[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

Подскажите пожалуйста, сокращение времени перезарядки, так же уменьшает время действия ауры на нас, при этом не уменьшая длительность действия торнадо и яда, верно?
Перк у саботёра будет работать на 30% или нет?
Is the build still viable in 3.22?
McDuda 님이 작성:
Is the build still viable in 3.22?

not really, damage has been nerfed too much
Been a while since I played this but this would have been pretty great with the Archmage Support Buff. The added 100ms cooldown on it now though.
FiveInchSquirrel 님이 2024. 4. 1. 오전 2:11:24에 마지막으로 편집
FiveInchSquirrel 님이 작성:
Been a while since I played this but this would have been pretty great with the Archmage Support Buff. The added 100ms cooldown on it now though.

put it on just to see, itd be a hell of a lot of mana lol, unsure how well we could keep up with the mana
Supaspork 님이 작성:
FiveInchSquirrel 님이 작성:
Been a while since I played this but this would have been pretty great with the Archmage Support Buff. The added 100ms cooldown on it now though.

put it on just to see, itd be a hell of a lot of mana lol, unsure how well we could keep up with the mana

Tested it, the mana issues with it is non-existent if we go for Hierophant. Trying to PoB it at the moment if this will be actually viable.

The Biggest problem would be CDR huh, have to self cast Temporal chains.
52% CDR (25% Terror, 18-20% Belt, 3x 3% CDR Abyss Jewel)

Also saw someone playing this build on Hiero.

FiveInchSquirrel 님이 2024. 4. 1. 오후 11:47:33에 마지막으로 편집
FiveInchSquirrel 님이 작성:
Supaspork 님이 작성:
FiveInchSquirrel 님이 작성:
Been a while since I played this but this would have been pretty great with the Archmage Support Buff. The added 100ms cooldown on it now though.

put it on just to see, itd be a hell of a lot of mana lol, unsure how well we could keep up with the mana

Tested it, the mana issues with it is non-existent if we go for Hierophant. Trying to PoB it at the moment if this will be actually viable.

The Biggest problem would be CDR huh, have to self cast Temporal chains.
52% CDR (25% Terror, 18-20% Belt, 3x 3% CDR Abyss Jewel)

Also saw someone playing this build on Hiero.


so tried this out a bit, cant seem to really get the damage to a good point, its like low to mediocre at best, and the tankiness is kinda eh. can get fire conversion hiero to nearly the same spot with more tankiness without any mana stacking lol

thinking about going pathfinder or assassin with new unholy might, i just really dont wanna do another evasion setup of the build, much rather go true tankiness as Armour/resists
Supaspork 님이 2024. 4. 14. 오후 6:55:33에 마지막으로 편집

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