[3.13] Hemz [CI] Carrion Me Daddy Golems with 83/88/84/100 resistances 10M DPS

сan someone say what kind of gear need animated guardian?
Lisann 님이 작성:
Yloss 님이 작성:
So, if i was to convert a lvl 70 witch and wanted to go CI (Golems) already, which gear should i mandatory have in order to start kicking ass in maps ?
What minimum budget should i have in order to hit true endgame without dying all the time ? ;)


The golem guide lists the budget gear, hemzo said he paid about 5ex for all of it, so 5-10ex to account for late league inflation.

lvl 70 ci is gonna feel weak though, idk if you can even get 300% aura effect at such low level, let alone reaching more than 3k es while doing so. Also Div determination and ailment immunity is such QoL..

You should do breachstones spam/rotas with your current build while leveling relevant gems, until 80 85 at least, it shouldn't take long at all.

Err ... i already respecced ... guess i'll try to make some level as pure summoner and see while i gather all the required gear/gems etc ;-P

SpearmintDK 님이 작성:
I played a bow bleed glad so far and the dmg. is insane, but look away for a second and you die...

Looking for something where I can watch TV while heist farming and only just started leveling this build. Before I sink a fortune into the build, how well does it do in end-game juiced heist maps?

Do you still get randomly oneshot or can you take a floating orb or two?

I'm not sure what a floating orb is, but it could take this.
Alexpix322 님이 작성:
сan someone say what kind of gear need animated guardian?

More details on the guide at the bottom Animate guardian tab
Turbo32 님이 작성:
Alexpix322 님이 작성:
сan someone say what kind of gear need animated guardian?

More details on the guide at the bottom Animate guardian tab

and hi not die?
Mine died twice....
Turbo32 님이 작성:
Nygie 님이 작성:
Enjoying the build so far, thank you!

Sorry if this was asked already but what gems do you guys recommend to be consumed by the Hungry Loop? I want to socket the Animate Guardian in it.

I would highly suggest feeding frenzy as one of them because this saves you one socket, but alternatively you will need to make him tankier with other gems cause he is most likely going to rambo more.

Thank you for the response!
Alexpix322 님이 작성:

and hi not die?
Mine died twice....

AG + feeding frenzy seems not the best choice if you have survivability problems for your AG.
A good option would also be a minion life support.
xjej#0064 님이 2020. 11. 14. 오후 5:09:35에 마지막으로 편집
Hey everyone,

Sorry i've been MIA...have been toying with a new build idea which I'm enjoying the theorycraft for.

To give you a bit of a sneakpeak I am able to facetank t19 100% delirious fully juiced maps with kosis and red beast beating on me and 100+ mobs all at the same time. I'm just trying to work on DPS as that's the only thing letting it down for me currently.

With regard to your AG, the only reason it will die is if you let it get out of range of your auras or you aren't using convocation enough. Convocation heals all minions 1.9% every time you use it. (I use it on cooldown)
It's a great way to get them out of a hairy situation.

Gear I run is:

-Curse on hit gloves with life % mod.
-Rare helm with chaos res and -9% to nearby enemies physical reduction.
-Rare chest with blinds nearby enemies, chaos resistance and open prefix to craft 10% of max life as extra ES.
-Boots either get him with +1 curse or ally movement speed aura depending on what you want (Do uber lab to get 2% of life regen if hit recently)

My gem choice for AG is:

Rare delve gloves with +2 to socketed minion gems (They have like 150es)
Anomalouos Minion Life + Anomalous Feeding Frenzy + Divergent Animated Guardian + Anomalous Carrion Golem/Raise Spectre (Depending on build variant)

My AG has like 130k life with the above...if talented right he will have a 26k energy shield too. So he will basically regen 10% of is life everytime he hits and you convocate which means he won't die)
The reason why your AG's die is not because of it having low life/low regen. It is due to having uncapped chaos resist.

for AG equips i would suggest

garb of the ephi
rare helm- with chaos resist >life and nearby take %phys damage
gloves- embalmer with vulnerability or any rare with vulne on hit+chaos resist, life
boots- victarios

once you get the AG with 75% chaos, you will find it more tanky than straight up juicing its HP or ES.

you don't really need a +1 curse boots especially if bosses are dying instantly or within 1-4 secs

I haven't played the current league, but here is my Pob https://pastebin.com/X1pbibGs

i have one with 24m per golem variant by replacing the belth with darkness enthroned but the feels on the torrents belt reclemation is much better.

with ALT gems, you should be able to do much more dps than I do.

xDeimondevilx#7945 님이 2020. 11. 14. 오후 7:22:25에 마지막으로 편집
xDeimondevilx 님이 작성:
The reason why your AG's die is not because of it having low life/low regen. It is due to having uncapped chaos resist.

for AG equips i would suggest

garb of the ephi
rare helm- with chaos resist >life and nearby take %phys damage
gloves- embalmer with vulnerability or any rare with vulne on hit+chaos resist, life
boots- victarios

once you get the AG with 75% chaos, you will find it more tanky than straight up juicing its HP or ES.

you don't really need a +1 curse boots especially if bosses are dying instantly or within 1-4 secs

I haven't played the current league, but here is my Pob https://pastebin.com/X1pbibGs

i have one with 24m per golem variant by replacing the belth with darkness enthroned but the feels on the torrents belt reclemation is much better.

with ALT gems, you should be able to do much more dps than I do.

I honestly think chaos resist isn't needed. I've never had mine die because I never leave it behind out of my auras. If you have enough hp with regen..it will not ide.

My ag currently has like 30% chaos res.

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