[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

Does the global less skill duration from the mastery reduce duration of the twister itself too? POB seems to count it as such. If so, for clear, should we not take that node so the twister can stay for longer?

Same qn on the global reduced duration, but I suppose that's still worth taking regardless, if you have increased duration linked to the twister.
EternalSceptic 님이 작성:
Does the global less skill duration from the mastery reduce duration of the twister itself too? POB seems to count it as such. If so, for clear, should we not take that node so the twister can stay for longer?

Same qn on the global reduced duration, but I suppose that's still worth taking regardless, if you have increased duration linked to the twister.

reduced duration is much more important than the less duration, its basically the same formula as resistance scaling, the closer you get to 100, the more valuable each point is. think of theoretically going from 80% reduced to 90% reduced. you're "only" getting 10% extra reduction, but you're actually getting 100% less duration of the skill and hence getting twice as many procs. in addition, since it's additive with increased duration support, it's pretty easy to offset the downside and get back to a reasonable duration on the twisters

the less duration mastery on the other hand is a 10% multiplier to proc rate that also decreases the duration of your twisters by 10% so you could maybe skip it, but there are breakpoint considerations to take into account also, i haven't run the numbers to see how it shakes up.
OverlordCharlie 님이 2022. 8. 16. 오후 4:59:17에 마지막으로 편집
Anyone think of going discharge with this? A couple options are Guardian to generate charges on hit switching to Inq later. Farrul's fur might be an option on all classes with all the reduced duration you are getting.
This build looks very fun a relaxing mapper, I will try it as a Power Charger Stacker.

So far my POB shows 34m DPS??? looks promising and maybe not that expansive!!!

Problem is Defenses :/ cast on death portal I guess.

muztankz 님이 작성:
This build looks very fun a relaxing mapper, I will try it as a Power Charger Stacker.

So far my POB shows 34m DPS??? looks promising and maybe not that expansive!!!

Problem is Defenses :/ cast on death portal I guess.

doubt you have 34m dps on bosses, let alone mapping, what kinda pob you got?

im assuming you have something setup wrong if you have that much dps
Scippio 님이 작성:
Anyone think of going discharge with this? A couple options are Guardian to generate charges on hit switching to Inq later. Farrul's fur might be an option on all classes with all the reduced duration you are getting.

wouldn't really help discharge all that much, as the problem with discharge is less the farruls fur duration, and more the Cooldown of discharge itself. Saying this as i played discharge last league(sentinel), and farruls fur is more than enough
Supaspork 님이 작성:
muztankz 님이 작성:
This build looks very fun a relaxing mapper, I will try it as a Power Charger Stacker.

So far my POB shows 34m DPS??? looks promising and maybe not that expansive!!!

Problem is Defenses :/ cast on death portal I guess.

doubt you have 34m dps on bosses, let alone mapping, what kinda pob you got?

im assuming you have something setup wrong if you have that much dps

I am doubtful myself.
Here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/AKuYuWMP
( There is a lot of room for improvements )

My issues:(I used a previous POB from a post here as a template)
1- there is a custom modification of 814% cast speed to simulate 15 procs/sec.
2- I doubt that tornados ( x60 ) will hit all a boss.
3- I can not find where 60x Twisters are coming from according to pob.
4- I should do a pob from scratch but I am not confident enough with this tech.

Please point out any error. I would really like to try this build!!
muztankz 님이 작성:
Supaspork 님이 작성:
muztankz 님이 작성:
This build looks very fun a relaxing mapper, I will try it as a Power Charger Stacker.

So far my POB shows 34m DPS??? looks promising and maybe not that expansive!!!

Problem is Defenses :/ cast on death portal I guess.

doubt you have 34m dps on bosses, let alone mapping, what kinda pob you got?

im assuming you have something setup wrong if you have that much dps

I am doubtful myself.
Here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/AKuYuWMP
( There is a lot of room for improvements )

My issues:(I used a previous POB from a post here as a template)
1- there is a custom modification of 814% cast speed to simulate 15 procs/sec.
2- I doubt that tornados ( x60 ) will hit all a boss.
3- I can not find where 60x Twisters are coming from according to pob.
4- I should do a pob from scratch but I am not confident enough with this tech.

Please point out any error. I would really like to try this build!!


1 - The cast speed increase is to simulate the twister proccing 15 times a second, as pob doesnt automatically attribute aspect of the avian swapping as the proc rate for twister.

2- the tornado's do Specifically target the nearest enemy, so its actually very likely they will all hit, unless the boss is moving.

3- the 60x twisters were originally there to calculate the poison dps correctly in the pob you used, it should realistically be 4 if you are doing it for the avg hit, rather than dot dps. (twister hits similar to ball lightning, around 4-5 times a second to the same target, were assuming the lower end at 4), so 4x 15 procs/second = ~60 hits/second

4- its ok :D

some notes about your pob
1) You aren't getting 15 procs a second without using a +2 support and like ~14% quality to gems with aspect of avian weapon or shield, you will only be able to get 10 procs a second, lowering ur dps effectively by 1/3

2) i dont think void battery's are the way to go, we need some sort of flat damage to spells to be viable i believe, as tornado has relatively low base damage D:

3) if you are still interested in going the power charge route, id definitely lean more towards assassin as the power charge benefits from that are alot better than occultist.

4) Here's the pretty much done pob that ill be using for Chieftain twister

on the low end, id say around ~15m sirus dps, high end is ~30m

let me know if u got any questions
Supaspork 님이 2022. 8. 18. 오전 9:35:47에 마지막으로 편집
Hey supaspork,Is chieftain the go to ascendancy now?
or is assasin still a good and viable route? Thanks.

Im really hoping getting the saqawals items wont be too much of a pain now with all the changes.

So hyped for tomorrow ! :D
Damspy1 님이 작성:
Hey supaspork,Is chieftain the go to ascendancy now?
or is assasin still a good and viable route? Thanks.

Im really hoping getting the saqawals items wont be too much of a pain now with all the changes.

So hyped for tomorrow ! :D

id definitely say chieftain, inquisitor has some great potential as well, but i haven't been able to make it better than chieftain, but very close

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