[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

Puffff doing delve is awesoooome too my friend... I have to probe it agains bosses Sirus and company 😉😉😉
what is the price?

is it nerfed?
Posledneeleto 님이 2020. 10. 30. 오전 8:21:32에 마지막으로 편집
Posledneeleto 님이 작성:
what is the price?

is it nerfed?

Don´t nerfed I´m playing it and its fun as hell, why it should be nerfed?...

Price of the complete build?... with 10 rings + clusters + belt + gloves + boots + other more cheap gear, my gear I think about 30 to 35 EX +- ...
If you min/max like "Supaspork", 120 EX or more, only the watcher´s with haste and vitality is 70 EX...
Vyr75 님이 2020. 10. 30. 오전 8:52:13에 마지막으로 편집
Vyr75 님이 작성:
Posledneeleto 님이 작성:
what is the price?

is it nerfed?

Don´t nerfed I´m playing it and its fun as hell, why it should be nerfed?...

Price of the complete build?... with 10 rings + clusters + belt + gloves + boots + other more cheap gear, my gear I think about 30 to 35 EX +- ...
If you min/max like "Supaspork", 120 EX or more, only the watcher´s with haste and vitality is 70 EX...

thanks mate
Posledneeleto 님이 작성:
Vyr75 님이 작성:
Posledneeleto 님이 작성:
what is the price?

is it nerfed?

Don´t nerfed I´m playing it and its fun as hell, why it should be nerfed?...

Price of the complete build?... with 10 rings + clusters + belt + gloves + boots + other more cheap gear, my gear I think about 30 to 35 EX +- ...
If you min/max like "Supaspork", 120 EX or more, only the watcher´s with haste and vitality is 70 EX...

thanks mate

I see in your profile you are trying to gear it, one of the most important thing is the rings try to get at least -8 but if you can get -10 its a important upgrade, I got gloves amulet and boots, but when I got -10 rings its the difference...
Aright, I think I mostly min maxed to build for now. Just tried a T15 100% Delirium map and did it Deathless. Also bosses was mostly a Joke. If somebody wanne watch the video: https://youtu.be/ra4B1tkOqL8

My Endgame Gear so far:

Done for now with the build, if somebody is interested in the Gear, he can wsp me ingamge @Kami_no_more_CoC
xXx_Kamikaze_xXx 님이 2020. 10. 30. 오후 2:06:25에 마지막으로 편집
Hi there,

First of all thank you for the build, I saw it the day you posted it and started leveling a character on my console account.

I've put most of it together, though I'm only lvl 86 I have all the skill tree apart from the health nodes.

My big head scratcher is my Avian Might/Flight is .24 and I can't work out why.

I believe my profile is open to review if you get chance, I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi there,

First of all thank you for the build, I saw it the day you posted it and started leveling a character on my console account.

I've put most of it together, though I'm only lvl 86 I have all the skill tree apart from the health nodes.

My big head scratcher is my Avian Might/Flight is .24 and I can't work out why.

I believe my profile is open to review if you get chance, I would greatly appreciate it.

Two things, get a 20/20 less duration, that makes a decent bit of difference, and im unsure if you actually have a point put into wicked pall in your large cluster, but that increases skill duration, which is big no go, with those 2 things fixed, should get to like .13, .14 on ur current setup
Supaspork 님이 작성:
Hi there,

First of all thank you for the build, I saw it the day you posted it and started leveling a character on my console account.

I've put most of it together, though I'm only lvl 86 I have all the skill tree apart from the health nodes.

My big head scratcher is my Avian Might/Flight is .24 and I can't work out why.

I believe my profile is open to review if you get chance, I would greatly appreciate it.

Two things, get a 20/20 less duration, that makes a decent bit of difference, and im unsure if you actually have a point put into wicked pall in your large cluster, but that increases skill duration, which is big no go, with those 2 things fixed, should get to like .13, .14 on ur current setup

It was the Wicked Pail, ty for the help.
How good is that Perfect Agony for this build?
I'm confused since on PoB it doesn't really do much and we use diamond flask here.
Does it just not calculate correctly on PoB? And how is Atziri's promise for that build?

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