[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

Starlight85 님이 작성:
Awkward0ctopus 님이 작성:
must say, triggerbots saboteur makes this look really promising again.

"Perfect Crime summons two Triggerbots, which override the location of where a triggered spell is being cast, and instead causes it to trigger twice, once from each of their locations. "

All I've been thinking about since seeing that node was Saqawal's.
Even with 35% less damage, DOUBLE the twisters sounds insane.

This was my initial thought too, but then i realized we'd lose LGoH from a watchers eye. That's most of our sustain. It may still be worth it - with both skitterbots doing 65% dmg, it works out to 130% of initial damage, so ~30% more.

i still don't think its clear if lgoh and such would work, because it it doesnt, then it would be as if the minions were casting it, not us, and then minion damage should work as well... no?
OverlordCharlie 님이 작성:
so uhh, according to the datamined crucible passives we have a new source of 10% reduced skill effect duration, potentially stackable? so it's looking like we can hit 95%, maybe 105% theoretical reduced? looks like twister is back on the menu boys


dear lord, that easily puts us at 30 procs/second. Also side note, cannot for the life of me get a good saboteur tree to work, so seems like its still going to be chieftain as the main build this league still for the build.
Yeah like, I was playing around in PoB and if you hit exactly 99% (I'm assuming things maybe break if you go 100%) it really changes the game in terms of gearing:

with two 10% reduced on weapons, you can drop 6% reduced from your jewellery in total so you no longer have to have perfect rolled jewellery, basically meaning 10x as many timeclasp/warped timepieces are usable.

with 99% reduced you no longer even need the saqawal boots or gloves, even with the full base duration you can hit tickrate cap

you can drop all the Less Duration boosting shenaningans on weapon, with the above-mentioned changes all you need is a regular 20/20 less duration to hit tickrate cap with only helmet. so you basically gain two full gear slots and half the affixes back on your weapon (can put aspect somewhere else since it doesnt need to be supported by the juiced up less duration)

you can even change out the 10% less duration mastery for 10% more duration while retaining tickrate cap; this gives your tornadoes some extra duration back when you link them to inc. duration

Hey mate, I used to play this build in 3.15 and loved it a lot. Any changes or updates for 3.21? or are you abandoning this guide? Would love to play it again and try it if possible. Cheers mate.
antje123 님이 작성:
Hey mate, I used to play this build in 3.15 and loved it a lot. Any changes or updates for 3.21? or are you abandoning this guide? Would love to play it again and try it if possible. Cheers mate.

Prolly not going to update it, but heres a test pob i did for poison

With Explosives Expert, would it be best to go elemental crit on Sabo?

Or at least get full fire conversion and run skitterbots for the shock and chill?
Awkward0ctopus 님이 작성:
With Explosives Expert, would it be best to go elemental crit on Sabo?

Or at least get full fire conversion and run skitterbots for the shock and chill?

i dont think its easy to go elemental damage on that side of the tree for twister, so i would personally go assassin with forb jewels to grab triggerbots, was not able to make an ele hit work... well enough for myself over there
Supaspork 님이 2023. 4. 11. 오후 5:50:06에 마지막으로 편집
Hello, seeing the buff on this build right now. What's the best ascendancy for it?

What's the best alternative when you can't get a reduced skill effect on black cane?

Edit. Pob'd it, seems to be easy to hit 0.066s but 0.033s need the 10% Reduced on Black Cane. Triggerbots Twister kinda sucks since your bots will always be behind you.
FiveInchSquirrel 님이 2023. 4. 12. 오전 12:56:47에 마지막으로 편집
Supaspork 님이 작성:
OverlordCharlie 님이 작성:
so uhh, according to the datamined crucible passives we have a new source of 10% reduced skill effect duration, potentially stackable? so it's looking like we can hit 95%, maybe 105% theoretical reduced? looks like twister is back on the menu boys


dear lord, that easily puts us at 30 procs/second. Also side note, cannot for the life of me get a good saboteur tree to work, so seems like its still going to be chieftain as the main build this league still for the build.

Yo, just tested that 99% reduced along with 10% less (from tree) and Buffs on you expires 10% faster (Weapon passive) hits under the 0.033 breakpoint too, removing the need to even use the Less Duration gem, so you can reserve less mana on Aspect of the Avian!
EternalSceptic 님이 작성:
Supaspork 님이 작성:
OverlordCharlie 님이 작성:
so uhh, according to the datamined crucible passives we have a new source of 10% reduced skill effect duration, potentially stackable? so it's looking like we can hit 95%, maybe 105% theoretical reduced? looks like twister is back on the menu boys


dear lord, that easily puts us at 30 procs/second. Also side note, cannot for the life of me get a good saboteur tree to work, so seems like its still going to be chieftain as the main build this league still for the build.

Yo, just tested that 99% reduced along with 10% less (from tree) and Buffs on you expires 10% faster (Weapon passive) hits under the 0.033 breakpoint too, removing the need to even use the Less Duration gem, so you can reserve less mana on Aspect of the Avian!

thats nice! problem i have with this is, if i DO use less duration, i can grab the more duration mastery and have nearly 2 seconds on my twister duration, which is nice for clear, and still be under 0.033 duration
Supaspork 님이 2023. 4. 12. 오후 4:26:04에 마지막으로 편집

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