[3.??] juju's exBest CoC'k Ice Nova Build ||| CI / GB / Max Block ||| exGOD TIER BUILD...!!!

kwix67 님이 작성:
My plan was to put it where I have my militant faith, then slide my militant faith down to the bottom jewel and swap the major for one on the faith. I think that's where the OP had the unnatural in his pob

Unnatural instinct goes at the bottom next to harrier (+9 movement speed and +30% accuracy). Your militant faith is where it needs to be for max devotion.

To be honest, you don't really need unnatural instinct unless you *really* needs more accuracy. I bought mine because it was only 4ex and double corrupted <3

Watcher's eye with "energy gained per each enemy hit" is a huge upgrade, Get it now.
Is it really that much of an upgrade for es on hit? Currently I feel like my deaths are mostly to one shots where I don't know how much that will help with, I basically only have enough for that mod and no extra precision or hatred, I figured I'd get more dps and general survivability from unnatural instinct.

Edit: also putting the jewel where you said would gain me enough extra dex so I could probably change my annoint to tranquility

Edit2: I just looked at your character, didn't realize UI was only a small radius I guess that makes sense so it probably wouldn't be as much extra as I was thinking
kwix67 님이 2021. 8. 24. 오전 10:50:55에 마지막으로 편집
Ghost Reaver has been good enough for me without ES on hit Watcher's Eye. I sacrificed that for 16% spell block (with Glancing Blows), and I haven't seen issues with my leech.
Es on block won't save you from one shot (mostly bosses or rares on steroids), but will help a lot against pack of monsters. Each time i block, i recover 325 ES.

Yeah I have the es on block, I was referring to the es on hit from the watcher's eye, leaning towards that next right now though since finding out about the UI radius, cheapest of the watcher's eye are 11ex right now though, guess I need to just bite it and buy one if UI isn't going to help my dps that much
iisanoob 님이 작성:
juju666 님이 작성:
Has anyone tested CI/MB version of guide? So far seen only life and LL versions. Been playing HCssf this league so havent gotten into this :D

EDIT: i know its already super early to ask this for league. Hope to see some block ones in few weeks ^^

Here's mine for this league:


Sirus A8 (bad player, tanked a Die beam and survived)

Maven: (died a few times. Bad player, not a bad build)

Also, what is your "#% to block spell damage"? If I don't have the 12% on my shield, (I am trying to get a recover on block shield), my spell block chance is like 35% (without the 2 shield nodes, since I'm lv 92, would be around 42% with that, but still low). Is it more important to prioritize the recover on block? Or is there another source of spell block #%?
Also, what is your "#% to block spell damage"? If I don't have the 12% on my shield, (I am trying to get a recover on block shield), my spell block chance is like 35% (without the 2 shield nodes, since I'm lv 92, would be around 42% with that, but still low). Is it more important to prioritize the recover on block? Or is there another source of spell block #%?

I'm at 75% attack / 72% spell damage right now. No one seems to be selling the spell block shield with decent ES, so I've given up on that and relied on Watcher's Eye + the two nodes near Arcane Guarding and the wheel around Glacing Blows. + Mystic Bulwark and you should have 36% based spell block, * 2 = 72

If I got a 10+% chance to block shield, I would remove the two left nodes from Arcane Guarding, spec into the right side, then make my way down to Foresight for more ES.
iisanoob 님이 2021. 8. 25. 오후 1:56:54에 마지막으로 편집
Upgraded a few things (basically helmet)

PoB says 10.09 attack speed. Got lucky and bought the helm without the enchant for 10ex, annulled off mana and crafted the 74%. Enchant cost was 4ex from lab runner.

Sacrificed ES on boots for freeze immunity.

iisanoob 님이 2021. 8. 27. 오전 1:28:02에 마지막으로 편집
Final gear :
and a cospri with "40% reduced attributes requirement" which helped a lot for DEX.

7700 ES.
Hello Guys :-) After a quick break from poe i like to play smt besides fr totems. Last time i played coc ice nova was in Ritual league so i want to try this again :D What u guys think is the minimum Budget required to kill Sirus AL8, uElder etc? TY <3
Anena 님이 2021. 8. 30. 오후 1:22:55에 마지막으로 편집

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