[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

FiveInchSquirrel 님이 작성:
Hello, seeing the buff on this build right now. What's the best ascendancy for it?

What's the best alternative when you can't get a reduced skill effect on black cane?

Edit. Pob'd it, seems to be easy to hit 0.066s but 0.033s need the 10% Reduced on Black Cane. Triggerbots Twister kinda sucks since your bots will always be behind you.

im using chieftain currently, about to level an assassin to try triggerbots, let you all know here when i get that far. But it only took me two maps to get the 10% reduced skill duration black cane, unsure if i got lucky or not though, but only took 40c to do it. 20c/map. definitely give it a try :o
Looking to do this on inquisitor with aegis aurora, is it possible to hit 99% reduced skill effect duration with an aegis aurora and 1 weapon?

(please say yes please say yes)
Beholdd 님이 작성:
Looking to do this on inquisitor with aegis aurora, is it possible to hit 99% reduced skill effect duration with an aegis aurora and 1 weapon?

(please say yes please say yes)

IDK if the reduced duration node exist on shields, but I heard that we can have more than one duration node on the same weapon since the node exist for both tier 3 and 4. Probably wont be easy to get thou, since you need to get pretty lucky merging the trees.
Omg you're so right, you're my hero. Time to get a 20% reduced skill effect demon dagger to chance into volcanus.
3.21.0c Hotfix

Added a 100ms cooldown to the Twister Skill that is triggered when using the Saqawal's Flock Unique Helmet.

While we generally try to avoid mid-league balance adjustments, this skill was causing unsustainable server load and frequent crashes. We have assessed the balance of the skill with this cooldown and have found that it is still very powerful.

How bad is this?
y562565 님이 작성:
3.21.0c Hotfix

Added a 100ms cooldown to the Twister Skill that is triggered when using the Saqawal's Flock Unique Helmet.

While we generally try to avoid mid-league balance adjustments, this skill was causing unsustainable server load and frequent crashes. We have assessed the balance of the skill with this cooldown and have found that it is still very powerful.

How bad is this?

Considering that I've seen Avian's Flight/Might durations of like 0.02 seconds, it's a pretty big deal. Those people would have their damage reduced by 80%. Going Sab for Like Clockwork would reduce the cooldown to .076 seconds. 20% CDR on a belt would further reduce it to .066. That's still 15 activations per second compared to about 50.

Xanthochroid 님이 2023. 4. 14. 오전 12:05:08에 마지막으로 편집
I literally just finished building a chieftain version... only for it to be mid league nerfed out from under my feet because of an interaction with another ascendancy. This sucks.
y562565 님이 작성:
We have assessed the balance of the skill with this cooldown and have found that it is still very powerful.

I understand the nerf, but considering all the hoops needed to be jumped through, can they really say that Twisters are "very powerful"?

The build that is using this skill is still capable of triggering twice as many Twisters as it could pre-Crucible.

This is also a blatant lie...
Awkward0ctopus 님이 2023. 4. 14. 오전 1:12:53에 마지막으로 편집
Wow, this is extremely, extremely lame of them to do, I was actually working on gear for this all day. I'm very disappointed
Welp, that's bs from GGG.

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