[3.13] UPDATING... BladeBlast/Bladefall MoM Scion | Tanky | 🌟Nuke bosses 20M+


hello brothers and sisters,

can you help me please with some ideas in case i need some improvements on my build?

in this moment im crafting my gloves
I don't know how can I reach better mana sustain. Even shaper belt with double mana recovery doesn't rise the numbers high enough in pob.
Currently I'm almost always on low mana in rituals etc. Replenishing shrine effect feels awesome, if only this was my permanent mana regen.

Did I miss something? How can I solve this issue?


The gear still needs some harvest crafting but even at current state it does it's job well enough except mana sustain
My Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SystemNick
Sorry for double post!
larsahh_ 님이 2021. 2. 10. 오전 11:32:17에 마지막으로 편집
_SystemNick_ 님이 작성:
I don't know how can I reach better mana sustain. Even shaper belt with double mana recovery doesn't rise the numbers high enough in pob.
Currently I'm almost always on low mana in rituals etc. Replenishing shrine effect feels awesome, if only this was my permanent mana regen.

Did I miss something? How can I solve this issue?


The gear still needs some harvest crafting but even at current state it does it's job well enough except mana sustain

I pointed out several times in this thread and I will do again.

"Mana Recovery Rate" It's not as the same as flask mana recovery rate. You can get this stat from 3 sources, body armour (redeemer mod) Belt (Shaper/Redeemer) and Watchers eye (Mana Recovery rate while affected by Clarity) Look at it like how "More" multiplier works for damage, more is always better than increased!

It's simply a straight Multiplier of Mana Recovery from all your sources, no matter if it's mana regeneration rate, mana per second, mana gained from flasks/mana on kill etc. It amplifies everything - that's why it's imo so strong!
People often underlook how strong it can be (The nerf to Watcher Eye mod was very reasonable couple leagues ago, considering how strong this stat is when you stack alot of it!)

I wanted to craft an even better chestpiece! It turned out way more expensive than I was expecting ~120 ex (Had terrible rng with Maven's orbs and explody part - took8), but very happy how it turned out in the end!
larsahh_ 님이 2021. 2. 10. 오후 7:16:21에 마지막으로 편집
mama mia, masterpiece
ReseTwinneR 님이 2021. 2. 10. 오후 8:04:53에 마지막으로 편집
interesting, how do u get transfiguration of mind as a craft?

nm i see it, maven mod
The Rich Get Richer, the Po Stay Po.
macsdf1 님이 2021. 2. 11. 오전 4:03:53에 마지막으로 편집

i played the mom bl miner for some time this league and liked it quite a bit. After trying some other builds i want to go back to scion now.
I think i want to try this instead of the mining gameplay.
Have a budget of around 130ex. Can anyone help out with a priority list on what to buy or maybe craft (and how?) and what cost i should expext?
Help very much appreciated.

so far I love this build; went to 83 in a couple days
up to ~60 it's a bit painful but after that it's pretty fun!

One thing: I still keep DECOY at the ready as it helps group mobs and takes a lot of pressure off in the right circumstances.

I think I have total of about 10ex invested at most

How does this build deal with normal bleeding without a staunching flask?

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