[3.15]❄️Ice Shot Deadeye | Shatter everything | League Starter | UElder down ❄️

where is tree?!
Hey! i am new and is my first cha, i have 40 ex to do the build, can you helpme ?
Hey there, thanks for the guide, I'm having problem with mana reservation even with level 3 enlighten and anointed sovereignty (this is a temporary solution back then when I tried to play it, else I had to because I won't have any mana to fire any arrows)

Hey there

Im gonna try this in the upcoming expansion. I'm a total noob at this but am wondering why you spend so many skill points on Claws? Am i missing somthing?

InstantTang#6714 님이 2021. 7. 18. 오전 10:08:46에 마지막으로 편집
InstantTang 님이 작성:
Hey there

Im gonna try this in the upcoming expansion. I'm a total noob at this but am wondering why you spend so many skill points on Claws? Am i missing somthing?


The Lioneye's jewel in the guide makes claw nodes within its radius apply to bows
How's this build looking for 3.15? How would we compensate for diamond flask and bottled faith being nerfed?
CoreyKoehn#1579 님이 2021. 7. 21. 오후 9:51:06에 마지막으로 편집
Still viable, you'll need to get crit on your gear/auras and jewels + gear.

ballista totem + focused ballista + hydrosphere + anomalous barrage

just burns bosses
which gem links do i follow pob ones or one in the guide
@BoringSpectres Hi, I would like to buy your Large Cluster Jewel listed for 1 chaos in Expedition (stash tab "~b/o 1 chaos"; position: left 1, top 4)

where you get that 40 EX
POB ascendancy and ascendancy on the post say 2 different things

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