[3.13] UPDATING... BladeBlast/Bladefall MoM Scion | Tanky | 🌟Nuke bosses 20M+

Hello exiles,
This is my current build version with 100% avoid elemental ailment. Currently at level 96, and I have some comments on this build.
My PoB: https://pastebin.com/gmd8mNqX

First pros, the damage is quite good.
- Bossing:
+ 0-1s for any map boss.
+ Sirius A9 is like 10-20s for the last phase but you hardly can die from his "DIEEEE" or any other kinds of stuff. This makes your Sirus pretty much chillin' when you're about to hit the next level.
+ Maven boss is easy (you need to learn the mechanic).
* I didn't try The Feared by myself. But I go as a 3-mems party and the damage on bosses is quite well comparing to my friend's Bleeding Arrow. Hope it's not that "feared" when I go solo lol xD.
=> You 100% need Culling Strike for bossing. Get it on Gloves or put gem support on Bladefall.

- Mapping: is OK. Simulacrum and 100% delirium is doable but I rolled the map very carefully (no dodge unlucky, - flask charge gained, etc). I don't have xplody chest since I like the %mana as well as +life rather than some physical damage from xplode. (this could change later when I hit level 100). With %inc flask effect, everything is boosted so u have a variety of choices for flasks (bottle faith, wise oak, Atziri's promise, or any magic flask with +crit/cast/move speed mod). Choose your playstyle when mapping that satisfies you the most.

- Defensive layers: From this point, I have made a difference from other guys here with
100% avoid elemental ailment.
+ Pro: you don't have to use remove chill/freeze/shock/ign/ flask mod-> free up other mod or unique flasks for those I listed above. => more damage, more QoL.
+ Dodge 75%/69% (using Quartz Flask with 25% inc effect and nodes). Spell dodge can be improved later on crafted boots if you want.
+ Cons: it costs at least 5 points to get a 100% chance to avoid ailment at the beginning(and jew mod/imp mod, Elegant Form cluster mod, lucky to find a megalomaniac one) to maintain 100%. it's hard to start with but when it's done, you can feel the difference. When I complete my jew implicit mods with Avoid ailment, I can regret shock/ignite pts I spent in Crystal Skin cluster. (As in PoB)

I crafted my scepter, ring(maximize mana but unfinished, need a conductivity curse), belt, gloves (not as lucky as @larsahh_ to have blind mod).
Most gears are following @larsahh_.
Total cost ~100ex.
Personally, I think those are the most effective-in-slot mods you can get out of the build.

* Some improvement on gear will be the xplody chest, rare helm, boots, and get %mana for all cobalt jew to boost the damage to 100M Sirus (40 blades).
ttay265 님이 2021. 2. 25. 오전 12:06:24에 마지막으로 편집
how do you go about getting power charges like it says in pob/your videos?

LokaiKGB 님이 작성:
how do you go about getting power charges like it says in pob/your videos?

LokaiKGB 님이 작성:
how do you go about getting power charges like it says in pob/your videos?

Liquid Inspiration and Assassin's mark both give power charges, it's not 100% reliable on single target, but for mapping it works very well!

Otherways you can always use

and have 100% uptime on PC/Frenzies/Endurace charges!

Hello. I need help. survivability is not too good and little offense. what can i change in the first place? my first scion. what do you think about this vortex blow weapon? help!
https://pastebin.com/rC7CqsN2 - POB for the Booger Bomber

The Booger Bomber is good to go. Level 96 and finally ready to finally 'play the game'. I've taken down nearly all content and bosses at A8/A9 except Maven, Atziri, and one more (I forget the name) in the last invitation of the uncharted realm. Once I farm up the fragments I'll give it a go.

Two things I would recommend changing vs OP:
1. Replace the crit gem with awakened lightning penetration
2. Add the Deodre's flask (instead of the Atziri's promise) for the extra charges

Those two things added about 30% more damage to my build and made me more tanky. Someone on about page 12-13 mentioned those I think, and I agree 100%.

Right now I'm at about 1.2m Sirus DPS per blade. With the +24% AoE for blade blast in the hat, I'm hitting with 7-8 blades on each boss (vs 6 with the original POB), so each volley is between 8.6m - 9.9m. Nothing lasts longer than about 1-2 seconds unless it has phases.

The cool part is there is a TON of room left in this build. My weapons are crap, my belt is crap, and I have 4 more levels to go. I've seen one guy get 6x my DPS...just depends on how much time and Ex you want to spend.

Thanks to OP for the original POB. Looking forward to more builds.
Zwirek85 님이 작성:

Hello. I need help. survivability is not too good and little offense. what can i change in the first place? my first scion. what do you think about this vortex blow weapon? help!

Couldn't copy your link to pob. But I posted couple good general tips on page 13 how to make it tankier. It all comes down to constantly upgrading your gear. You could try out Cloak of Defiance to see how it feels with higher mana pool which will icnrease your ehp aswel!
Other than that, doedre's flask is great budget flask to have 100% uptime on all 3 charges, no matter the boss fight! My cluster's werent even that heavily focused on flask charges etc but I could still have it 100% up. (I did replace my doedres recently though, just for dps purposes)
Get bigger mana pool, gradually work on your life pool, because they both add up. Arcane Cloak on left click with icnreased duration and second wind helps. Drop Sigil of Power whenever you going to be stationary or around area for more than couple seconds, like rituals, bossfights etc.
Make sure you have 100% stun avoidance, flask craft + 2 points on tree (or save 2 points on tree for another jewel slot once you have 3x 10% stun avoidance on jewels)

I personally went for the route with trying to craft a very endgame focused rare piece for every unique item we start with in the build, and so far worked out very well. Also since we are playing Scion and crafting insane jewels is somewhat doable this league with all the crafting options, I opted to take advantage of scion jewel slots, having 6 jewel slots for 13 passive points is insane, for the value you get out of it if every jewel is 4 stated!
Which all resulted insane dps (400m+ a9 sirus dps if all 40 blade would hit the target) but also gave me very nice life/mana pools of ~4400/9200 (bit less unreserved due to also running clarity) Can also easily outregen righteous fire and blood rage for the extra %dmg multiplier and since I dropped doedre's I decided to rely on blood rage for frenzy charges, and it does work very well, even vs Sirus, Maven etc!
I have to say this build has insane scaling values once you have very endgame focused gear and it all adds up! My most powerful char I ever played!

Still got couple more ideas to further improve some items and overall dmg!
fork https://pastebin.com/A6hD5DMj
normal pob https://pastebin.com/NFM7Kca5

now works pob:)

I saw you on poeninja. It's hard to grasp such equipment :) I see potential in this build but something is not right for me.

heres my character, any idea what im missing when it comes to mana regen? looking at your videos it seems yours is quite a larger than mine

edit: I also notice your mana sometimes instantly restores, what would be the source of that as well?
LokaiKGB 님이 2021. 3. 1. 오후 7:02:28에 마지막으로 편집
back with my 3rd installment :) pob: https://pastebin.com/y1aSGM24

just reached lvl 98 - completed my first ever A9 sirus and it was deathless.

pushing 71m dps in pob - i think i can hit lvl 100 soon - survivability with some tweaks did the job. I still have space to improve my explodey chest thru harvest craft - equipment wise im not too sure what else to get.

followed lots of advice from this thread + had lots of inspiration from larsah and the absolute chads here!!

a few tips:

1) unnatural instinct extension is really great for ur last few levels

2) annoint prodigal perfection is impt too! frees up an extra point (for me) but i still enjoyed the boost of the mystic bulwark nodes

a few questions:

1) just managed to get a trio seal mender, arcane heroism and sap psyche large cluster - should i even bother to equip it at this stage? practiced caster seems to give alot more dps on pob but im a noob pleb so do advise me..

2) should i upgrade to awakened unleash?

3) should i change my large cluster into a lightning dmg one like how some one poe.ninja did? whats the rationale? i tried out on pob and swapped in a cluster of scintiliating idea, storm drinker and widespread destruction - my dps dropped abt 2m but increased mana pool by about 200 - so why do ppl do this o_O

3) bossing and all content is good for me, i clear a little slow tho, but the explodey chest helps alot.. shld i increase the aoe of bladeblast?>

4) also looking for space to add a culling strike somewhere.. hmm

5) if you look at my tree, because i removed the nodes from the templar ascendency, kinda feels like a waste that i started there - any way to change that? or branch out better for passive tree?
Adrien7 님이 2021. 3. 7. 오후 12:22:48에 마지막으로 편집

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