%.

even at only 350% aura effect - your resists are 89% and the break points for going higher have huge diminishing returns.

These guys try to force you, and mainly the players who just dont know any better, into buying their mirror gear from their shop. Its completely unnecessary because you can mindlessly steamroll any and all content in the game without risk of dying without getting to 400%.

Its like putting a bottle rocket on a space ship for 'extra speed'.

You 100% do not need to waste your exalts on this guys mirror shop for this build to be godmode.
bobby3127 님이 작성:
If youre following this guide or any other aura stacker builds - completely disregard the uber rich players telling you 400% is important. It's not.

at 375% aura effectiveness, you get 90% all resists and plenty of damage/regen/vit/cast speed etc.

Getting to 400% just adds some physical % damage reduction which honestly isnt a big deal. most of the damage you take is elemental and you'll still end up with like 65% phys reduction at 375%.

even at only 350% aura effect - your resists are 89% and the break points for going higher have huge diminishing returns.

These guys try to force you, and mainly the players who just dont know any better, into buying their mirror gear from their shop. Its completely unnecessary because you can mindlessly steamroll any and all content in the game without risk of dying without getting to 400%.

Its like putting a bottle rocket on a space ship for 'extra speed'.

You 100% do not need to waste your exalts on this guys mirror shop for this build to be godmode.

Do you not understand what min maxing is?
PriceUp 님이 작성:
bobby3127 님이 작성:
If youre following this guide or any other aura stacker builds - completely disregard the uber rich players telling you 400% is important. It's not.

at 375% aura effectiveness, you get 90% all resists and plenty of damage/regen/vit/cast speed etc.

Getting to 400% just adds some physical % damage reduction which honestly isnt a big deal. most of the damage you take is elemental and you'll still end up with like 65% phys reduction at 375%.

even at only 350% aura effect - your resists are 89% and the break points for going higher have huge diminishing returns.

These guys try to force you, and mainly the players who just dont know any better, into buying their mirror gear from their shop. Its completely unnecessary because you can mindlessly steamroll any and all content in the game without risk of dying without getting to 400%.

Its like putting a bottle rocket on a space ship for 'extra speed'.

You 100% do not need to waste your exalts on this guys mirror shop for this build to be godmode.

Do you not understand what min maxing is?

Of course.
I dont think you read (or maybe you just failed to comprehend??) my very first sentence though.

Don't think I said anywhere, or even remotely implied, that min-maxing isn't important. I'm just letting know people that 400% isnt even close to what the more 'elite' players would have you think it is.

It's barely noticeably different except for some phys reduction.

And especially with the recent changes making it even harder to get to 400%...
I just want players who are reading this to know that it's definitely NOT WORTH getting to 400%. Its probably the least cost effective min-max goal in any poe build.

Hence the analogy of the bottle rocket and the spaceship.
bobby3127 님이 2021. 5. 26. 오후 12:59:06에 마지막으로 편집
How is the wander version, is it still viable?
I've seen Empy played one in 3.11 or 3.12
MorePlatesMoreDates 님이 작성:
How is the wander version, is it still viable?
I've seen Empy played one in 3.11 or 3.12

Hi, I drafted a hybrid intstack/aurastack wander version, but its roughly 1/3 of the damage spark offers (just looking at pob dps) its honestly not great :)
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
Jix_91 님이 작성:
MorePlatesMoreDates 님이 작성:
How is the wander version, is it still viable?
I've seen Empy played one in 3.11 or 3.12

Hi, I drafted a hybrid intstack/aurastack wander version, but its roughly 1/3 of the damage spark offers (just looking at pob dps) its honestly not great :)

Well, then I will go with spark. Thanks for the reply.

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