[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

lethalbizz 님이 작성:

Mind linking a build to what you have just mentioned? I would love to use this build and be able to transition to it easily later.


Is what i normally use
Just saw that one of the trials adds "Buffs on exiles expire 3x faster". Will the build go completely bonkers with this, not affect it at all or crash the server?
RegnusGyre 님이 작성:
Just saw that one of the trials adds "Buffs on exiles expire 3x faster". Will the build go completely bonkers with this, not affect it at all or crash the server?

dont think itll crash the server, it is however, HUGE if we get it, assuming it works on aspect of avian...
no more spider mtx :(
Gholaduncan 님이 작성:
no more spider mtx :(

Idk why. i made a forum post about it to figure out why or if it was a mistake.

and this one as well, wasn't sure which to post it in.
Supaspork 님이 2021. 4. 19. 오전 12:27:17에 마지막으로 편집
->cheap budget
->Not a league starter
ZubriQ157 님이 작성:
->cheap budget
->Not a league starter

If you look at the items it's pretty obvious why.

For trade: Disintegrator is currently worth about 1ex with a good roll and will almost certainly be worth a few chaos orbs later this week. Same for watcher's eye and parts of the Saqawal set.

For SSF: You can't kill elder, uber elder or saqawal with it, because you need to kill them to even make the build work.
OverlordJack 님이 2021. 4. 19. 오후 3:51:48에 마지막으로 편집
Hi! why u use Opportunistic in ascendancy path?
doesnt look better go for culling strike with ambush and assassinate that also gives more posion damage in low life?
RegnusGyre 님이 작성:
Just saw that one of the trials adds "Buffs on exiles expire 3x faster". Will the build go completely bonkers with this, not affect it at all or crash the server?

I've used it in my laptop (less than 30fps xD) and goes extremely good, u make a lot more tornados, use it whenever u get it
Im trying the build this leage and atm im running a 5l Cherrubim maleficence chestplate since I didnt bought kaoms yet, i lvled as poison BV so after transitioning to the tornado build i kept my 5l vaal BV in the chest.. and with all the reduced duration the soul gain prevention is quite low.

I was wondering.. in case I want to keep using a 6l chest piece there is any good vaal skill setup for bursty poisons ? vaal BV or earthquake maybe?
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/172043 SELLINGSHOP
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/148812 UNARMED RAIMBOW TEMPLAR

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