[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

finally reached 0.12 with sorta min-maxed gear(unfortunate hunter slam on the belt tho), contemplating if i should bother with replica shroud

cwdt void sphere and ic were very helpful when doing heist.

i kinda regret chancing shaper tho, siphoning charge uptime is kinda 50-50, you have to spam lightning warp if you want to keep 4 stacks.
jordzkie05 님이 2020. 11. 11. 오전 5:43:25에 마지막으로 편집
This is great, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can you help me look at it?
jordzkie05 님이 작성:

finally reached 0.12 with sorta min-maxed gear(unfortunate hunter slam on the belt tho), contemplating if i should bother with replica shroud

cwdt void sphere and ic were very helpful when doing heist.

i kinda regret chancing shaper tho, siphoning charge uptime is kinda 50-50, you have to spam lightning warp if you want to keep 4 stacks.

yeah, i went with just 1 shaper ring, as 2 is easy enough to keep up, and the degen from just 2 stacks is pretty mimimal, withering step is enough to keep it up, 4 would be alot of degen too, be dying trying to loot lol

As far as replica shroud, its an upgrade if you can get goood jewels, and then grab a 12% life belt, but itll be a costly upgrade for sure

J3R3my_Ma 님이 작성:
This is great, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can you help me look at it?

If you link it, or open up your characters, sure.
Supaspork 님이 2020. 11. 11. 오후 2:54:14에 마지막으로 편집
Really a fun build for clearing. Can this handle Simulacrum?
FiveInchSquirrel 님이 작성:
Really a fun build for clearing. Can this handle Simulacrum?

easily. its kinda like delve, everything is so packed in tight that unless its a one shot from kosis (kinda hard to do since your always moving) you leech back to full almost instantly. ive ran several simulacrums and had 0 problems, same with t15 80% delirium maps. 100 was doable but was just too much slower than 80 so i just stuck with those

The past is a ghost that haunts you from the moment it exists, until the moment you do not.
I enjoy this build, but I want to increase the damage, what do I need to spend EX??
character is also open

Vjsman 님이 작성:
I enjoy this build, but I want to increase the damage, what do I need to spend EX??
character is also open

i would just say go to page 5 of this forum, someone else asks same thing, we go through a bit of a conversation there, don't want to make another huge wall of text to re copy-paste it
I am a little late to this party, but I was unhappy with my spectre build and this looked like a lot of fun. I have been working on getting everything together and am up to about 5 procs a second. Still some work left but I can do most red tier maps already.

2 questions. How well would slower projectiles work against bosses before I get awakened unbound ailments?

Secondly I often play with friends over the weekend. I am afraid my phantasmal haste will hurt them (guard skill uptime and totem duration). I am thinking of running 2 Ichimonji, one with Withering Step and the other for Plaguebearer. Only when playing with them then swapping back for solo. Thoughts?

Thanks for the great guide and for being so active on the forum. Not playing meta means I get to find these awesome micro-communities.
PAKOofMM 님이 작성:
I am a little late to this party, but I was unhappy with my spectre build and this looked like a lot of fun. I have been working on getting everything together and am up to about 5 procs a second. Still some work left but I can do most red tier maps already.

2 questions. How well would slower projectiles work against bosses before I get awakened unbound ailments?

Secondly I often play with friends over the weekend. I am afraid my phantasmal haste will hurt them (guard skill uptime and totem duration). I am thinking of running 2 Ichimonji, one with Withering Step and the other for Plaguebearer. Only when playing with them then swapping back for solo. Thoughts?

Thanks for the great guide and for being so active on the forum. Not playing meta means I get to find these awesome micro-communities.

1) Slower projectiles would only affect the base hit, and doesnt up the poison damage, which is our main source, so its not that great, Id just run 3G1R, and ignore the unbound ailments until you can get that white socket

2) You could just not turn on phantasmal haste, and run a herald of agony instead if you want for groups, you definitely want to still use the staff, as taking it off, severely lowers the damage.

No problem, Glad to help :D

This is the best build I've ever played lmao,

Just did a simulacrum 1 handed without an issue - and it clears maps like nothing I've ever played

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