[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

did something different and use GV with immortal ambition for the overleech for an additional defensive layer. got really lucky with the nodes too, one's 35% chaos dmg with .2 chaos life leech and one's 28 phys with 0.2% dmg leech as life.
jordzkie05 님이 작성:

did something different and use GV with immortal ambition for the overleech for an additional defensive layer. got really lucky with the nodes too, one's 35% chaos dmg with .2 chaos life leech and one's 28 phys with 0.2% dmg leech as life.

Yeah, i see nearly all the chieftain variants using GV for that reason, luckily you got the nice nodes for it :D

I just personally, dont see the use unless you do get the really good nodes from it, as the watcher's eye alone, is all the sustain you really need, GV would really only help vs bossing, as if there is more than 1 mob ur hitting, ur healing back to full pretty much instantly from the watchers eye
Thank's for the Build. It's fun, but atm (charlvl. 77) I feel a bit squishy, since I cannot wear Kaom's Heart yet...

Nevermind - my question is this: How does "Touch of Cruelty" (from the cluster jewel) work? What's the chaos-Skill, that gives the chance to hinder? I thought, it would be the HoA (via the tornados), but a friend of mine says, that's not the case, because "Tornado" is not a chaos, but a physical spell.
Jack_ante_portas 님이 2020. 11. 4. 오전 9:50:56에 마지막으로 편집
HH works in this build ?

Hey, what's the lowest cooldown you can get with this build on Avian? I'm at 0.12s with my current gear and don't know how to lower it more. In your guide you mentioned .083 with phantasmal haste on while i'm at 0.12 with phantasmal haste. How do i reach that? Missing any gem or jewel?

Very fun to play and alot stronger than expected! I could clear all content without problems so far. Thanks for the guide.
Bac4rdi 님이 2020. 11. 4. 오전 11:20:33에 마지막으로 편집
angrytorres 님이 작성:
HH works in this build ?

HH works in any build :| I personally didnt care for it, just personal preference though.

Bac4rdi 님이 작성:

Hey, what's the lowest cooldown you can get with this build on Avian? I'm at 0.12s with my current gear and don't know how to lower it more. In your guide you mentioned .083 with phantasmal haste on while i'm at 0.12 with phantasmal haste. How do i reach that? Missing any gem or jewel?

Very fun to play and alot stronger than expected! I could clear all content without problems so far. Thanks for the guide.

The phantasmal haste doesnt affect tooltip numbers unfortunately, so you have to calculate it manually, so .12/1.44 is 0.08333 assuming you have the 44% quality on haste, move it up or down accordingly.

You Can get much lower, to .033 with aura effect, going aura stacker, but tons more expensive, for not a whole lot of benefit, as you lose a lot of damage doing this, unless you put multiple mirrors worth into it

Jack_ante_portas 님이 작성:
Thank's for the Build. It's fun, but atm (charlvl. 77) I feel a bit squishy, since I cannot wear Kaom's Heart yet...

Nevermind - my question is this: How does "Touch of Cruelty" (from the cluster jewel) work? What's the chaos-Skill, that gives the chance to hinder? I thought, it would be the HoA (via the tornados), but a friend of mine says, that's not the case, because "Tornado" is not a chaos, but a physical spell.

You know, now that you mention it, it had completely slipped my mind, that when i was using herald of agony, that was proccing the hinder for touch of cruelty, and since i swapped to haste, now im not getting it, because you are right, tornado isnt a chaos skill.

Simple fix is just to grab a jewel with hinder on spell hit to get it back again. somethin like this

For the first part about squishiness, unfortunately yeah, you kinda need that kaoms, you should be able to get it with just a strength belt, they arent normally that expensive. That and levels will help a lot with it
Bac4rdi 님이 작성:
Hey, what's the lowest cooldown you can get with this build on Avian? I'm at 0.12s with my current gear and don't know how to lower it more. In your guide you mentioned .083 with phantasmal haste on while i'm at 0.12 with phantasmal haste. How do i reach that? Missing any gem or jewel?

Very fun to play and alot stronger than expected! I could clear all content without problems so far. Thanks for the guide.

The phantasmal haste doesnt affect tooltip numbers unfortunately, so you have to calculate it manually, so .12/1.44 is 0.08333 assuming you have the 44% quality on haste, move it up or down accordingly.

You Can get much lower, to .033 with aura effect, going aura stacker, but tons more expensive, for not a whole lot of benefit, as you lose a lot of damage doing this, unless you put multiple mirrors worth into it

Thanks, so i'm already at the cap i wanted to reach!
I just switched from aura stacker, sick of op builds for now. Although this feels a bit op, too... i spent some currency tho
Bac4rdi 님이 2020. 11. 4. 오후 2:09:12에 마지막으로 편집
is this build good for farming delirium zana mod? can you please post a video about it?
Supaspork 님이 작성:

Jack_ante_portas 님이 작성:
Thank's for the Build. It's fun, but atm (charlvl. 77) I feel a bit squishy, since I cannot wear Kaom's Heart yet...

Nevermind - my question is this: How does "Touch of Cruelty" (from the cluster jewel) work? What's the chaos-Skill, that gives the chance to hinder? I thought, it would be the HoA (via the tornados), but a friend of mine says, that's not the case, because "Tornado" is not a chaos, but a physical spell.

You know, now that you mention it, it had completely slipped my mind, that when i was using herald of agony, that was proccing the hinder for touch of cruelty, and since i swapped to haste, now im not getting it, because you are right, tornado isnt a chaos skill.

Well - that was my question. My friend says: "No, the HoA does NOT procc the hinder. Because touch of cruelty says Chaos skills have 10% chance to Hinder Enemies on Hit and the hit comes from Tornados, not from HoA."
Are You sure about HoA proccing the hinder?

Simple fix is just to grab a jewel with hinder on spell hit to get it back again. somethin like this

Good idea. But then the same question again: Since this says "hinder on spell hit" the plus 10% to hinder from "touch of cruelty" will not procc (because Tornado is the skill that hits - and it is not a chaos skill...

For the first part about squishiness, unfortunately yeah, you kinda need that kaoms, you should be able to get it with just a strength belt, they arent normally that expensive. That and levels will help a lot with it

Yeah I know. You already mentioned the importance of Kaom's Heart in the first posting. At the moment (level 82) I still use a Zodiac Leather with 112 flat life and 15% increased life. Some resitances, ~ 1k evasion rating plus 6 more sockets for cwdt safety setup... It's okay, untill I get lucky with a good corruption on Kaom's and a well rolled stygian vise belt.

Thank you very much for the reply!
Jack_ante_portas 님이 작성:

Well - that was my question. My friend says: "No, the HoA does NOT procc the hinder. Because touch of cruelty says Chaos skills have 10% chance to Hinder Enemies on Hit and the hit comes from Tornados, not from HoA."
Are You sure about HoA proccing the hinder?

Pretty sure, and the HoA PET would trigger it, as it counts as its own hits.

Jack_ante_portas 님이 작성:

Good idea. But then the same question again: Since this says "hinder on spell hit" the plus 10% to hinder from "touch of cruelty" will not procc (because Tornado is the skill that hits - and it is not a chaos skill...

Right, in this case, the Chance to inflict hinder from the touch of cruelty would not apply, however, it states that Enemies Hindered by you, take 10% increased chaos dmg, doesnt state what source you used to apply hinder, such as the wither ability would count as well.

Jack_ante_portas 님이 작성:

Yeah I know. You already mentioned the importance of Kaom's Heart in the first posting. At the moment (level 82) I still use a Zodiac Leather with 112 flat life and 15% increased life. Some resitances, ~ 1k evasion rating plus 6 more sockets for cwdt safety setup... It's okay, untill I get lucky with a good corruption on Kaom's and a well rolled stygian vise belt.

Yeah, i just find that the damage is there regardless of the corruption, so the corruption isn't 100% needed, as you do enough without it, same with the belt's chaos damage, i would still equip the kaoms if you got a belt with enough str/life/resists, even if it isn't a stygian, especially if you are feeling squishy without it

Jack_ante_portas 님이 작성:

Thank you very much for the reply!

No problem!

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