[3.18] 🔮☄️ Aura Stacking - EZ new Uber Content ☄️🔮

yea I know I gotta get wrath on. I was always wary of mana reservation calculations in PoB, because they seem to be off usually. But now I see I just needed to manually add the extra 2% from Might of the Meek.
I'm getting there:


Some things are way far off, such as 3/1 Voices.

Still working on building crit multiplier. I personally prefer running determination and rumi's for some very chill gameplay.

Not perfect, but very happy with it. Also a freaking huge investment.

Thanks a ton!
is there a way to not use 3/1 passive voices with your build? :|
I can't speak for him, but use what you can. 3/3 is totally viable for most things I've done and I feel insanely tanky. I think that the league version and the unique only version are both very good too.
MrSneakyFox 님이 작성:
is there a way to not use 3/1 passive voices with your build? :|

hey, as jonathan said - you can also use 4x large clusters with 4pt mediums :)
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‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
^I don't know about that...

with my current gear, which I consider to be on the upper end, but certainly not mirror tier, I am still having some difficulties.

Damage vs bosses is super low, it takes me a good deal of time to kill conquerors/sirus/expedition bosses. Of course smite is a huge damage boost, but I would have hoped that without it I could still reliably clear most bosses but that just isn't the case. Maven regens starting around t13 outpace my damage output. God help you if you grab any regen nodes in expedition. Clear is great, survivability is okay. I die fairly often, but mostly because of chain freezes and stuns which I can mitigate with better gear). I cannot express enough how much freeze immune boots would help this league!

I find it difficult to believe that without my 2 3passive voices the build would function at an appropriate level, especially using spark. Using all large clusters and losing 2 full medium clusters + jewel slots seems like it would break the build for me.

With access to legacy gear in Standard, this might be possible to do on a lower budget, but in the current league I think you really need at least 6 PERFECT medium clusters which would run you up a TON of currency, or 3 passive Voices x 2/3 to expand beyond 6 medium clusters.

Don't get me wrong, this build is a ton of FUN even with deaths. But with the sheer cost, it's better to spec into this when you have the funds to go ALL THE WAY. Half assing it, or even 3/4 assing it will be disappointing.
jsuslak313 님이 2021. 8. 31. 오후 9:37:06에 마지막으로 편집
How do you get leech?
Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition, is followed by madness.
Forgotten_Overlord 님이 작성:
How do you get leech?

regular or cluster jewel implicit :) 0.2 spelldmg leeched as es - its a synthesized mod
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‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
Would appreciate if someone can help advice on why I'm not able to hit capped 90% all resistance, instead I'm at 89%, thank you!

Would appreciate if someone can help advice on why I'm not able to hit capped 90% all resistance, instead I'm at 89%, thank you!


you need 375 aura effect with lvl21 gems or if you got +2 levels on purities (lvl23) 300% :)
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007

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