[3.13] UPDATING... BladeBlast/Bladefall MoM Scion | Tanky | 🌟Nuke bosses 20M+

Jaba01 님이 작성:
Are there any special things I can do? The build feels kinda weak without the levels and uniques, but I don't have any currency yet to get carcass jack and stuff. I struggle even doing white maps, single target is really bad and some white mobs oneshot me.

I'm having the same problem.

The main mechanic of the build seems to be exposing me to 1 shots:

1. Casting BF
2. Having the blades fall
3. Casting BB
4. Having the detonations kill everything

By the time I finish this process there are some mobs that can pop me before I can either hit 3 or 4. A lot of builds in videos look really really quick, but the blade fall and detonations are extremely slow for me. To be clear it seems like the blades fall in an order, and then are detonated in an order. Neither process happens all at once and this leaves me waiting around a lot for all the blades to fall and then for all of them to detonate
projectoffset 님이 2021. 4. 17. 오후 10:23:26에 마지막으로 편집
Jaba01 님이 2021. 4. 19. 오후 1:54:47에 마지막으로 편집
Is there anything I can do to automate this build some? some of the gems I just never use because I die before I put all the debuffs on...
So I'm just doing Arcane cloak -> BF -> BB.
So vigilant strike, sigil of power, conductivity & wave of conviction I basically never use as it's too much hassle to also cycle them in somewhere.
there is a very elegant solution to all the problems, the only thing you need to change is the title of this thread
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
samfisch3r 님이 작성:
Is there anything I can do to automate this build some? some of the gems I just never use because I die before I put all the debuffs on...
So I'm just doing Arcane cloak -> BF -> BB.
So vigilant strike, sigil of power, conductivity & wave of conviction I basically never use as it's too much hassle to also cycle them in somewhere.

Vigilant Strike jewel was nerfed hard and is definitely no longer worth using on this build. It provided good defense, but at the cost of really tedious and uncomfortable reapplication considering the build's slow attack speed and accuracy. I highly advise everyone to use a good general purpose jewel instead.

As for the BF->BB interaction, you need to start casting BB shortly after BF. You do not need to wait for the blades to fall, in fact you will lose loads of dps doing so. My rule of thumb was always: Take one step, cast BF, take one step cast BB, repeat ad infinitum.
Lemonfresh 님이 작성:

Vigilant Strike jewel was nerfed hard and is definitely no longer worth using on this build.

So true!
help 0 dps https://ru.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Yat0kun/characters

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