[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

TheFilipo 님이 작성:
What's roughly the budget for making it viable for endgame content? Is it roughly 100ex or more like 50-80ex?


Boots - 2-3ex
Gloves - 2-3ex
Both Rings - 8ex (less if you make yourself)
Amulet - 15c
Helmet - 10c (+30c for white socket if u get it)
Staff - 30c
Belt - 5ex (varies on how much you want to spend really)
Chest - 5ex (corrupted inc dmg kaoms)

Gear Total - 23ex


Awakened Swift Affliction - 1ex
20/23 Less Duration - 50c
Awakened Deadly Ailments - 1ex
Vitality Watchers eye - 1ex
3 Notable Large Cluster - 3ex? Varies a lot tbh
Medium Clusters - 40c/ea
Small Clusters - 30c/ea
Resist Jewels(3 or 4) - 20c/ea
Green Nightmare - 1ex

Gems/Jewels Total - 9ex

Pretty much all other gems can be leveled from lvl 1 without any issues.

This should get you a character than can easily do all content, can be done for cheaper for sure, i was leaning towards the higher end pricing the stuff, some stuff is probably cheaper than what i listed, didn't look any of it up, just off memory, but for a good SOLID setup, id say around 30ex.

You can definitely run pretty much all content on a lower budget, but you'll notice the damage difference more than likely. Ive done T16 100%'s with like 10ex worth of gear this league, just gotta take it slower
hey im reading the part on getting a -10% timetwist. i just roled about 10 different rings and got 3 rings with 10% increased duration and not a single reduced duration one. are they weighted to roll increased?
skylerkim 님이 작성:
hey im reading the part on getting a -10% timetwist. i just roled about 10 different rings and got 3 rings with 10% increased duration and not a single reduced duration one. are they weighted to roll increased?

not from my experience :o
damn i am so happy right now

just chanced a Shaper Timepiece :D

only need to divine/bless it up

[edit] already did fix the stats

[edit2] do you know if you can chance the beastiary items for potential shaper saqawal's?
Jangofreak 님이 2021. 2. 21. 오후 9:05:28에 마지막으로 편집
No you can't chance them.
Hey Supa,

Again, loving the build! I have a few questions for you:

1) Can you comment on using both GMP and Greater Volley in the helm? It seems to work pretty well, but wanted to get your thoughts.

2) Do you think its worth pathing to Point Blank for the 30% more damage? I was thinking this could work well for single target?

3) How do you think a "Knock Enemies Back" jewel would work in this build. Could this help with survivability?

2) Do you think its worth pathing to Point Blank for the 30% more damage? I was thinking this could work well for single target?

I don't think there is any benefit really to grabbing point blank. You don't really scale the tornado damage, it is just a good applicator for tons of poisons. If they do 30% more damage that doesn't increase the base damage at all of the tornados, so it has no impact on poison damage. If you were scaling the damage of the tornados better then it might be worth it, but that would be a completely different build.

If you have 4 points to spend, then I think you would be better served grabbing Dire Torment or the method to the madness wheel. Those ones would actually scale the poison damage you're dealing.
Currently started to finally have this build running and having lots of fun (also in annoying friends with them tornadoes :D). Even a 10 boss invitation without the boss gems was quite easy.

So I tried a baran with the boss gems but I wonder how well it actually is with the boss gems. The range instantly goes down to like 2 meters and and the amount of tornados is low like hell. Sure the damage was nice, but with that few tornados and with the range you have much much less life gain on hit and with that less leech.

How do I work with that on bosses like sirus and maven ?
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AkumaNoTsubasa 님이 작성:
Currently started to finally have this build running and having lots of fun (also in annoying friends with them tornadoes :D). Even a 10 boss invitation without the boss gems was quite easy.

So I tried a baran with the boss gems but I wonder how well it actually is with the boss gems. The range instantly goes down to like 2 meters and and the amount of tornados is low like hell. Sure the damage was nice, but with that few tornados and with the range you have much much less life gain on hit and with that less leech.

How do I work with that on bosses like sirus and maven ?

So, it depends on the fight and your playstyle for gem setups

For Conq's, i generally run Poison Support, Deadly Ailments, Vile toxins, Unbound ailments, as it gives the absolute most single target

For Sirus, I prefer to have some range, so ill keep in increased duration, or if using spark spider MTX, use unbound ailments

For maven, the most range the best, as the arena is fairly small, so we can benefit from the shotgun effect from them bouncing off walls, spark spider really makes this even better, as it adds range to it, see the disclaimer for spark spider at beginning of guide.

jonburroughs 님이 작성:
Hey Supa,

Again, loving the build! I have a few questions for you:

1) Can you comment on using both GMP and Greater Volley in the helm? It seems to work pretty well, but wanted to get your thoughts.

2) Do you think its worth pathing to Point Blank for the 30% more damage? I was thinking this could work well for single target?

3) How do you think a "Knock Enemies Back" jewel would work in this build. Could this help with survivability?

1) I've been using it the last couple days, i honestly have not noticed a difference, for some reason it seems about the same. Unsure as to why on this though.

2) No. Point blank only scales the projectile portion, not the poison damage portion unfortunately

3) It might be ok, haven't tried it personally, but seems like a decent idea to have it

Thanks for a very zany build!

Started it off as a pet project, got shortly hooked on tornadoland, got nearly blinded in the process, got myself spark spiders (relief!) and poured more resources into it.

Now at lvl 89 I am quite contend with both the play style and the efficiency of the build but cannot figure out how to even approach your Pbin numbers. Under configuration I have checked the same boxes and I come up at 270k combined damage, almost a third of yours.

My avian reduction is @ 0.13/s vs. your 0.12/s. Is that so impactful? Of course we have different jewels but my poison dps is miles adrift of yours.

Here's my Pbin, kindly have a look and will be grateful for any suggestions.


Edit: I miss chance to gain frenzy/power charges on chest piece. I am also thinking about adding a Green Nightmare. Thoughts?
NaineNoire 님이 2021. 2. 24. 오전 10:34:21에 마지막으로 편집

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